Well-Known Member
After George Washington appointed her, her wagon train was attacked by Indians.. Not to mention the whole Black Plague scare. so after all that she should pull through
I do wish her well as I don't wish bad health on anyone.....but she needs to hang it up

Are you playing troll again and using out of context quotes?Ginsburg's quote is below in bold. Ginsburg was defending state approved same sex marriage at a hearing and was responding to a DOMA advocate. On the surface it looks like she's all about liberating gay people, but it isn't about that at all.
You’re saying, no, state marriage [is] the full marriage, and then this sort of skim milk marriage.” - Ginsburg
Ginsburg wanted to broaden who MUST ask government for permission to be married to include gay people. Except, nobody should have to be "licensed" by the state to be married, straight people or gay people.
To do that, is an INCREASE in the people who must seek government approval to be married and who must seek government approval to divorce etc.
That is equality of and expansion of oppression over people, not liberation.
Marriage is stupid anyways, but it is used as a legal status in our country for taxes, hospitals and such. It wasn't about 'liberation' it was about equal protections under the law.