What has Trump done to this country?

Donald has roots in the PNW too, his gradday was a draft dodging pimp who ran a whore house there, unfortunately he escaped the attention of the mountie's while in Canada. Psychopathy, the gift that keeps on giving through the generations, kinda makes ya want to consider a eugenics solution at least! Castration at a minimum should at least be considered...

Scroll ahead 1:30 the first part is an embedded ad.
Coming to America: The Life of Frederick Trump

yup Germany threw him out for draft dodging they refused to allow him to re-establish his citizenship and had to return to america.
he basically said nothing.

he's sort of right in a general sense. But he's not right about what's going on in Portland right now.

Trump is deliberately trying to provoke an undisciplined reaction from the people of Portland to his unlawful actions. Antifa movement is more than a decade old in Portland and during that time they've learned what works and what doesn't. What you'll see this weekend is civil disobedience, a few broken windows and a lot of tear gas. A few people will be hurt really bad because that's what cops today do. Maybe a cop will take a brick to the face because we have some idiots in the crowd. In some instances recently, white supremacists looking to smear antifa has initiated the violence. It's chaotic. It will be rough but when the Fed goons move in to escalate the violence, Portlanders will fade away and not openly confront the police. They will re-form the crowd and start all over again. The intent is to exhaust the police, not fight them. To be like water.

Meanwhile our mayor, governor and national representatives will use legal means to prosecute the feds for their unlawful actions. Also, local legislation to defund the police has picked up support.
Trump tells supporters that telephone rallies will replace large, in-person events until the “Covid-19 problem” is solved

Speaking during what was described as his first "Tele-Rally," President Donald Trump acknowledged to supporters in Wisconsin that the telephonic town hall will be replacing his large, in-person campaign rallies.

"I wanted to be with you, and this is really replacing our rallies that we all love so much, we had great rallies in Wisconsin and all over the country, and unfortunately until this gets solved, and we're doing really well with the therapeutics and vaccines, but until that gets solved it's going to be tough to have those big massive rallies, so I'm doing telephonic rallies, and we'll call them the Trump Rallies, but we'll do it by telephone and we have a lot of people on the line and I appreciate it," Trump told supporters on the line.
he basically said nothing.
He told you where to find the US army field manual on the topic and explained it in his last video. This has been studied before, the story about Ireland was used as an example in it. How do you think citizens felt when they saw people being snatched off the streets? How did you feel? Me next? It was a fundamental error caused by employing untrained people ad hoc with no real plan on the whim of a moron. The movement will grow dramatically, twice as many people are in the streets and the numbers will grow, along with the harassment of federal forces. What did the Boston massacre lead too? John Adams (former president) was the British soldiers lawyer and got them off.
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For what? He hasn't been convicted of any crime, yet. He can't give a blanket pardon for any and all future convictions.
He might, not sure about that, or if it will hold up, none of this stuff has been tested against the constitution by the courts, no need, until Trump. A president can offer blanket pardons, like Carter did for Vietnam draft dodgers and in theory, Trump could empty the prisons of all the murders, rapist and psychos with a blanket pardon. A president can also revoke a pardon, it is a power of the office, not of the person. Can a future president revoke the pardons of a predecessor? The SCOTUS might like this argument because it will take care of improper pardons without altering the constitution. Pardons traditionally go through an elaborate process, this was not followed with Trump and is unique. It would be the only way to prevent someone like Trump from emptying the prisons in revenge for getting an ass whooping in November. I believe a losing GOP governor recently almost did that on a state level.
For what? He hasn't been convicted of any crime, yet. He can't give a blanket pardon for any and all future convictions.
If say Joe revoked some of Trump's pardons and say there there was also a majority vote in the house and a super majority in the senate supporting it, would it make new law, would the SCOTUS support it as constitutional? There are very good arguments to be made about it's utility as a check on abuse of power and in support of justice. It takes care of the problem within the confines of the constitution too, it's a presidential power, not a personal one.
Individual 1 has pushed the limit and relied on a favorable court decision his entire life (and lost). There is the argument that a pardon of Flynn could be challenged because of his guilty plea and he has information that could incriminate Individual 1, making it illegal. That's risky for Individual 1 because a pardon would remove Flynn's 5th Amendment right to self incrimination if he's called on to testify. The blanket pardon would surely go to the Supremes and, In my view, would be shot down. Think of it. If he gave himself a blanket pardon, it would mean he's above the law, which has recently been decided that no one is, even the president. It would mean he could commit crimes for the rest of his life, without consequences. Absurd. Right, a presidential pardon only applies to Federal crimes, there are many State and civil cases against him pending. Still, I wouldn't put it past him to try. What would he have to lose?
Individual 1 has pushed the limit and relied on a favorable court decision his entire life (and lost). There is the argument that a pardon of Flynn could be challenged because of his guilty plea and he has information that could incriminate Individual 1, making it illegal. That's risky for Individual 1 because a pardon would remove Flynn's 5th Amendment right to self incrimination if he's called on to testify. The blanket pardon would surely go to the Supremes and, In my view, would be shot down. Think of it. If he gave himself a blanket pardon, it would mean he's above the law, which has recently been decided that no one is, even the president. It would mean he could commit crimes for the rest of his life, without consequences. Absurd. Right, a presidential pardon only applies to Federal crimes, there are many State and civil cases against him pending. Still, I wouldn't put it past him to try. What would he have to lose?
His best bet would be to pardon Pence (provided he dirtied him up enough) resign and have Pence Pardon him, it's the only way out for Donald, all the experts say he can't pardon himself. Donald should be on Pence right now like stink on shit to cut a "deal" or soon will be, it's his only way out and they might even give it to him provided he leaves right away, though Pence would talk it over with Joe I figure. Joe could put an end to that bullshit with a phone call to Pence, they are all looking for a way out at this point, Donald most of all, anything goes too, no matter how stupid.
Individual 1 has pushed the limit and relied on a favorable court decision his entire life (and lost). There is the argument that a pardon of Flynn could be challenged because of his guilty plea and he has information that could incriminate Individual 1, making it illegal. That's risky for Individual 1 because a pardon would remove Flynn's 5th Amendment right to self incrimination if he's called on to testify. The blanket pardon would surely go to the Supremes and, In my view, would be shot down. Think of it. If he gave himself a blanket pardon, it would mean he's above the law, which has recently been decided that no one is, even the president. It would mean he could commit crimes for the rest of his life, without consequences. Absurd. Right, a presidential pardon only applies to Federal crimes, there are many State and civil cases against him pending. Still, I wouldn't put it past him to try. What would he have to lose?
A pardon is an admission of guilt though and Pence taking the oath could be problematic.
His best bet would be to pardon Pence (provided he dirtied him up enough) resign and have Pence Pardon him, it's the only way out for Donald, all the experts say he can't pardon himself. Donald should be on Pence right now like stink on shit to cut a "deal" or soon will be, it's his only way out and they might even give it to him provided he leaves right away, though Pence would talk it over with Joe I figure. Joe could put an end to that bullshit with a phone call to Pence, they are all looking for a way out at this point, Donald most of all, anything goes too, no matter how stupid.
Awe Jeez. Again, pardon Pence for what crime? Skip it, I'm out.