What has Trump done to this country?

1. Everyone has the right to express their opinion and then walk away. Instead of sticking around and smashing their face against a brick wall (your immobile opinion)

2. My opinion of trump is as follows. He is a traitor. He should suffer a traitors fate. Where I come from, thats not voting the next sock puppet leader in after him and having faith that they have your best interests at heart.

3. The main difference between us seems to be that I am a pessimist and you are an optimist. I have no faith in any leader at this time. No faith in any system at this time and no faith especially in a group of aristocratic circle jerking millionaires who ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. But I am sure the next leader will be different.

4. "Commerce with all nations, alliance with none." Thomas Jefferson.

But hey today is a differnt world right? His old world opinion is meaningless right? we are all friends here and love each other and no one is fucking us in the ass and stripping our freedom. I am sure everything will work out and that we will be able to come together and solve all our global problems.

5. I am done beating a dead horse. Good day and good luck with your country.

more like selective hearing but still, naive.
Here is another very articulate guy, Al used to be kinda chubby, but lives with iron like self discipline these days, dunno what happened to him, maybe health issues. Here he sums up voter fraud in America.
Memo to Trump: 'You Resist Voting Reforms At Every Turn' | MSNBC
Putin installed tRUmp by changing vote totals in 2016 and plans on doing it again, only hope for this time is that the totals are so overwhelming that they won't risk it along with mail in.
Putin installed tRUmp by changing vote totals in 2016 and plans on doing it again, only hope for this time is that the totals are so overwhelming that they won't risk it along with mail in.
Trump might order all the Russian mail canceling stamps be removed from the post office so they don't know where the ballot came from! Naw, not smart enough, Donald can't steal this one, it's lose or civil war, he doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell, most won't vote for him, much less cheat for him and risk prison. Kemp in Georgia and a few other spots, but it will be like a fart in the wind and there will be a tornado blowing in nov.

All the experts aren't shy anymore, there is a consensus, it's baked in, Donald is done and the GOP are in trouble in Dixie. The silent majority are pretty vocal and hate Donald's guts, going after their kids with school reopenings was the last straw for many. Secret federal police snatching people off the streets will cost him bigly at the polls, folks say to themselves, me next?
One of those not so silent majority, he barely squeaked by in 2016 and they cheated as much as they could then too. Not so many will be as eager to cheat for Donald this time around and there is a laser like focus on the cops, the usual suspects in many incidents of voter suppression. He has lost millions of voters since 2016, here is a typical example of someone who won't be fooled again.

Real people, real opinions.
Listen as this former Trump supporter delivers an emotional plea to Republicans to vote for Biden
i wonder what this thread is going to look like in november when trump wins. just saying, not a fan of either trump or biden but at this point it looks like trump is set for a 2020 november win. all the people upset with his policies/actions seem to be the same ones who would be upset with him regardless.

if the above is true then the real nail in the coffin was the democrat party itself. alot of long time democrats feel alienated by the party (identity politics is great for marketing, but in an actual democratic vote the moderate element is often pushed the other direction by the fringe). not that all republicans support trump but the choice comes down to a president who at worst will tweet some stupid shit or choosing a representative (and biden was the best they could come up with?) from a now "radical" party.

im using anecdotal evidence on this, but i have heard alot of old school democrats or liberals say "man, i cant believe where my party is headed" and on the flip side i havent heard any long time right wingers complain about trump outside of the lincoln project ads (and those are ex mccain gang, so they are pariahs anyhow as far as GOP circles are concerned)

im not clairvoyant so i could be wrong but im seeing a repeat of 2016 here. media and the left confident in their win; if they ran bernie they might have won (both 2016 and 2020).
i wonder what this thread is going to look like in november when trump wins. just saying, not a fan of either trump or biden but at this point it looks like trump is set for a 2020 november win. all the people upset with his policies/actions seem to be the same ones who would be upset with him regardless.

if the above is true then the real nail in the coffin was the democrat party itself. alot of long time democrats feel alienated by the party (identity politics is great for marketing, but in an actual democratic vote the moderate element is often pushed the other direction by the fringe). not that all republicans support trump but the choice comes down to a president who at worst will tweet some stupid shit or choosing a representative (and biden was the best they could come up with?) from a now "radical" party.

