Shut it the fuck down

That’s some lightning quick knee-jerk reaction there, LOL. Does this mean I should not be allowed to state the simple fact that I am not a Trump supporter or coronavirus denier?

I actually don’t think it’s a good idea to have any public gatherings, including schools or protests. My only point is that it’s ludicrous to say the protests are OK but schools are not.

Of course, telling me to “get this shit the fuck out of here” is a really well thought-out response, so it’s hard to argue with it. Your point is obviously very incisive, judging from the “likes” it received. I guess I have no choice but to actually get the fuck out of here, since the level of discourse is above my head and I’m clearly outmatched.
youre the 87th “I don’t like trump but” we’ve seen and they all end the same way
LOL, for what, my opinion?
Anyway, they had an open letter from health professionals basically saying the protests are OK — if that’s what you need a citation for.

Looks to me like political motivations are determining which public gatherings are OK. If you agree with the doctors about defunding the police, then you’re all clear to hold mass gatherings, apparently.

This totally undermines their credibility. Either we should social distance and “stay home, stay safe,” or we should not. Political beliefs should not come into play when advising people on infectious diseases. This type of letter just fuels the fire of people who think it’s a hoax.

By the way, if they do abolish prisons and the police, we’re just going to have people take the law into their own hands. Why wouldn’t they, if there would be no repercussions?
Your fact free opinion is worthless.

I am actually interested in reading the kind of information that led you to your conclusion. If you pulled it out your ass, then not so interested.

No we should not unless we have enough testing and contact tracing.
OK, so we agree on something. I would include with your criteria -- low infection rates, something like 2 new cases per 100,000 per day with very large number of tests being run each day.

Schools should not open.

Now what shit did you post earlier? Yeah, citation please. Not because you must but because you aren't going to convince anybody with an unhinged opinion. Maybe in Texas, I don't know about there.
@Fogdog so much for praying as prevention.

Only 14% of the world's population class themselves as atheist.
12% are bhudist which isn't really a religion so ill take them out and that leaves 74%.
As of the last cencus numbers, 74% of the entire world's population classed themselves as religious.
That means if someone dies from coronavirus there's a 74% chance they're religious.
Is it just me that finds that number funny as fuck ?
They should be celebrating too shouldn't they? Given that corona was finally their ticket into heaven?
How come religious people don't celebrate death like that?
Why aren't they happy that their friends and family have finally achieved their lifelong goal to enter the pearly gates?
You'd think they'd be fuckin buzzed about it but all they do is complain.
Noo!!! He's made it into heaven!!! How dare he!!!
Like do these guys even understand what it is they believe in?
Only 14% of the world's population class themselves as atheist.
12% are bhudist which isn't really a religion so ill take them out and that leaves 74%.
As of the last cencus numbers, 74% of the entire world's population classed themselves as religious.
That means if someone dies from coronavirus there's a 74% chance they're religious.
Is it just me that finds that number funny as fuck ?
They should be celebrating too shouldn't they? Given that corona was finally their ticket into heaven?
How come religious people don't celebrate death like that?
Why aren't they happy that their friends and family have finally achieved their lifelong goal to enter the pearly gates?
You'd think they'd be fuckin buzzed about it but all they do is complain.
Noo!!! He's made it into heaven!!! How dare he!!!
Like do these guys even understand what it is they believe in?
I looked for a link to find out the context behind that quote and could find nothing.

They are still planning to send federal officers to Chicago. They SAY it's not the same militarized troops of the kind sent to Portland but they ARE sending troops and Ligthtfoot agreed, at least she agreed to it in principle to help Chicago deal with increases in rates of crime.

So, I'd appreciate a link so that I can read the context behind the quote you cited here.
Portland hit our mainstream yesterday too.
Apparently trump tear gassed the mayor.
That's brilliant. Gotta love that weird orange guy like. He might not be the best leader by many accounts but fuck if he doesn't half make for some good headlines.
It seems like both sides of this thread just want to hear themselves talk, basically. There is zero room for nuance of any type.

If you don’t like Trump, that means you de facto have to agree with the protest hype.

And if you don’t buy into the protest hype, that means you must also support Trump, have drank the kook-aid and must get the fuck out.

