November 3 baby.
For now, the polls don't have any predictive power for who will win. A lot can happen in 3 1/2 months, so, I wish I could be as confident in the results as you. In the last few days ahead of the '16 election, Clinton was given 70% chance of winning and people were talking about a landslide for her. I said then and I'll say right now, that's too low of an estimate to feel comfortable. 95% is where I'll feel as comfortable.
Meanwhile Trump's ICE goons in Portland are showing us Trump's next tactic. He can't win by being a good president, so he's trying to win by appealing to the law and order crowd. It worked for Nixon in 1968. This is not then but Trump doesn't seem to think so. Hitler had the Reichstag fire staged to cement his status as fuhrer in 1933. Trump has Black Lives Matter movement. It's going to be a long, hot summer.