CNN just called it


Well-Known Member
With such dramatic results come high expectations.

Try not to look too surprised when the Chosen One slips his hog in.

Big P

Well-Known Member
he just told the world we would still bust caps if they tripped, or somthing to that effect

sounds good to me:mrgreen:


New Member
Like Palin is anything but poor, damn.

Even with the attempted election fraud it was an ass kicking to be remembered.

Fake messages target Obama backers
Posted: 05:06 PM ET
Fake text messages were sent out on Election Day.

(CNN) — Voters in several states have receiving bogus text messages or e-mail urging supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama to put off voting until Wednesday because of long lines, spurring threats of prosecution in at least two states.
The messages — a perennial election stunt — popped up Tuesday on mobile phones and computers in the battleground states of Florida, Virginia and Missouri, as well as in several other states. One falsely claimed to be a "CNN breaking news" alert.
"All Obama voters, due to long delays, are asked to wait and vote tomorrow 11/05," that message stated.
Election Day is a one-day event, of course — and in a statement issued Tuesday, Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan said she had "no tolerance" for anyone attempting to confuse voters.
"I am working with local election officials around the state to make sure poll workers and voters understand their rights," said Carnahan, a Democrat.
"Anyone attempting to deprive voters of their rights on Election Day will be prosecuted."
In Maryland, a spokeswoman for Attorney General Douglas Gansler said his office had passed along complaints about the messages to the U.S. Justice Department and state prosecutors.
Similar messages were reported in Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Maryland and Arkansas.
In Virginia, hackers breached the computer network at George Mason University to send the message, university Provost Peter Stearns told students, faculty and staff in an e-mail denouncing the hoax.
"I am sure everybody realizes this is a hoax," he said. "It is also a serious offense, and we are looking into it. Please be reminded that Election Day is today, November 4th."
A flyer with a similar message was spread around the Hampton Roads area of southeast Virginia last week. Virginia State Police said Monday that they would not bring charges against the man who printed them, and state Board of Elections Secretary Nancy Rodriguez called the flyers "a joke that got out of control."


Well-Known Member
Everyone said Bill Clinton would drive Americas economy into the ground, but he left with a 5 TRILLION Dollar surplus.
Actually it was the Republican majority in Congress that did that. Bill Clinton reluctantly signed the legislation.

Being Canadian you should know that. :-P


Well-Known Member
If you think the US is in the crapper now just wait till this guy takes over. How can so many Americans be so stupid? gratz to all the Obama fans for the final flush down the crapper.
I love it, your just mad cause u lost, wake up and drink your own toliet water. flush,flush on you ............
Obama is the best thing that will ever happen to america :hump::hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
truth be told I didn't like Mccaine all that much but Ron paul had no chance. with that said it's time to reload and forget about politics. puff... puff... choke...pass..


Well-Known Member
truth be told I didn't like Mccaine all that much but Ron paul had no chance. with that said it's time to reload and forget about politics. puff... puff... choke...pass..
I think we should put our political differences aside and united in our common goal of legalizing marijuana. That's something we can ALL agree on. :blsmoke:


Active Member
I have to say that I am on cloud 9 seeing that our country has changed to elect an african american when just 60 years ago they would have been arrested for even dating a white women. That to me is beautiful and emergence of Americans as a people. On a down note, I think people are in for a rude awakening. He's handled by the top elitists. If it's stays a nation by the people, for the people I think a similar situation to jfk may happen. Anytime we get anybody who sheds light and justice and makes things seen in a way that is for the people, they're gone. MLK Jr., JFK, Marley, Lennon, etc... Let's just hope that won't be the case. I just don't know how you overpower members of CFR, Trilateral and Bilderbergs. I'm prepared for anything but would love to see our country gets it's reputation back as the land of the free home of the brave. Not capitalist bullies who con, bribe and lie.


Well-Known Member
Like Palin is anything but poor, damn.

Even with the attempted election fraud it was an ass kicking to be remembered.

Fake messages target Obama backers
Also included in the article is that the message is "a perennial election stunt."

I notice that when you mentioned election fraud, you neglected to mention ACORN, illegal foreign donations to the Obama campaign, and thugs armed with nightsticks standing in front of the doors of a Philadelphia polling place.

It is the Democrat's year. All that fraud was unnecessary in light of the results. Reminds me of the Watergate burglary before the 1972 Nixon landslide. I'll be looking for All the Messiah's Men at bookstores.

Maybe not. I guess election fraud is only an issue when Democrats lose.