Heart Stopping Headline: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is...

why do you refer to BLM a separate entity? don't you think they wish inclusion?
He is saying if you don’t like racism in the UK then I should leave. He’s a closet racist (although he’s just outed himself with that post) as racism should end. Why should I go anywhere because of racism. Also it’s doubly bad as Indians were then imported to do low paid work.
Anyway he’s been reported twice for racism by me.
He is saying if you don’t like racism in the UK then I should leave. He’s a closet racist (although he’s just outed himself with that post) as racism should end. Why should I go anywhere because of racism. Also it’s doubly bad as Indians were then imported to do low paid work.
Anyway he’s been reported twice for racism by me.

message boards are weird. sometime you see things others don't (or do) and i'm glad that we can talk about. we have emojis why? no you shouldn't have to leave your home and the circumstances in which your history is horrendous.

help him to see.
message boards are weird. sometime you see things others don't (or do) and i'm glad that we can talk about. we have emojis why? no you shouldn't have to leave your home and the circumstances in which your history is horrendous.

help him to see.
Its not my job to educate racists, it’s a white peoples problem not mine.
He is saying if you don’t like racism in the UK then I should leave. He’s a closet racist (although he’s just outed himself with that post) as racism should end. Why should I go anywhere because of racism. Also it’s doubly bad as Indians were then imported to do low paid work.
Anyway he’s been reported twice for racism by me.
I difference of opinion is not racism neither is a different perspective on history, racism and resentment are not exclusively white as you have demonstrated. Were your parent imported "willingly" or did they emigrate? Did you? Is the UK perfect no, is it evolving like India yes and so is the rest of humanity, with some pushing from behind and leading from the front. To ask is to be a racist as you snowflake out yet again.

Save it for the racists, there are lots who think you are a waste of skin, not me though, I have ya figured as a damaged and hurt human being.
I difference of opinion is not racism neither is a different perspective on history, racism and resentment are not exclusively white as you have demonstrated. Were your parent imported "willingly" or did they emigrate? Did you? Is the UK perfect no, is it evolving like India yes and so is the rest of humanity, with some pushing from behind and leading from the front. To ask is to be a racist as you snowflake out yet again.

Save it for the racists, there are lots who think you are a waste of skin, not me though, I have ya figured as a damaged and hurt human being.
Cool projection racist dude
Cool projection racist dude
Everybody white is a racist to you and yer probably right 75% of the time in some way or another, we are all products of our conditioning, it's that we try to uplift ourselves is the most important thing, learn and evolve. You are not the same person you were at 16 or you shouldn't be! Coming from India. I can understand your skepticism about mediation/mindfulness, I'm science based not religious and there is a lot of highly qualified people there too. It is an exercise that does a number of things including psychologically deconditioning ourselves, we lose our baggage, our conditioning, as the prefrontal cortex is gradually rewired and sculpted. To be awakened or liberated in this context, means to be so deeply deconditioned that even the fear of death has no dominion, it's the only way out, nobody gets out alive.
Everybody white is a racist to you and yer probably right 75% of the time in some way or another, we are all products of our conditioning, it's that we try to uplift ourselves is the most important thing, learn and evolve. You are not the same person you were at 16 or you shouldn't be! Coming from India. I can understand your skepticism about mediation/mindfulness, I'm science based not religious and there is a lot of highly qualified people there too. It is an exercise that does a number of things including psychological deconditioning ourselves, we lose our baggage, our condition as the prefrontal cortex is gradually rewired and sculpted. To be awakened or liberated in this context, means to be so deeply deconditioned that even the fear of death has no dominion, it's the only way out, nobody gets out alive.


#notaracist common statement number 7: I'm not racist, you are


#notaracist common statement number 7: I'm not racist, you are
Yeah that's what zedd said, only white people are racist, wishing us all an early demise, I can forgive his bitterness, but many from India don't feel that way.

