Grown ass baby?


Well-Known Member
Woke up this morning to a msg from GG saying he's sticking to his guns and he's blocked me on insta.

Ive been nothing but nice to that guy, used to chat photos/lenses/RIU drama. wished him and his new fam well etc...

have a nice life, mate. ive got too much going on to should you...


Rocket Soul

Well-Known Member
Woke up this morning to a msg from GG saying he's sticking to his guns and he's blocked me on insta.

Ive been nothing but nice to that guy, used to chat photos/lenses/RIU drama. wished him and his new fam well etc...

have a nice life, mate. ive got too much going on to should you...

Do you know what hes so upset about? I obviously know the list of issues that irks here at riu but whats the actual final straw?


Well-Known Member
Do you know what hes so upset about? I obviously know the list of issues that irks here at riu but whats the actual final straw?
Yo! no idea, man. i havent been paying attention.

If he thinks he can just stop people from using RIU, the best forum for led, then he's living on another planet...nobody gives a fuck.

He should of gone down as an LED OG but he's going down as an LED bellend instead. well played
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Staff member
Do you know what hes so upset about? I obviously know the list of issues that irks here at riu but whats the actual final straw?
I’m not sure this is all of it but the guy is a whiner
He would bark orders At the staff when he was An advertiser here
he would try to get any bad comment or comment he didn’t like about his stuff removed which we didn’t do

And than he would play the other side saying we censored people and their opinions

it was interesting to watch he’s definitely two faced

He would make several fake accounts and report any post he didn’t like is aslanderous and libel
He got banned from being an advertiser and than banned from Riu because he could not stop at all being the way he is

he sure thinks he’s something important and maybe he is in his little circle but he. Sure thought rollitup would go down without him

I’m so so glad he’s gone Because my inbox cringed Everytime he would come at it

but it seems like he cannot get over it
and it seems like to me he has some serious issues

And if I find out anyone’s doxxing people to that maniac I will ban them here :)