What has Trump done to this country?

Repub Crooks running wild ....

Ohio House speaker, 4 others arrested in $60M bribery case

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The powerful Republican speaker of the Ohio House and four associates were arrested Tuesday in a $60 million federal bribery case connected to a taxpayer-funded bailout of Ohio’s two nuclear power plants.

Hours after FBI agents raided Speaker Larry Householder’s farm, U.S. Attorney David DeVillers described the ploy as “likely the largest bribery scheme ever perpetrated against the state of Ohio.”

Gov. Mike DeWine, also a Republican, called on Householder to resign immediately, saying it would be impossible for him to be an effective legislative leader given the charges against him.
Repub Crooks running wild ....

Ohio House speaker, 4 others arrested in $60M bribery case

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The powerful Republican speaker of the Ohio House and four associates were arrested Tuesday in a $60 million federal bribery case connected to a taxpayer-funded bailout of Ohio’s two nuclear power plants.

Hours after FBI agents raided Speaker Larry Householder’s farm, U.S. Attorney David DeVillers described the ploy as “likely the largest bribery scheme ever perpetrated against the state of Ohio.”

Gov. Mike DeWine, also a Republican, called on Householder to resign immediately, saying it would be impossible for him to be an effective legislative leader given the charges against him.
Donald will pardon them, it's right up his alley
Repub Crooks running wild ....

Ohio House speaker, 4 others arrested in $60M bribery case

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The powerful Republican speaker of the Ohio House and four associates were arrested Tuesday in a $60 million federal bribery case connected to a taxpayer-funded bailout of Ohio’s two nuclear power plants.

Hours after FBI agents raided Speaker Larry Householder’s farm, U.S. Attorney David DeVillers described the ploy as “likely the largest bribery scheme ever perpetrated against the state of Ohio.”

Gov. Mike DeWine, also a Republican, called on Householder to resign immediately, saying it would be impossible for him to be an effective legislative leader given the charges against him.

A criminal complaint filed by the FBI says Generation Now received $60 million from an unidentified company over the past three years. In exchange, Householder and the other defendants worked to pass the nuclear plant bailout and block attempts to overturn it.

Makes my days as a criminal seem unimaginative and small.
Blame the Boomer generation for letting the country slip. They were too busy doing drugs and getting free money to protect their children's future.

All boomers would rather eat pills and drink then take care of their health...……. baby boomers.. the lost generation

Oh and look! Trumps a Boomer too! go figure
We don't care if you hate your parents, they were probably assholes like you, antisocial personality disorder runs in families.
Yer lawyer called, time for another pro bono consultation and update.
New Court Filings in Cohen, Flynn Cases: Barr/DOJ Punishes Trump's Enemies & Rewards Trump's Friends

Two new court filings show "A Tale of Two Michaels": Michael Flynn and Michael Cohen. In Michael Flynn's case, Attorney General Bill Barr has nine - count 'em, nine - DOJ lawyers sign a brief saying the full DC Federal Circuit Court of Appeals should not review the decision of the three-judge panel in which two of the three judges said Judge Emmett Sullivan must dismiss Flynn's case. But if you scratch below the surface of the DOJ brief, it falls under the weight of its own poor reasoning.

In Michael Cohen's case, Cohen's attorneys together with the American Civil Liberties Union seek a Writ of Habeas Corpus, asking the SDNY Federal District Court to order the federal government to release Cohen from what they contend is unlawful confinement. Bill Barr's Bureau of Prisons removed Cohen from his home detention and returned him to prison when he refused to pledge not to speak with the media or write a book. Additionally, Barr's BOP insisted that Cohen sign an agreement that also prohibited his family and friends from speaking to the media or posting anything about Cohen. This is Bill Barr casting the widest imaginable unconstitutional net, violating the First Amendment free-speech rights of Cohen AND his friends and family.

In this Tale of Two Michaels, regarding Trump, you are either the best of friends or the worst of friends. Trump's enemies get punished while his friends/criminal associates get rewarded.
Blame the Boomer generation for letting the country slip. They were too busy doing drugs and getting free money to protect their children's future.

Mind if I ask what it is you've done for the children of the future generations?

Have you designed an economy for them? Built a semi-sane health care program? Education program?

Honestly, you blame others so freely here, but you haven't stated what you have done to better things.

Best to be out of your parent's basement, and start paying taxes before complaining about a large group of people, don't you think?

Good morning. The U.S. suffers its highest daily death toll since May.



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Blame the Boomer generation for letting the country slip. They were too busy doing drugs and getting free money to protect their children's future.

