Language is the foundation of a culture and the root of nationhood, the Irish have regained their language, though I imagine there are scots who would tell a gaelic speaker to go home. You want an independent scotland, why? Your own country, culture and destiny, or you don't like Englishmen? It should be a good reason, Brexit maybe.
As for building 7 having a skyscraper fall on it and all the water utilities cut off had something to do with it. It's a fucking conspiracy theory and if I spent 5 minutes I could destroy it utterly without much research, just using reason.
Never had a sky scraper fall on it. It was nowhere near any of that.
And the reason we want indipendance is quite simple.
Money, food and water.
We have 40% of our national income arrested by the English.
They're giving away our fishing grounds.
Destroying our farmers.
Forcing us to clamp down on immigration which we need to run the country.
And they're trying to steal our unlimited supply of almost purified water.
Not to mention 90% of our oil revenue and forcing us to power down our more than unlimited free, green electricity.
Every voting constituency in the country is majority Nationalist, anti English, pro EU and pro immigration.
We don't tell anyone to go home up here mate, that's the English that do that shit, not us.