What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
Let's be clear..these kids were hunted; surprised Don jr wasn't there:

One of the kids was able to give his dad info before he died..florida of course, DeSantis and Trump are responsible- and both are going down.

our brothers and sisters need to arm themselves with spray pepper gel wear around your neck..it doesn't wash off the perp is going to the hospital after your discharge from 20 feet away.

i guarantee the perp will discover orrifices he never knew existed. 20$

also this for backup:

it's literally like this (just make certain it's justified):

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Well-Known Member
It will go down in the history of the World as the pandemic of 2019/20, but here in the USA, it will forever be known as Trumps biggest fuckup, that no matter how much spin he pulls out of his fat ass, he alone owns.
The reaction, from republicans I might add, Trump is going down like Hitler his hero, everyday he makes new enemies and everyday his enemies make new friends.


Well-Known Member
'here, right matters' -Lt. Col. Vindman
They are on the same team and Vindman will be made whole if he wishes, there is no one in the regular service who has nothing but respect for him, including the top brass, Joe could easily make him whole, but there are other, more important jobs for such a man. The medal of freedom too.