What has Trump done to this country?

'The American people will decide this election; the US government is perfectly capable of throwing out any trespassers'. -VP Joe Biden
I hope everyone who has been wronged in the last 4 years, will be made right.
If they honored their oaths, no problem, it is very important too, for those who didn't and are still working in government, that might be a different matter, it is also very important to set examples. Federal government service is a lot like military service, you are not allowed to obey illegal orders, getting fired for doing the right thing is part of the deal too. You keep the faith and hope a better government will come in.
get me my Diet Coke and mom jeans!:wink:
See what I mean about the manual and popular support in the face of a crackdown? Download the book, Donald never read it, but he wants trouble, more of the same that got him hammered in the polls the last time. That boy don't learn, guess that's why they call him a moron, a glutton for punishment, he'll get it too..
The reaction, from republicans I might add, Trump is going down like Hitler his hero, everyday he makes new enemies and everyday his enemies make new friends.
Too this day over 80% of Republican's approve of Trump's performance as POTUS.
What does that tell you about Republicans?
In 1936 80% of the German population approved of Hitler.
How did that work out?
Fucking Republicans are a fucking blight, and now those rats are trying too distance themselves, again, from that toxic menace named Trump.
Sorry motherfuckers, too fucking late.
The GOP owns Trump, he/that is their true face & now they know the American public knows that also & they're scared shitless.
We'll see Democracy in action on November 3 and I foresee a righteous beat down of the Republican party, and it will be about time.
Fuck those lying scumbags, the bullshit is over.
Too this day over 80% of Republican's approve of Trump's performance as POTUS.
What does that tell you about Republicans?
In 1936 80% of the German population approved of Hitler.
How did that work out?
Fucking Republicans are a fucking blight, and now those rats are trying too distance themselves, again, from that toxic menace named Trump.
Sorry motherfuckers, too fucking late.
The GOP owns Trump, he/that is their true face & now they know the American public knows that also & they're scared shitless.
We'll see Democracy in action on November 3 and I foresee a righteous beat down of the Republican party, and it will be about time.
Fuck those lying scumbags, the bullshit is over.
Too this day over 80% of Republican's approve of Trump's performance as POTUS.
What does that tell you about Republicans?
In 1936 80% of the German population approved of Hitler.
How did that work out?
Fucking Republicans are a fucking blight, and now those rats are trying too distance themselves, again, from that toxic menace named Trump.
Sorry motherfuckers, too fucking late.
The GOP owns Trump, he/that is their true face & now they know the American public knows that also & they're scared shitless.
We'll see Democracy in action on November 3 and I foresee a righteous beat down of the Republican party, and it will be about time.
Fuck those lying scumbags, the bullshit is over.
Soon they will be singing this song

Too this day over 80% of Republican's approve of Trump's performance as POTUS.
What does that tell you about Republicans?
In 1936 80% of the German population approved of Hitler.
How did that work out?
Fucking Republicans are a fucking blight, and now those rats are trying too distance themselves, again, from that toxic menace named Trump.
Sorry motherfuckers, too fucking late.
The GOP owns Trump, he/that is their true face & now they know the American public knows that also & they're scared shitless.
We'll see Democracy in action on November 3 and I foresee a righteous beat down of the Republican party, and it will be about time.
Fuck those lying scumbags, the bullshit is over.
Too this day over 80% of Republican's approve of Trump's performance as POTUS.
What does that tell you about Republicans?
In 1936 80% of the German population approved of Hitler.
How did that work out?
Fucking Republicans are a fucking blight, and now those rats are trying too distance themselves, again, from that toxic menace named Trump.
Sorry motherfuckers, too fucking late.
The GOP owns Trump, he/that is their true face & now they know the American public knows that also & they're scared shitless.
We'll see Democracy in action on November 3 and I foresee a righteous beat down of the Republican party, and it will be about time.
Fuck those lying scumbags, the bullshit is over.
November 3 baby.

For now, the polls don't have any predictive power for who will win. A lot can happen in 3 1/2 months, so, I wish I could be as confident in the results as you. In the last few days ahead of the '16 election, Clinton was given 70% chance of winning and people were talking about a landslide for her. I said then and I'll say right now, that's too low of an estimate to feel comfortable. 95% is where I'll feel as comfortable.

Meanwhile Trump's ICE goons in Portland are showing us Trump's next tactic. He can't win by being a good president, so he's trying to win by appealing to the law and order crowd. It worked for Nixon in 1968. This is not then but Trump doesn't seem to think so. Hitler had the Reichstag fire staged to cement his status as fuhrer in 1933. Trump has Black Lives Matter movement. It's going to be a long, hot summer.
November 3 baby.

For now, the polls don't have any predictive power for who will win. A lot can happen in 3 1/2 months, so, I wish I could be as confident in the results as you. In the last few days ahead of the '16 election, Clinton was given 70% chance of winning and people were talking about a landslide for her. I said then and I'll say right now, that's too low of an estimate to feel comfortable. 95% is where I'll feel as comfortable.

Meanwhile Trump's ICE goons in Portland are showing us Trump's next tactic. He can't win by being a good president, so he's trying to win by appealing to the law and order crowd. It worked for Nixon in 1968. This is not then but Trump doesn't seem to think so. Hitler had the Reichstag fire staged to cement his status as fuhrer in 1933. Trump has Black Lives Matter movement. It's going to be a long, hot summer.
Yes, we cannot let our guard down. We must get the vote out in numbers too numerous to discount.
What kind of political strategy is division? He ran as a non-political and that is what he is, a failed businessman, multiplied. A conman, for short.
Get ready for a lot of violence.