All boomers would rather eat pills and drink then take care of their health...……. baby boomers.. the lost generation

Oh and look! Trumps a Boomer too! go figure

Ah, so true but it's the RW boomers that killed hippy and vilified weed and drugs (Nixon circa 1970 - 1973). I voted McGovern in 72, the blood is not on my booming fucking hands.
I wonder how the republican "freedom caucus" will do this election, those Trump extremist that highly gerrymandered districts brought you, so far to the right they fucked the GOP. I don't think Gym Jordan and others will be back, I'm sure the Lincoln project has a target on their backs in the coming election. Now they are attacking those defending Dr. Fauci, they must be stupid as stumps, as well as being assholes.
from a donation EM, Rick Wilson- Lincoln Project..apparently our little emo effem has the sadz:lol::

Last week, we got word from our sources inside the Trump campaign that Jared Kushner—furious about the enormous impact our movement is having on this election—ordered Trump's allies to "shut down The Lincoln Project."

Then, yesterday—as if on cue—Laura Ingraham and her guest little Ben Shapiro—decided to use her platform on Fox News to attack our mission, our founders, and this movement.

Trump's allies at Fox are after us because what we’re doing is working—and the Trump machine is terrified. Trump's ally Steve Bannon is complaining we're vicious about Trump.

all's fair in love and war and cans of beans..keep your friends close; your enemies closer.

Lincoln Project Goal: flip Ohio
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from a donation EM, Rick Wilson- Lincoln Project..apparently our little emo effem has the sadz:lol::

Last week, we got word from our sources inside the Trump campaign that Jared Kushner—furious about the enormous impact our movement is having on this election—ordered Trump's allies to "shut down The Lincoln Project."

Then, yesterday—as if on cue—Laura Ingraham and her guest little Ben Shapiro—decided to use her platform on Fox News to attack our mission, our founders, and this movement.

Trump's allies at Fox are after us because what we’re doing is working—and the Trump machine is terrified. Trump's ally Steve Bannon is complaining we're vicious about Trump.

all's fair in love and war..keep your friends close; your enemies closer.
I don't agree with these assholes either on ideology, but I respect them. Beau is not a Biden guy but he knows it's crunch time, beau is on the American left, but he's just a liberal, a constitutionalist, in Canada his views would be considered in the middle by many. Beau does know when crunch time has arrived and he is a patriot, who works against Trump and the republicans, he will vote for Joe, is pragmatic and he is also very smart.
Blame the Boomer generation for letting the country slip. They were too busy doing drugs and getting free money to protect their children's future.

All boomers would rather eat pills and drink then take care of their health...……. baby boomers.. the lost generation

Oh and look! Trumps a Boomer too! go figure
Very simple argument. Simple, easy to say, easy to understand and wrong.

The blame game is a wonderful propaganda tool.
Repub Crooks running wild ....

Ohio House speaker, 4 others arrested in $60M bribery case

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The powerful Republican speaker of the Ohio House and four associates were arrested Tuesday in a $60 million federal bribery case connected to a taxpayer-funded bailout of Ohio’s two nuclear power plants.

Hours after FBI agents raided Speaker Larry Householder’s farm, U.S. Attorney David DeVillers described the ploy as “likely the largest bribery scheme ever perpetrated against the state of Ohio.”

Gov. Mike DeWine, also a Republican, called on Householder to resign immediately, saying it would be impossible for him to be an effective legislative leader given the charges against him.

i think deep down DeWine is a moderate GOPer = Democrat.
I don't agree with these assholes either on ideology, but I respect them. Beau is not a Biden guy but he knows it's crunch time, beau is on the American left, but he's just a liberal, a constitutionalist, in Canada his views would be considered in the middle by many. Beau does know when crunch time has arrived and he is a patriot, who works against Trump and the republicans, he will vote for Joe, is pragmatic and he is also very smart.

i believe Beau is a very moderate republican which is a democrat here now..there are a few things recently i've had issue with but we've been so busy with others. one thing bothered me which makes me understand that deep down inside a lion is a lion, some things are very hard wired.

Lincoln Project ideology? you need a psychopath to fight a psychopath..we don't have the stomach for it but it's what's required, friend..
i think deep down DeWine is a moderate GOPer = Democrat.
In the coming chaos some might jump ship. One thing I like to do is get inside the othersides head, to the extent you can with those who are mad. Imagine a landslide in nov. What are the immediate consequences of that? Think all those pissed off assholes who lost their jobs and power because Trump led them to disaster and they had to carry his bullshit are going to continue to support him for over 2 months? Think some of these cutthroats are gonna run for cover immediately? These clowns are undergoing the ultimate stress test right now, with a covid catastrophe, the world recovered and carrying Donald and his baggage on their backs? Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch, they will get hammered at the state level too and next year is redistricting and H.R.-1 and a slew of other election laws and regulations. Fox news is fucked or should be and facebook has more power than any broadcaster, regulation is coming. In 2022 many of the GOPs advantages will be swept away by new laws and the continuing news and investigations of Trump's treason will haunt the republicans running then too.

This is and the "manual" is why I'm optimistic about America, change is bottom up driven (organising) and top down implemented (keep at it). We are living in multicultural societies as well as melting pots, people screw more than they kill each other for a reason! :D