Let's agree to disagree. Theres def room for nuance I was just feeling too tired to get started on another huge topic. But this is atleast the 3rd post I wanted to respond to, so here I go..
The protests I agree with, are for human rights. This country (and world) has waited too damn long for change. If George Floyd's death is the straw that broke the camels back to bring about that much needed change during the middle of a pandemic, then so be it. Those folks are dying too, from a much more malicious and everlasting threat to life. Much of the world is on board with this movement - with or without coronavirus. Justice and equality will not and should not wait. If I wasn't so high risk you can bet your ass I would be out there too. In a mask of course.. and they should all wear masks too.. That's my opinion.
Has covid been politicised, yes. In the most destructive ways, by both parties. Does that have any relevance in people choosing to do what's necessary on behalf of all, no. Don't get me started on the added civil unrest due to the PRESIDENT not acting as a leader and invoking martial law on US citizens. His disregard for human life is disgusting. This type of govt is the very reason for the second amendment, and this country is headed towards civil war. Another thing that was predicted to happen within 5 years, if trump was elected. Look at us, 4 years later.. he did divide this country and the sickest part is he enjoyed doing it.
It reminds me of a cult - and he is their leader. Mind you, I lean more towards the right than the left in my thoughts overall. I am extremely independent. But I've also been through some shit. Been some places. Seen some things. I explain it best by saying I'm well cultured, and self-made. Black sheep of the family too.. Lol.
You've raised some interesting points and I can understand your perspective. I'm sure we could spark an insiteful conversation. I'm tired of politics for tonight, but around. I'm still awake and its friday

It's been entertaining.. lol.