Stand your ground

How bad is it?

  • Don't worry about it

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • Your probably fucked

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Move as fast as you can to Guatemala

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Call a lawyer now

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters
I’m guessing you’ve never experienced a natural gas leak or had a bad storm knock out power lines or other utilities that cross over or under your property. Hell a gas leak can cause entire neighborhoods to be evacuated, and if the utility workers think the problem could be on your property they will go wherever the leak leads (or think it might lead them).

What happens if you or someone you live with has a medical emergency like a heart attack? Would you call 911 and activate the emergency response system knowing that by doing so you are granting the police (or who ever is the first to respond) entrance into your home?

He's just trolling so don't feed the troll.


damn thats fucked up. i had census people knocking on my door last week. i aint filling out no fucking census lol.

Then your area gets less money for schools etc. Seems a lot of people aren't filling out the census but they are the ones who lose out. Trump isn't helping tho but he'll be gone by January.
He's just trolling so don't feed the troll.


Then your area gets less money for schools etc. Seems a lot of people aren't filling out the census but they are the ones who lose out. Trump isn't helping tho but he'll be gone by January.

they ask way too many questions. fuck the gov lol
they ask way too many questions. fuck the gov lol

Thing is when you live in a society and enjoy it's benefits you have an obligation to do some things that most adults do for the good of the rest of the society. An accurate census every 10 years isn't such a hardship and does good for all society. Locally it can affect a lot of things like money for schools, hospitals, policing and other amenities.

Thanks to Trump this US census is really going to be a gong show and most of the money etc is going to go to the richer neighbourhoods because they are the kind of people that will fill out the census. I filled out our last one here in Canada then a couple showed up to ask me raft more of questions as a random person selected for an extended census. I politely told them I wasn't interested as was my right and they said good-day and left. It is law to fill out the census but they don't really follow up on those that don't. It's OK to refuse the extended part. I had a basement grow room in bloom and the whole yard stunk like a skunk. lol Didn't want people from the gubbermint hanging around or would have done it.

Thing is when you live in a society and enjoy it's benefits you have an obligation to do some things that most adults do for the good of the rest of the society. An accurate census every 10 years isn't such a hardship and does good for all society. Locally it can affect a lot of things like money for schools, hospitals, policing and other amenities.

Thanks to Trump this US census is really going to be a gong show and most of the money etc is going to go to the richer neighbourhoods because they are the kind of people that will fill out the census. I filled out our last one here in Canada then a couple showed up to ask me raft more of questions as a random person selected for an extended census. I politely told them I wasn't interested as was my right and they said good-day and left. It is law to fill out the census but they don't really follow up on those that don't. It's OK to refuse the extended part. I had a basement grow room in bloom and the whole yard stunk like a skunk. lol Didn't want people from the gubbermint hanging around or would have done it.

true . i ended up answering it they kept showing up at my house. answered like 3 questions and they left . pretty easy. still bugs me how they have this as a law lol
true . i ended up answering it they kept showing up at my house. answered like 3 questions and they left . pretty easy. still bugs me how they have this as a law lol

It's pretty damn important so it's been a law since it began I believe. Personally I think it should be law to have to vote too. If the younger and/or lazy crowd of any age had of got off their couches and voted in '16 maybe we wouldn't have been stuck with the orange goon now. Not that I liked Killary so much but look at the mess we're all in now. And I'm Canadian but what he does affects us as well. I'm really looking forward to watching the circus in the courts once he's out of the White House and they can prosecute his fat ass to hell and back. :D

It's pretty damn important so it's been a law since it began I believe. Personally I think it should be law to have to vote too. If the younger and/or lazy crowd of any age had of got off their couches and voted in '16 maybe we wouldn't have been stuck with the orange goon now. Not that I liked Killary so much but look at the mess we're all in now. And I'm Canadian but what he does affects us as well. I'm really looking forward to watching the circus in the courts once he's out of the White House and they can prosecute his fat ass to hell and back. :D

lol. I think its all fake. All governments worldwide are just actors working for satan imo. We have to go along with the circus show. I will never vote on for a president. They all endorse and sign illegal anti god laws so im not wasting my time voting for a fake. Trump was supposed to be such a american patriot and put us first but as you can tell look at what hes doing. Using social media like a teenager. Hes anti immigration even though The usa was built by it. Hes anti free speech as well as being anti gun. They all just lie and use thier acting skills to woo the general public. Also why doenst the usa have free health care? We have a billion dollar military but not free healthcare? You ever hear about what they do to our Vets? This country is a joke.
They don't treat our vets any better up here in Canaduh. Billion dollar US military? Think trillion dollar and you'll still come up short. Over half of the US GDP goes to the military. Could cut that by 50% and give top of the line health care including dental and drugs to everyone in the US.