im using anecdotal evidence on this, but i have heard alot of old school democrats or liberals say "man, i cant believe where my party is headed" and on the flip side i havent heard any long time right wingers complain about trump outside of the lincoln project ads (and those are ex mccain gang, so they are pariahs anyhow as far as GOP circles are concerned)

im not clairvoyant so i could be wrong but im seeing a repeat of 2016 here. media and the left confident in their win; if they ran bernie they might have won (both 2016 and 2020).
Here is yer typical hard core conservative, someone not driven completely nuts by racism, a conditioned response that makes people stupid by shutting down whole sections of their brain.
i wonder what this thread is going to look like in november when trump wins. just saying, not a fan of either trump or biden but at this point it looks like trump is set for a 2020 november win. all the people upset with his policies/actions seem to be the same ones who would be upset with him regardless.

if the above is true then the real nail in the coffin was the democrat party itself. alot of long time democrats feel alienated by the party (identity politics is great for marketing, but in an actual democratic vote the moderate element is often pushed the other direction by the fringe). not that all republicans support trump but the choice comes down to a president who at worst will tweet some stupid shit or choosing a representative (and biden was the best they could come up with?) from a now "radical" party.

im using anecdotal evidence on this, but i have heard alot of old school democrats or liberals say "man, i cant believe where my party is headed" and on the flip side i havent heard any long time right wingers complain about trump outside of the lincoln project ads (and those are ex mccain gang, so they are pariahs anyhow as far as GOP circles are concerned)

im not clairvoyant so i could be wrong but im seeing a repeat of 2016 here. media and the left confident in their win; if they ran bernie they might have won (both 2016 and 2020).
Have a look at this, the host is a former republican and Bush WH official, it's real journalism, that is what she was trained in, a profession with standards and practices.

What do you think about Trump's management of the covid crises? Watch before you answer.
Do you think a good POTUS could have defeated this problem and did at least as well as the rest of the world?
Trump Turns To A Strategy Of Covering Up Vital Information About Coronavirus | Deadline | MSNBC

Here is yer typical hard core conservative, someone not driven completely nuts by racism, a conditioned response that makes people stupid by shutting down whole sections of their brain.
that ad campaign is run by bill kristol, he is a neocon/statist that supported bush and mccain.

you are basically showing people who never liked trump and their opinions of him paid for by a PAC. i wouldnt say it is indicative of what the silent majority will do in november. again, im not clairvoyant and have no way of telling the future but to say the above is reflective of the typical conservative aint based in reality
i wonder what this thread is going to look like in november when trump wins. just saying, not a fan of either trump or biden but at this point it looks like trump is set for a 2020 november win.
Im curious where you see the evidence of this from?
all the people upset with his policies/actions seem to be the same ones who would be upset with him regardless.
The flip side of that is the people who are in his cult haven't cared about anything he has done. Nobody is saying his base is not rock solid, just that the disinformation and propaganda massive attack to cause voter suppression at just enough of a level that Trump was able to get the 80k votes he needed to overcome the 2million more votes Clinton had.

Biden is not able to get trolled and evoke the same 'feelings' as the decades of trolling of Clinton caused her.

if the above is true then the real nail in the coffin was the democrat party itself. alot of long time democrats feel alienated by the party (identity politics is great for marketing, but in an actual democratic vote the moderate element is often pushed the other direction by the fringe). not that all republicans support trump but the choice comes down to a president who at worst will tweet some stupid shit or choosing a representative (and biden was the best they could come up with?) from a now "radical" party.
This actually makes no sense at all. Maybe you could reexplain this part?

im using anecdotal evidence on this, but i have heard alot of old school democrats or liberals say "man, i cant believe where my party is headed" and on the flip side i havent heard any long time right wingers complain about trump outside of the lincoln project ads (and those are ex mccain gang, so they are pariahs anyhow as far as GOP circles are concerned)
Like in real life you have heard this? Or on news/online kind of thing?