I’m sure this thread will be studied by political scientists for years, since the debate is clearly highly substantive.

Let's agree to disagree. Theres def room for nuance I was just feeling too tired to get started on another huge topic. But this is atleast the 3rd post I wanted to respond to, so here I go..

The protests I agree with, are for human rights. This country (and world) has waited too damn long for change. If George Floyd's death is the straw that broke the camels back to bring about that much needed change during the middle of a pandemic, then so be it. Those folks are dying too, from a much more malicious and everlasting threat to life. Much of the world is on board with this movement - with or without coronavirus. Justice and equality will not and should not wait. If I wasn't so high risk you can bet your ass I would be out there too. In a mask of course.. and they should all wear masks too.. That's my opinion.

Has covid been politicised, yes. In the most destructive ways, by both parties. Does that have any relevance in people choosing to do what's necessary on behalf of all, no. Don't get me started on the added civil unrest due to the PRESIDENT not acting as a leader and invoking martial law on US citizens. His disregard for human life is disgusting. This type of govt is the very reason for the second amendment, and this country is headed towards civil war. Another thing that was predicted to happen within 5 years, if trump was elected. Look at us, 4 years later.. he did divide this country and the sickest part is he enjoyed doing it.

It reminds me of a cult - and he is their leader. Mind you, I lean more towards the right than the left in my thoughts overall. I am extremely independent. But I've also been through some shit. Been some places. Seen some things. I explain it best by saying I'm well cultured, and self-made. Black sheep of the family too.. Lol.

You've raised some interesting points and I can understand your perspective. I'm sure we could spark an insiteful conversation. I'm tired of politics for tonight, but around. I'm still awake and its friday :weed: It's been entertaining.. lol.
Only 14% of the world's population class themselves as atheist.
12% are bhudist which isn't really a religion so ill take them out and that leaves 74%.
As of the last cencus numbers, 74% of the entire world's population classed themselves as religious.
That means if someone dies from coronavirus there's a 74% chance they're religious.
Is it just me that finds that number funny as fuck ?
They should be celebrating too shouldn't they? Given that corona was finally their ticket into heaven?
How come religious people don't celebrate death like that?
Why aren't they happy that their friends and family have finally achieved their lifelong goal to enter the pearly gates?
You'd think they'd be fuckin buzzed about it but all they do is complain.
Noo!!! He's made it into heaven!!! How dare he!!!
Like do these guys even understand what it is they believe in?
Why did they call the show unsolved mysteries? Aren't all mysteries unsolved, I mean they wouldn't be mysteries then would they? I mean leonard nimoy was smarter than that!

I mean Einstein said the most beautiful thing in the world is the mysterious. I suggest you savor the beauty and ponder these deep questions in solitude laddie.
there’s no evidence of protest related spikes in covid
None that's posted directly as "evidence" but there's plenty to be found.
Let's look at London.
Highest density population in the UK.
Also the highest population of black people in the UK.
It has also been the area of the UK with the most BLM protests.
It now has the highest corona death rate in the UK and the highest black death rate from corona in the UK.
Of course, it doesn't take a genius to work out that because it's more highly populated it I'll have higher rates all round but here's the kicker.
The magic number that started it all.
There's a higher representative % of black people dying from corona.
The rate at which black people in London are contracting and dying from corona is higher per %age of population than white people.
And London is the only place in the UK that number is true for.
That's the number all the black people are kicking off about. A higher %age per population of blacks being dealt with by the law.
That's their main argument so it's a number that the blm brigade can't argue about.

So, while the evidence will never be publicly posted in such a way due to the fact that All the black people will just shout racism.
It's still there.
You just gotta be able to read between the lines buddy. ;)

(Shit my phone died while editing)
Got some links for ya too buddy.
Seeing as most oversees folks get their UK news from the BBC....

Here's some more local stuff..


And let's see if we can find some US examples...

