Lockdowns work.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, 2977 “Crisis Actors”
Oh they definately died like. Just that it was your guys that done it. I did follow a couple things about the chrisis actors. Some of it was pretty weird. Was too much too sift through though so I admittedly gave up on that one.


Well-Known Member
So which part of what I said was inaccurate?
Please elaborate :)
Think it through lad, people are gonna think yer daft.
Think of all the people who would have been involved, you believe in men in black and have not thought deeply about this at all, just picked up some youtube conspiracy video without the ability to think critically.

All those wires for a controlled detonation and flying the aircraft into the building and it on fire for an hour etc, so many things. You believe bullshit, that is obvious and cannot think clearly, anybody who believes such nonsense proves this.

You want Scots independence but speak english and cannot even speak your native tongue, gaelic, there are more speakers where I live, Caid mille fait.


Well-Known Member
Think it through lad, people are gonna think yer daft.
Think of all the people who would have been involved, you believe in men in black and have not thought deeply about this at all, just picked up some youtube conspiracy video without the ability to think critically.

All those wires for a controlled detonation and flying the aircraft into the building and it on fire for an hour etc, so many things. You believe bullshit, that is obvious and cannot think clearly, anybody who believes such nonsense proves this.

You want Scots independence but speak english and cannot even speak your native tongue, gaelic, there are more speakers where I live, Caid mille fait.
I never said anything about the twin towers being a controlled explosion. I'm well aware that it wasn't.
I referred to building 7 which collapsed in the same way, at the same time without being hit by a plane.
And there's no sense in speaking gaelic these days. There's only a few thousand people who understand it so why would I want to do that?
Be better off learning Japanese. If we all spoke nothing but gaelic we'd be stuck in the 1800s like half of America.


Well-Known Member
I never said anything about the twin towers being a controlled explosion. I'm well aware that it wasn't.
I referred to building 7 which collapsed in the same way, at the same time without being hit by a plane.
And there's no sense in speaking gaelic these days. There's only a few thousand people who understand it so why would I want to do that?
Be better off learning Japanese. If we all spoke nothing but gaelic we'd be stuck in the 1800s like half of America.
Language is the foundation of a culture and the root of nationhood, the Irish have regained their language, though I imagine there are scots who would tell a gaelic speaker to go home. You want an independent scotland, why? Your own country, culture and destiny, or you don't like Englishmen? It should be a good reason, Brexit maybe.

As for building 7 having a skyscraper fall on it and all the water utilities cut off had something to do with it. It's a fucking conspiracy theory and if I spent 5 minutes I could destroy it utterly without much research, just using reason.


Well-Known Member
Language is the foundation of a culture and the root of nationhood, the Irish have regained their language, though I imagine there are scots who would tell a gaelic speaker to go home. You want an independent scotland, why? Your own country, culture and destiny, or you don't like Englishmen? It should be a good reason, Brexit maybe.

As for building 7 having a skyscraper fall on it and all the water utilities cut off had something to do with it. It's a fucking conspiracy theory and if I spent 5 minutes I could destroy it utterly without much research, just using reason.
Never had a sky scraper fall on it. It was nowhere near any of that.
And the reason we want indipendance is quite simple.
Money, food and water.
We have 40% of our national income arrested by the English.
They're giving away our fishing grounds.
Destroying our farmers.
Forcing us to clamp down on immigration which we need to run the country.
And they're trying to steal our unlimited supply of almost purified water.
Not to mention 90% of our oil revenue and forcing us to power down our more than unlimited free, green electricity.
Every voting constituency in the country is majority Nationalist, anti English, pro EU and pro immigration.
We don't tell anyone to go home up here mate, that's the English that do that shit, not us. ;)


Well-Known Member
Why does an irrelevant boomer/karen wannabe think anyone is interested in his views on slavery?
I don't understand it either. Trying to tell him just gets him more worked up. Last night after I started on him, he went ballistic on this site. It must be exhausting trying to shout down the truth. The poor white man needs to take a rest. The only real answer might be his final one.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand it either. Trying to tell him just gets him more worked up. Last night after I started on him, he went ballistic on this site. It must be exhausting trying to shout down the truth. The poor white man needs to take a rest. The only real answer might be his final one.
Gaslight me as a racist and I'll treat you like shit, associate me with the 70%+ of Americans who are racist and who that bullshit works on (it's true for some) and I will treat you like a Trumper. You are running around imposing a purity test on your friends and allies, stabbing them in the back like Trump and are snowflaking like emotional basket case while intellectualising on the path to perdition. I'm an old white guy only because I say I am here, this is an arena of minds and ideas, there is no color here, but there is racism and other baggage too. I've come around to Canuck's opinion about you, you are useless as an ally.

