Individual 1 has pushed the limit and relied on a favorable court decision his entire life (and lost). There is the argument that a pardon of Flynn could be challenged because of his guilty plea and he has information that could incriminate Individual 1, making it illegal. That's risky for Individual 1 because a pardon would remove Flynn's 5th Amendment right to self incrimination if he's called on to testify. The blanket pardon would surely go to the Supremes and, In my view, would be shot down. Think of it. If he gave himself a blanket pardon, it would mean he's above the law, which has recently been decided that no one is, even the president. It would mean he could commit crimes for the rest of his life, without consequences. Absurd. Right, a presidential pardon only applies to Federal crimes, there are many State and civil cases against him pending. Still, I wouldn't put it past him to try. What would he have to lose?