Well-Known Member
I’m guessing you’ve never experienced a natural gas leak or had a bad storm knock out power lines or other utilities that cross over or under your property. Hell a gas leak can cause entire neighborhoods to be evacuated, and if the utility workers think the problem could be on your property they will go wherever the leak leads (or think it might lead them).
What happens if you or someone you live with has a medical emergency like a heart attack? Would you call 911 and activate the emergency response system knowing that by doing so you are granting the police (or who ever is the first to respond) entrance into your home?
He's just trolling so don't feed the troll.

damn thats fucked up. i had census people knocking on my door last week. i aint filling out no fucking census lol.
Then your area gets less money for schools etc. Seems a lot of people aren't filling out the census but they are the ones who lose out. Trump isn't helping tho but he'll be gone by January.