Perhaps you are going the way of abandon, the situation in Portland must be stressful, perhaps a screw is working loose?


Well-Known Member
Gaslight me as a racist and I'll treat you like shit, associate me with the 70%+ of Americans who are racist and who that bullshit works on (it's true for some) and I will treat you like a Trumper. You are running around imposing a purity test on your friends and allies, stabbing them in the back like Trump and are snowflaking like emotional basket case while intellectualising on the path to perdition. I'm an old white guy only because I say I am here, this is an arena of minds and ideas, there is no color here, but there is racism and other baggage too. I've come around to Canuck's opinion about you, you are useless as an ally.

Perhaps you are going the way of abandon, the situation in Portland must be stressful, perhaps a screw is working loose?
If you don't want to be called racist then stop saying racist things. You are a white man and cannot understand what racism is to nonwhites. So shut the fuck up on the subject and listen. The same kind of logic applies to your endless and ignorant posts about the US.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand it either. Trying to tell him just gets him more worked up. Last night after I started on him, he went ballistic on this site. It must be exhausting trying to shout down the truth. The poor white man needs to take a rest. The only real answer might be his final one.
Get rid of Trump, I will not be part of any social discussions internal to the USA like reparations or such, get the country back first. Black Americans hold will hold the reins of power, then you can speak with an equal voice at the table of power, where it really counts. Best of luck BTW


Well-Known Member
If you don't want to be called racist then stop saying racist things. You are a white man and cannot understand what racism is to nonwhites. So shut the fuck up on the subject and listen. The same kind of logic applies to your endless and ignorant posts about the US.
I have read far more articulate black men than you speak of race and it's gross problems as well as the subtle ones. For now, it is enough that they vote against Trump and the republicans, the perspective of history, the passing of the generations, demographic changes and the policies of Uncle Sam will do much of the rest.

My comments about slavery were an insult to and an effort to promote introspection among the many Trumpers who lurk here. Trumpers are part of a tribal suicide cult, even if it includes a majority of white American males, completely enthralled to Trump.


Well-Known Member
I have read far more articulate black men than you speak of race and it's gross problems as well as the subtle ones. For now, it is enough that they vote against Trump and the republicans, the perspective of history, the passing of the generations, demographic changes and the policies of Uncle Sam will do much of the rest.

My comments about slavery were an insult to and an effort to promote introspection among the many Trumpers who lurk here. Trumpers are part of a tribal suicide cult, even if it includes a majority of white American males, completely enthralled to Trump.
You have no credibility.


Well-Known Member
I never said anything about the twin towers being a controlled explosion. I'm well aware that it wasn't.
I referred to building 7 which collapsed in the same way, at the same time without being hit by a plane.
And there's no sense in speaking gaelic these days. There's only a few thousand people who understand it so why would I want to do that?
Be better off learning Japanese. If we all spoke nothing but gaelic we'd be stuck in the 1800s like half of America.

you do agree it's unusual to live in the past?


Well-Known Member
Gaslight me as a racist and I'll treat you like shit, associate me with the 70%+ of Americans who are racist and who that bullshit works on (it's true for some) and I will treat you like a Trumper. You are running around imposing a purity test on your friends and allies, stabbing them in the back like Trump and are snowflaking like emotional basket case while intellectualising on the path to perdition. I'm an old white guy only because I say I am here, this is an arena of minds and ideas, there is no color here, but there is racism and other baggage too. I've come around to Canuck's opinion about you, you are useless as an ally.

Perhaps you are going the way of abandon, the situation in Portland must be stressful, perhaps a screw is working loose?
https://www.theroot.com/notracists-be-like-the-top-10-phrases-used-by-peop-1819142064. Which one is your post? number 5: "Not all white people" or number 10: "Why does it have to be about race?"

Yeah, the guy who said that "black race based slavery in the US is the same as supporting Trump" is somebody to listen to.

What kind of fucking ally do you think you are, outsider? Stop whitesplaining racism. Stop canadasplaining Trump. You have not a single clue about what's going on here. You have serious issues to deal with yourself. From the things you've said, Canadians (if you are one) are decades behind the US in terms of understanding the depths of their white supremacist beliefs. The people of the US are leagues ahead of you.

If you and the other three so-called "Canadians" represent your kind, then it's a very good thing that Canada's population is only a tenth of the US and land mass about the same. Your facade of politeness would be blown away if you actually saw each other. Here is a tip from somebody who lives in the US to his little brothers to the north: When you don't know what you are talking about, shut up and listen.