im not clairvoyant so i could be wrong but im seeing a repeat of 2016 here. media and the left confident in their win; if they ran bernie they might have won (both 2016 and 2020).
Are you an American, and if so do you understand the attack our citizens are currently under by the Russian military? Because it is important that it is understood by every American (and any other democracies citizens), because it is impacting us all.
i wonder what this thread is going to look like in november when trump wins. just saying, not a fan of either trump or biden but at this point it looks like trump is set for a 2020 november win. all the people upset with his policies/actions seem to be the same ones who would be upset with him regardless.

if the above is true then the real nail in the coffin was the democrat party itself. alot of long time democrats feel alienated by the party (identity politics is great for marketing, but in an actual democratic vote the moderate element is often pushed the other direction by the fringe). not that all republicans support trump but the choice comes down to a president who at worst will tweet some stupid shit or choosing a representative (and biden was the best they could come up with?) from a now "radical" party.

im using anecdotal evidence on this, but i have heard alot of old school democrats or liberals say "man, i cant believe where my party is headed" and on the flip side i havent heard any long time right wingers complain about trump outside of the lincoln project ads (and those are ex mccain gang, so they are pariahs anyhow as far as GOP circles are concerned)

im not clairvoyant so i could be wrong but im seeing a repeat of 2016 here. media and the left confident in their win; if they ran bernie they might have won (both 2016 and 2020).
”I don’t like trump but”

Shut the fuck up
that ad campaign is run by bill kristol, he is a neocon/statist that supported bush and mccain.

you are basically showing people who never liked trump and their opinions of him paid for by a PAC. i wouldnt say it is indicative of what the silent majority will do in november. again, im not clairvoyant and have no way of telling the future but to say the above is reflective of the typical conservative aint based in reality
lol @ silent majority

You mean the 35% of Americans who won’t stop shouting hysterically whenever someone says happy holidays?
Im curious where you see the evidence of this from?

The flip side of that is the people who are in his cult haven't cared about anything he has done. Nobody is saying his base is not rock solid, just that the disinformation and propaganda massive attack to cause voter suppression at just enough of a level that Trump was able to get the 80k votes he needed to overcome the 2million more votes Clinton had.

Biden is not able to get trolled and evoke the same 'feelings' as the decades of trolling of Clinton caused her.

This actually makes no sense at all. Maybe you could reexplain this part?

Like in real life you have heard this? Or on news/online kind of thing?

Are you an American, and if so do you understand the attack our citizens are currently under by the Russian military? Because it is important that it is understood by every American (and any other democracies citizens), because it is impacting us all.
-no concrete evidence, calling it how i see it

-maybe, but cult of personality or not to many people they have to choose between trump and biden. i dont think voter suppression is the issue here, fact is trump won 2016 because the dems ran clinton (evil incarnate) and snubbed bernie who might have won. this year, 2020, they snub bernie again and run biden who is in many ways just as undesirable as clinton being a career politician and his run ins with sex assault scandals.

-sure, many long time centrist and democrats who may have held their nose and voted for trump/clinton in 2016 will do so again or recuse themselves altogether. this could be true for trump to with GOP support but considering he has basically stayed the same since 2016 i dont see hiw support wavering versus a party who twice snubbed bernie and caters to fringe elements like BLM (that shit is scary to alot of moderates). i could be wrong of course, i cant see the future

-mostly anecdotal on my end, but yes, i know of several people i would label as moderate who feel this way

-i am american, and ohh no the russian thing. its overplayed at this point and the only ones who give russian myth any credence are known left wing groups such as msnbc. let me understand, the russians use social media to influence the gullible and stupids opinion? how is that different from......any other group foreign or domestic? do the chinese not engage in disinformation campaigns? what about the GOP and the democrats? big tech like facebook surely wouldnt promote or hide or censor opinion to push an agenda would they? how about NGOs, they wouldnt lie or create fake news. or how about the news itself? i dont understand the russian election meddling charge, like did they hack voting machines? did agents of the kgb drive a group of elderly voters to the desert so they would miss voting? did they convince everyone that election day was november 5th? seriously, what did the russians specifically do other than engage in what every other group out there is doing? as an individual in a democratic republic, before i vote i tend to learn as much as i can from varying sources before i throw my support behind anything......and thats why i am a political nihilist (i am not republican or democrat)
-no concrete evidence, calling it how i see it

-maybe, but cult of personality or not to many people they have to choose between trump and biden. i dont think voter suppression is the issue here, fact is trump won 2016 because the dems ran clinton (evil incarnate) and snubbed bernie who might have won. this year, 2020, they snub bernie again and run biden who is in many ways just as undesirable as clinton being a career politician and his run ins with sex assault scandals.