I recently meet one a young fellow who breathlessly ran up to my car and was wondering how to get to a city 20 miles away, he missed the bus. I told him to hop in and gave him a lift to his lodgings. We used to have Saudis here attending college, but with trouble with the assholes we now have poor Indian students who work every job they can lay hands on and regular employers furloughed older staff. We had a enjoyable trip and he told me lot's of interesting things, nice guy, real smart. We have lots of Indian and other Asian college students working here now for summer jobs, they are welcome too and I hope some stay on. The more brains the better and I'm not too particular about the color of the package it arrives in.
Yeah that's what zedd said, only white people are racist, wishing us all an early demise, I can forgive his bitterness, but many from India don't feel that way.

I recently meet one a young fellow who breathlessly ran up to my car and was wondering how to get to a city 20 miles away, he missed the bus. I told him to hop in and gave him a lift to his lodgings. We used to have Saudis here attending college, but with trouble with the assholes we now have poor Indian students who work every job they can lay hands on and regular employers furloughed older staff. We had a enjoyable trip and he told me lot's of interesting things, nice guy, real smart. We have lots of Indian and other Asian college students working here now for summer jobs, they are welcome too and I hope some stay on. The more brains the better and I'm not too particular about the color of the package it arrives in.
“ my best hitch hiker is an Indian”
When will you stop digging?
Careful, you're coming off as you think you're better than white people, that seems racist.


@zedd stop using wide brush strokes and let's have a conversation about how you feel and what's bothering you..surely, it's not an older Canadian gentleman? be specific it's the only way we all learn.
“ my best hitch hiker is an Indian”
When will you stop digging?
Maybe you should focus on your real enemies like I do, they exist, I'm not among them. I don't like racist or racism, I was never raised that way and my parents were not educated or particularly Christian, the came from the outports of Newfoundland and were immigrants to Canada themselves, I was the only one of my siblings born in Canada. My dad had black friends, he worked with them, real friends too, poor folks from the caribbean who he had much in common with.

Your enemies are my enemies in this regard, look at what that bullshit did to Americans and how it brainwashed those fucking morons into going all in for a sociopath with an IQ of 78. That's how bad racism and tribalism is, it turns into a suicide cult as in America.
Careful, you're coming off as you think you're better than white people, that seems racist.


@zedd stop using wide brush strokes and let's have a conversation about how you feel and what's bothering you..surely, it's not an older Canadian gentleman? be specific it's the only way we all learn.

Your skin color does not mean you are owed an explanation. Do you even see the racism implied by your demand to be educated in light of all the times people have taken the effort to try?

Explaining racism is exhausting. It’s exhausting to explain to people who don’t believe you, or who look at you with blank expressions. Or, worse, who ask, “How do you know that happened because of race?”

Black people do not owe you an education about racism. If somebody does take the time and effort, would you listen? Actually, the first and most important step is to change your behavior. Nobody really cares what you think. Be a good ally. Do the following and maybe you'll learn something.

Guidelines for Being Strong White Allies

WHAT KIND OF ACTIVE SUPPORT does a strong white ally provide to a person of color? Over the years, people of color that I have talked with have been remarkably consistent in describing the kinds of support they need from white allies.

What People of Color Want from White Allies

“Respect us” “Listen to us” “Find out about us” “Don’t make assumptions” “Don’t take over” “Stand by my side” “Provide information” “Don’t assume you know what’s best for me” “Resources” “Money” “Take risks” “Make mistakes” “Don’t take it personally” “Honesty” “Understanding” “Talk to other white people” “Teach your children about “Interrupt jokes and comments” racism” “Speak up” “Don’t ask me to speak for my people” “Your body on the line” “Persevere daily”

Basic Tactics Every situation is different and calls for critical thinking about how to make a difference. Taking the statements above into account, I have compiled some general guidelines.

1. Assume racism is everywhere, every day. Just as economics influences everything we do, just as gender and gender politics influence everything we do, assume that racism is affecting your daily life. We assume this because it’s true, and because a privilege of being white is the freedom to not deal with racism all the time. We have to learn to see the effect that racism has. Notice who speaks, what is said, how things are done and described. Notice who isn’t present when racist talk occurs. Notice code words for race, and the implications of the policies, patterns, and comments that are being expressed. You already notice the skin color of everyone you meet—now notice what difference it makes.

