Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

Kinda remember that but since I was not into hydro, I really never paid it much attention. If you looked at Lucas and "his" formula (aka 'Newbie' during the days of cannabis.com) he had the K way up over the N, which a lot of hydro manufacturers do. I still don't get that, and no one to this day has explained to me why that is - that K is always quite a bit higher than N for a typical Grow food.

Whatever happened to pH? Man, did he and I ever get into the soil versus hydro fights! Remember those? Hell, we just fought on everything. Nothing but power plays. I remember his farce Yield-O-Rama. Man, was that a scientific study. :rolleyes:

You have a good memory....has it really been that long, 17 frickin' years? Ahhhhhhhh, the good ol days. When the hell are we gonna give up this crap hehe? :)
Anybody tryed a test between 9-3-6 v 3-1-4 ?

I'll repeat myself for the 20th time, buy Mel Frank's "MJ Insider Growers Guide". If I was to write a book it would be a carbon copy of his. Why? Because it's based on normal, commercially acceptable, tried-n-true gardening principles - not forum hype.

Necrosis can spell a lot of things - insect or disease pressure, poor root mass, low N..... You can and should keep the soil moist at all times, BUT, if your plant does not have sufficient root and leaf mass to wick off excess moisture, you'll end up with root rot and a dead plant. Photos help.

What's the NPK values of the foods you've been giving it?

Post edit - I looked at your plants posted in a 2010 journal and they look great. What's changed?
Mel frank users 3-1-4 start to finish .. like jacks classic so why you go agenst his word if am right & use a 9-3-6 ?
a commonly sold liquid fert that works great start to finish is dyna gro foliage pro 9-3-6. I am very happy with using this in my coco hempy setups and the only thing i really have to add is cal-mag (because of the coco)
otherwise i have some plants in soil that are loving the foliar pro. I bought the bloom and veg from dyna gro and wasn't happy with them, they're now collecting dust and this 20$ bottle has lasted me half a year so far
Still useing the 3-1-2 for coco ever tried npk 3-1-4 ?
I am about to use megacrop for my next grow and was using flora trio last grow. I have found the npk ratio can be either way if you water correctly
Yep heard good things about mega crop ! I was thinking that or jacks , check out rare dank powder feeds tell me what you think . Am uk so we have soft water but cl In there so dont use anything with beenies in or to much organic it just kills them off waste off money .am hydro too