-sure, many long time centrist and democrats who may have held their nose and voted for trump/clinton in 2016 will do so again or recuse themselves altogether. this could be true for trump to with GOP support but considering he has basically stayed the same since 2016 i dont see hiw support wavering versus a party who twice snubbed bernie and caters to fringe elements like BLM (that shit is scary to alot of moderates). i could be wrong of course, i cant see the future

-mostly anecdotal on my end, but yes, i know of several people i would label as moderate who feel this way

I think all of the above can be cleared up with the last part. Unfortunately it would appear that you have been slammed with the propaganda (because a lot of it was designed to trick people into thinking the exact way you described above), that you below are at the same time saying is 'overplayed'.

-i am american, and ohh no the russian thing. its overplayed at this point and the only ones who give russian myth any credence are known left wing groups such as msnbc. let me understand, the russians use social media to influence the gullible and stupids opinion? how is that different from......any other group foreign or domestic? do the chinese not engage in disinformation campaigns?
As far as China goes, it is tough because we have a actual military attacking us right now that is not being dealt with first.

I highly recommend you watching this video that described the exact way they are able to pinpoint propaganda to each voter.

This is the guy that set up the Russians to have the tools to attack our nation, also a portion of the Facebook leak came from Cabridge Analytica.

It is different in many ways, first and most important, it is illegal for Trump to accept foreign aide in a campaign.


As an American this is one of the most important things to try to understand right now. There is so many propaganda spam opportunities online that the Russian military have weaponized against us, this is why people are having such a difficult time discussing anything in real life, they get so used to the trolling online that it inevitably carries over into the real world.

what about the GOP and the democrats? big tech like facebook surely wouldnt promote or hide or censor opinion to push an agenda would they? how about NGOs, they wouldnt lie or create fake news. or how about the news itself?
Unlike the Russians these companies have actual laws that they have to adhere to or pay huge fines and face jail time, because they are Americans. And especially the news, they have to be sure that they do things like not give false information on air or face lawsuits.

The problem withhow this attack on our nation is having websites that cat fish as 'news' and TV stations that use their stories giving them increased credibility. These websites/cherry picked stories by accurately sourced news sites (like AP)

i dont understand the russian election meddling charge, like did they hack voting machines? did agents of the kgb drive a group of elderly voters to the desert so they would miss voting? did they convince everyone that election day was november 5th? seriously, what did the russians specifically do other than engage in what every other group out there is doing? as an individual in a democratic republic, before i vote i tend to learn as much as i can from varying sources before i throw my support behind anything......and thats why i am a political nihilist (i am not republican or democrat)

They did hack every single states election boards. They did have a lot of spam doing things like telling people to text their votes, wrong dates, and all the other spam related to the last minute disinformation to suppress votes.

But the majority of their impact was by swaying people to think the way you are seeming to believe by spamming you for at least a decade about all of the 'both sides' nonsense. I would suggest not looking for 'varying sources', I would look at the handful of high credible and accurately sourced news sites and get the full story. Also any instead of clips/edited speeches, looking at the actual hearings/speeches is very worthwhile. It is incredibly easy to cherry pick anything you like and find stuff to sound/look bad.
that ad campaign is run by bill kristol, he is a neocon/statist that supported bush and mccain.

you are basically showing people who never liked trump and their opinions of him paid for by a PAC. i wouldnt say it is indicative of what the silent majority will do in november. again, im not clairvoyant and have no way of telling the future but to say the above is reflective of the typical conservative aint based in reality
It reflects the popular sentiment in the country, you are witnessing not just the demise of Trump and Trumpism, but the slaughter and eventual extinction of the elephants, after nov they will no longer be in the room.