So no room for any thoughtful conversation eh? Too bad.
Hey were both liberals, I'm a liberal and you're a liberal, if you are a patriot that is?
The constitution of the USA is the quintessential liberal document, especially the bill of rights, Liberalism is an ongoing process of social and political change that is bottom up driven and top down implemented, the US revolution is a good example of this. The seeds of imperial and colonial destruction were in it's very cradle as liberal ideas spread in the US and europe, as the empires containing the virus of freedom spread with them, constitutions, legislatures courts and laws, this is liberalism, economic ideology is pretty much up for grabs, though we tend to go left, with humanity.
Here is the short definition from wiki
Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support free markets, free trade, limited government, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), capitalism, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, ...
But you signed on for liberty and the ride ain't over yet, multiculturalism is coming too, infact, it's already here, it means toleration is not enough, people must form communities, refusal to do so means ya got issues, not the world. Here is the minister of Defense of Canada, a Sikh, a happy warrior, who is a military combat veteran too. Got any uniforms in America like that? or happy people to fill them? Multiculturalism, it's not like you have any choice at all, forget it, the world has arrived and the genie cannot be stuffed back in the bottle, America will become a bilingual country in 10 years, hispanics are not immigrants, they were absorbed along with spanish territory, they have linguistic, cultural, human and historic rights.
Like I said ya signed up for liberty and that will include everybody, the ride to freedom for all ain't over yet, Liberalism. BTW I'm a card carrying Liberal and a member of the same party as the guy in the pic, he's a liberal too.