Oxycodone addiction, help please?


Well-Known Member
I got perscribed oxycodone for my abdonminal pain caused by my Crohn's, and at first i didnt take them at all i just smoked the reeferbongsmilie. But im having to stop for a while to get a job. And ive been taking 2 a day every day for a while now even when im not in pain. I need to keep myself from taking them unless i have pain, but my will power isnt strong enough. can someone please give me some advice


Well-Known Member
if u take 2 a day start takekng one and a half then one a day and so on to ween your way off...this will help u kick it easily and with less stress...if u do it cold turkey get ready for the worst pain of your life... Any barbituqte like that gets I. Your bone marrow after a small Amoy t of time and it's a body addiction as well as a min or mental addiction...I was prescribed perks when I had a bad knee surgery as a kid and ate them like candy then kicked the habbit cold turkey I don't suggest it but if u do it will make u nevertouch them again... Gl man those pills are the devil in my eyes...


Well-Known Member
its not a barb. Its an opiate.

What miligrams where they? You may want to ween but a little bit less drastic. Maybe cut back by an 1/8 and say there for a week or 2 then ween by another 1/8. if you just keep your mind to it it will be no problem, but if you slip you will just go nowhere. You have to not want to get high but if you ween you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
idk im reading this straight from the CVS bottle


Well-Known Member
if u take 2 a day start takekng one and a half then one a day and so on to ween your way off...this will help u kick it easily and with less stress...if u do it cold turkey get ready for the worst pain of your life... Any barbituqte like that gets I. Your bone marrow after a small Amoy t of time and it's a body addiction as well as a min or mental addiction...I was prescribed perks when I had a bad knee surgery as a kid and ate them like candy then kicked the habbit cold turkey I don't suggest it but if u do it will make u nevertouch them again... Gl man those pills are the devil in my eyes...
thanks for the idea, i believe i will start tommorow with 1 and 1/2 and go down a half every other day.


Well-Known Member
its not a barb. Its an opiate.

What miligrams where they? You may want to ween but a little bit less drastic. Maybe cut back by an 1/8 and say there for a week or 2 then ween by another 1/8. if you just keep your mind to it it will be no problem, but if you slip you will just go nowhere. You have to not want to get high but if you ween you will be fine.
thanks for the advice have you or any other people had opiate addiction?


New Member
Strart buying mushrooms on the weekends or whatever day you don't work a week, so If you feel you really need to get fucked up you can get really fucked up an maybe not need to do it for a while ya know? Or try some legal highs, Salvia?


Well-Known Member
Strart buying mushrooms on the weekends or whatever day you don't work a week, so If you feel you really need to get fucked up you can get really fucked up an maybe not need to do it for a while ya know? Or try some legal highs, Salvia?
haha i wish i could get shrooms i come across them once a year at a fucking huge hippie party, dude wont sell them to me unless im there, but even them i usually get like a dried 1/8th for like 40 which is to expensive


Well-Known Member
actually to be right again any pill is a barbituate pup... Just be carefull and gl again man go slow and fix yourself... Another idea I forgot is call your doctor and get shit I forget the name of the pill it's a blocker for those pills dam I forget what it is but the doc might be able to help ya too...
Just to set the record straight, barbiturates and opiates are two very different classes of medications that BOTH have sedative properties. In this case, oxycodone (part of generic percocet, which is what you were prescribed) is an opiate used for pain relief. Barbituates, such as amobarbital and phenobarbital, a class of drugs related to barbituric acid are traditionally used as tranqulizers.


Active Member
My friend who is addicted to Opiates just got this little machine that he hooks up behind his ears and it sends electrical waves through him and blocks his opiate receptors and helps you quit, ask your doctor about it if you are interested, I'm not addicted to Opiates though I do them from time to time, I tried the machine out and felt very relaxed after about 20 Minutes


Well-Known Member
My friend who is addicted to Opiates just got this little machine that he hooks up behind his ears and it sends electrical waves through him and blocks his opiate receptors and helps you quit, ask your doctor about it if you are interested, I'm not addicted to Opiates though I do them from time to time, I tried the machine out and felt very relaxed after about 20 Minutes
see the thing is i dont want my doctor knowing i am addicted to them, because then he wont perscribe them for me again and i wont have them when i need them. but if i cant quit by myself im 100% deff looking into that. how expensive is it?


Well-Known Member
see the thing is i dont want my doctor knowing i am addicted to them, because then he wont perscribe them for me again and i wont have them when i need them. but if i cant quit by myself im 100% deff looking into that. how expensive is it?
You have to want to quit, in order to quit. 2 a day though isn't that much of an "addicction" but if your not in pain then you are abusing em which is bad.


Well-Known Member
definatly he's not joking. after my 3 surguries .. well all during i was on perocet / oxycodone and was at about 100mg a day when it was time to get off them i had to have the doc give me a weening schedule. which after 1 month had me taking 2 5mg tabs daily 1 in the am and 1 in the pm.
you would think at that point you could just stop and walk away right ?
not a chance i stayed on the 10mg daily for 2 months and cut back to 1 and a half a day then 2 halves a day .. thats 2.5mg in the morning and 2.5 at night and even then i still had cramps and the runs for about a week after taking my last dose.
your other option for wuiting is suboxone but you had better be damn sure you cant quite before asking your doc to go that route as it will be in your permanent medical records


Well-Known Member
definatly he's not joking. after my 3 surguries .. well all during i was on perocet / oxycodone and was at about 100mg a day when it was time to get off them i had to have the doc give me a weening schedule. which after 1 month had me taking 2 5mg tabs daily 1 in the am and 1 in the pm.
you would think at that point you could just stop and walk away right ?
not a chance i stayed on the 10mg daily for 2 months and cut back to 1 and a half a day then 2 halves a day .. thats 2.5mg in the morning and 2.5 at night and even then i still had cramps and the runs for about a week after taking my last dose.
your other option for wuiting is suboxone but you had better be damn sure you cant quite before asking your doc to go that route as it will be in your permanent medical records
thanks phinxter, as soon as i get my part time job i will start smoking again and i think that will help a lot, but when you had your surguries were you smoking cannabis?


Well-Known Member
yeah i was also smoking the herb . mostly at night as i allowed me to sleep.
the surgery was on the shoulder i usually sleep on and the pain meds didnt help what so ever in relieveing enough pain to get me to sleep
MMJ is in my opinion a way better option than oxycodone.
best of luck kicking that habit .. stay strong and just know in your heart and mind that you aren't alone and that you can do this with support from the doc and your family


Well-Known Member
yeah i was also smoking the herb . mostly at night as i allowed me to sleep.
the surgery was on the shoulder i usually sleep on and the pain meds didnt help what so ever in relieveing enough pain to get me to sleep
MMJ is in my opinion a way better option than oxycodone.
best of luck kicking that habit .. stay strong and just know in your heart and mind that you aren't alone and that you can do this with support from the doc and your family
thanks for the words of wisdom phinxter people like you make RIU an awsome place to be, and now im taking a half of one when i wake up and the other half around 3, another question i have is will they deny me a job for having oxycodone in my system even if i show them the perscription? i havent had a job since i was 16 working at a service station, and im trying to get a part time one now.


i used to be hooked on oxycontins.... used to snort up 3 80mils a day.... my connection just suddenly vanished, and i was what they call drug sick for about a week.... shits, shakes, puking... horrible stuff unless you have to take them... but you are eating the lil 5mils shouldnt be bad at all.... good luck bro