2. Notice who is the center of attention and who is the center of power. Racism works by directing violence and blame toward people of color and consolidating power and privilege for white people.

3. Notice how racism is denied, minimized, and justified.

4. Understand and learn from the history of whiteness and racism. Notice how racism has changed over time and how it has subverted or resisted challenges. Study the tactics that have worked effectively against it.

5. Understand the connections between racism, economic issues, sexism, and other forms of injustice.

6. Take a stand against injustice. Take risks. It is scary, difficult, and may bring up feelings of inadequacy, lack of selfconfidence, indecision, or fear of making mistakes, but ultimately it is the only healthy and moral human thing to do. Intervene in situations where racism is being passed on.

7. Be strategic. Decide what is important to challenge and what’s not. Think about strategy in particular situations. Attack the source of power.

8. Don’t confuse a battle with the war. Behind particular incidents and interactions are larger patterns. Racism is flexible and adaptable. There will be gains and losses in the struggle for justice and equality. 9

. Don’t call names or be personally abusive. Since power is often defined as power over others—the ability to abuse or control people—it is easy to become abusive ourselves. However, we usually end up abusing people who have less power than we do because it is less dangerous. Attacking people doesn’t address the systemic nature of racism and inequality.

10. Support the leadership of people of color. Do this consistently, but not uncritically.

11. Learn something about the history of white people who have worked for racial justice. There is a long history of white people who have fought for racial justice. Their stories can inspire and sustain you.

12. Don’t do it alone. You will not end racism by yourself. We can do it if we work together. Build support, establish networks, and work with already established groups.

13. Talk with your children and other young people about racism.
And it was indentured servitude after that.
It wasn't the same thing.

Viking period[edit]
From the 9th to the 12th century Viking/Norse-Gael Dublin in particular was a major slave trading center which led to an increase in slavery.[4] In 870, Vikings, most likely led by Olaf the White and Ivar the Boneless, besieged and captured the stronghold of Dumbarton Castle (Alt Clut), the capital of the Kingdom of Strathclyde in Scotland, and the next year took most of the site's inhabitants to the Dublin slave markets.[4]
When the Vikings established early Scandinavian Dublin in 841, they began a slave market that would come to sell thralls captured both in Ireland and other countries as distant as Spain,[5] as well as sending Irish slaves as far away as Iceland,[6] where Gaels formed 40% of the founding population,[7] and Anatolia.[8] In 875, Irish slaves in Iceland launched Europe's largest slave rebellion since the end of the Roman Empire, when Hjörleifr Hróðmarsson's slaves killed him and fled to Vestmannaeyjar.[citation needed] Almost all recorded slave raids in this period took place in Leinster and southeast Ulster; while there was almost certainly similar activity in the south and west, only one raid from the Hebrides on the Aran Islands is recorded.[9]
Slavery became more widespread in Ireland throughout the 11th century, as Dublin became the biggest slave market in Western Europe.[9][5] Its main sources of supply were the Irish hinterland, Wales and Scotland.[9] The Irish slave trade began to decline after William the Conqueror consolidated control of the English and Welsh coasts around 1080, and was dealt a severe blow when the Kingdom of England, one of its biggest markets, banned slavery[10] in its territory in 1102.[6][9] The continued existence of the trade was used as one justification for the Norman conquest of Ireland after 1169, after which the Hiberno-Normans replaced slavery with feudalism.[6][11] The 1171 Council of Armagh freed all Englishmen and -women kept as slaves in Ireland.[12] It was clear from the Decree of the Council of Armagh that English were selling their children as slaves. "For the English people hitherto throughout the whole of their kingdom to the common injury of their people, had become accustomed to selling their sons and relatives in Ireland, to expose their children for sale as slaves, rather than suffer any need or want."[13]