And I'm not sure how sharp you are. But if you pay attention you'll notice that all those sources are from mainstream media and all of them show black people trying to blame their corona virus death rates on RACISM!
Got absolutely nothing to do with the fact that they've all been gathering in their tens of thousands instead of practicing social distancing.
WOOOOWWW and I'm the one apparently wearing a tin foil hat ??
(Further edit) for some reason those links don't work but I can't be arsed copying them all in again. Only took me one Google search to find hundreds of examples though.
"Corona blamed on racism"
Last edited:
Why did they call the show unsolved mysteries? Aren't all mysteries unsolved, I mean they wouldn't be mysteries then would they? I mean leonard nimoy was smarter than that!

I mean Einstein said the most beautiful thing in the world is the mysterious. I suggest you savor the beauty and ponder these deep questions in solitude laddie.
Really? That's your put down?
Go watch unsolved mysteries. Wow. I feel so deeply, emotionally traumatised I might not make it through today.
Go Try And prove any of that wrong mate.
You'll try and you'll fail. :)
Only 14% of the world's population class themselves as atheist.
12% are bhudist which isn't really a religion so ill take them out and that leaves 74%.
As of the last cencus numbers, 74% of the entire world's population classed themselves as religious.
That means if someone dies from coronavirus there's a 74% chance they're religious.
Is it just me that finds that number funny as fuck ?
They should be celebrating too shouldn't they? Given that corona was finally their ticket into heaven?
How come religious people don't celebrate death like that?
Why aren't they happy that their friends and family have finally achieved their lifelong goal to enter the pearly gates?
You'd think they'd be fuckin buzzed about it but all they do is complain.
Noo!!! He's made it into heaven!!! How dare he!!!
Like do these guys even understand what it is they believe in?
I'm atheist. On the other hand, I don't disrespect people who are religious.

I just don't find religion necessary to go on through life. Apparently 74% do. Near as I can tell, not a single one of us, religious or not want to die, even those who take their lives. So, I'm not sure I find any humor here.

I do mock arch conservative religious politicians who say something like: Only god can protect you because for the most part, they are just using that as an excuse to not do anything.

But those nuns, I'm sorry for their passing.

Now this, I find funny:


Or the joke that goes something like:

A man was stranded on a rock in lake after his boat sank. A boat with plenty of room in it came to help and he refused saying it's in the hands of god. A canoe came by and he refused them too. It got cold and then rained that night. The man passed away. When he met god in heaven, he asked god why he didn't help. God said, I tried to help. I sent a boat and a canoe.
Let's agree to disagree. Theres def room for nuance I was just feeling too tired to get started on another huge topic. But this is atleast the 3rd post I wanted to respond to, so here I go..

The protests I agree with, are for human rights. This country (and world) has waited too damn long for change. If George Floyd's death is the straw that broke the camels back to bring about that much needed change during the middle of a pandemic, then so be it. Those folks are dying too, from a much more malicious and everlasting threat to life. Much of the world is on board with this movement - with or without coronavirus. Justice and equality will not and should not wait. If I wasn't so high risk you can bet your ass I would be out there too. In a mask of course.. and they should all wear masks too.. That's my opinion.

Has covid been politicised, yes. In the most destructive ways, by both parties. Does that have any relevance in people choosing to do what's necessary on behalf of all, no. Don't get me started on the added civil unrest due to the PRESIDENT not acting as a leader and invoking martial law on US citizens. His disregard for human life is disgusting. This type of govt is the very reason for the second amendment, and this country is headed towards civil war. Another thing that was predicted to happen within 5 years, if trump was elected. Look at us, 4 years later.. he did divide this country and the sickest part is he enjoyed doing it.

It reminds me of a cult - and he is their leader. Mind you, I lean more towards the right than the left in my thoughts overall. I am extremely independent. But I've also been through some shit. Been some places. Seen some things. I explain it best by saying I'm well cultured, and self-made. Black sheep of the family too.. Lol.

You've raised some interesting points and I can understand your perspective. I'm sure we could spark an insiteful conversation. I'm tired of politics for tonight, but around. I'm still awake and its friday :weed: It's been entertaining.. lol.
Trump treated the epidemic as a political event. Remember when he refused to allow stricken cruise ships to dock because it would have "hurt his numbers"? What did Democrats do? I will say right now that Clinton would have been all over it long before the first person died of it in the US. Obama left the US in a top tier level of preparedness for an epidemic like this.

If you think that's politicizing the virus, suggest think again.