Viking period[edit]
From the 9th to the 12th century Viking/Norse-Gael Dublin in particular was a major slave trading center which led to an increase in slavery.[4] In 870, Vikings, most likely led by Olaf the White and Ivar the Boneless, besieged and captured the stronghold of Dumbarton Castle (Alt Clut), the capital of the Kingdom of Strathclyde in Scotland, and the next year took most of the site's inhabitants to the Dublin slave markets.[4]
When the Vikings established early Scandinavian Dublin in 841, they began a slave market that would come to sell thralls captured both in Ireland and other countries as distant as Spain,[5] as well as sending Irish slaves as far away as Iceland,[6] where Gaels formed 40% of the founding population,[7] and Anatolia.[8] In 875, Irish slaves in Iceland launched Europe's largest slave rebellion since the end of the Roman Empire, when Hjörleifr Hróðmarsson's slaves killed him and fled to Vestmannaeyjar.[citation needed] Almost all recorded slave raids in this period took place in Leinster and southeast Ulster; while there was almost certainly similar activity in the south and west, only one raid from the Hebrides on the Aran Islands is recorded.[9]
Slavery became more widespread in Ireland throughout the 11th century, as Dublin became the biggest slave market in Western Europe.[9][5] Its main sources of supply were the Irish hinterland, Wales and Scotland.[9] The Irish slave trade began to decline after William the Conqueror consolidated control of the English and Welsh coasts around 1080, and was dealt a severe blow when the Kingdom of England, one of its biggest markets, banned slavery[10] in its territory in 1102.[6][9] The continued existence of the trade was used as one justification for the Norman conquest of Ireland after 1169, after which the Hiberno-Normans replaced slavery with feudalism.[6][11] The 1171 Council of Armagh freed all Englishmen and -women kept as slaves in Ireland.[12] It was clear from the Decree of the Council of Armagh that English were selling their children as slaves. "For the English people hitherto throughout the whole of their kingdom to the common injury of their people, had become accustomed to selling their sons and relatives in Ireland, to expose their children for sale as slaves, rather than suffer any need or want."[13]
Not the same as US system of generational race based chattel slavery.

Viking period[edit]
From the 9th to the 12th century Viking/Norse-Gael Dublin in particular was a major slave trading center which led to an increase in slavery.[4] In 870, Vikings, most likely led by Olaf the White and Ivar the Boneless, besieged and captured the stronghold of Dumbarton Castle (Alt Clut), the capital of the Kingdom of Strathclyde in Scotland, and the next year took most of the site's inhabitants to the Dublin slave markets.[4]
When the Vikings established early Scandinavian Dublin in 841, they began a slave market that would come to sell thralls captured both in Ireland and other countries as distant as Spain,[5] as well as sending Irish slaves as far away as Iceland,[6] where Gaels formed 40% of the founding population,[7] and Anatolia.[8] In 875, Irish slaves in Iceland launched Europe's largest slave rebellion since the end of the Roman Empire, when Hjörleifr Hróðmarsson's slaves killed him and fled to Vestmannaeyjar.[citation needed] Almost all recorded slave raids in this period took place in Leinster and southeast Ulster; while there was almost certainly similar activity in the south and west, only one raid from the Hebrides on the Aran Islands is recorded.[9]
Slavery became more widespread in Ireland throughout the 11th century, as Dublin became the biggest slave market in Western Europe.[9][5] Its main sources of supply were the Irish hinterland, Wales and Scotland.[9] The Irish slave trade began to decline after William the Conqueror consolidated control of the English and Welsh coasts around 1080, and was dealt a severe blow when the Kingdom of England, one of its biggest markets, banned slavery[10] in its territory in 1102.[6][9] The continued existence of the trade was used as one justification for the Norman conquest of Ireland after 1169, after which the Hiberno-Normans replaced slavery with feudalism.[6][11] The 1171 Council of Armagh freed all Englishmen and -women kept as slaves in Ireland.[12] It was clear from the Decree of the Council of Armagh that English were selling their children as slaves. "For the English people hitherto throughout the whole of their kingdom to the common injury of their people, had become accustomed to selling their sons and relatives in Ireland, to expose their children for sale as slaves, rather than suffer any need or want."[13]
The subjugation of the Irish extended into the twentieth century and there was widespread discrimination in Britain and North America against them and Catholics in general, I had many Irish Catholic friends growing up.