Not voting is not the answer tho. That's how Trump got in because too many people have that same attitude.

I don't equate god with politics tho a lot of politicians do and are some of the most hypocritical people on the planet. But then most bible thumpers I've ever met are too.

I was never interested in politics when I was younger but still voted and haven't missed a chance to vote since and I'm almost 66 now.

Pray for Biden!

you have an obligation

I feel obligated to respond.

The thing is the only thing any of us are obligated to do is not force our wishes on others.

You have an obligation, not to make others obligations for them. That creates a reciprocity of good will and good boundaries.
I feel obligated to respond.

The thing is the only thing any of us are obligated to do is not force our wishes on others.

You have an obligation, not to make others obligations for them. That creates a reciprocity of good will and good boundaries.

Maybe I should have said 'Moral Obligation' then. If you can't get off your ass to vote, mail in a form or answer a few questions to help your country then as a citizen you lack morals.

It's curious to me how natural born citizens seem to get this attitude where people who have escaped more repressive governments are eager as hell to get out and vote or participate in things like the census for their new country once they become citizens.

Us Canukistanians are no better more's the pity.

It's a right and a privilege and the only way to get Trump out of the White House! I think Democrats are more likely to smoke pot than than the other guys who's name I will not mention so get t0o buzzed to get off the couch and vote or too paranoid to answer the census questions thus lose out. ;)

Maybe I should have said 'Moral Obligation' then. If you can't get off your ass to vote, mail in a form or answer a few questions to help your country then as a citizen you lack morals.

It's curious to me how natural born citizens seem to get this attitude where people who have escaped more repressive governments are eager as hell to get out and vote or participate in things like the census for their new country once they become citizens.

Us Canukistanians are no better more's the pity.

It's a right and a privilege and the only way to get Trump out of the White House! I think Democrats are more likely to smoke pot than than the other guys who's name I will not mention so get t0o buzzed to get off the couch and vote or too paranoid to answer the census questions thus lose out. ;)

Biden rofl? Hes another globalist anti american terrorist. LOL GOOD ONE
I received a letter from my towns Tax Assessor yesterday informing me that the State of Connecticut (be warned) mandates a review every 10 years,(and this is the 1st), of all residents property for an accurate evaluation of current value, which involves, in my town at least an TOTAL inspection, including the interior of the premises.
Needless to say, considering I have 28 plants (10 years/ forfeiture of property) running in 3 rooms in my basement, I puked.(not really, but close to it)
Then my mind went into self preservation mode, and I thought about it. You see, all 3 areas have one common entrance, which I blocked/locked when the oil man came, the cable guy came, once DCF came because my 7 year son told his teacher that I gave him a knife to play with (little pen knife/ was true) and I had guns around the house. (also true, but locked), and she called DCF. Man, that was scary because they literally check everything in your house. Anyway, She goes to the basement, looks around and says what's in that room. I told her that's just a store room, and she said ,ok, and walked away. So point being, I have gotten away with it before, but only when I have expected it, not like the ambush that is coming up, because this inspection time is going to run until next fall, so any day this person could possibly show up

Then I said fuck it, I have rights as an American citizen, fuck you, your not entering my house without a search warrant. Period.

So, this is my question. How bad a situation do you think I am

Last point is that the inspection of the interior is not mandatory, but I think that the town will wonder why if I tell them to go get a warrant before you walk into my house, that will raise eyebrows for sure, no doubt about that. The way I look at is that I damned if I do, and damned if I don't.
Oh, fucking well, what ever will be, shall be.

Cutting the plants is one thing, clearing out all my lights and grow material is another thing. I really don't think that 3 rooms full of lights and reservoirs are going to be easy to explain away. I'm just going to say, get a warrant motherfucker or get off my property. That is the only option I have available in my opinion. This is America right, and I'll be damned if the government thinks they can walk into my home at their whim. Fuck that.
They can't say anything about your equipment. Just stack them and lay all the tubing and pumps behind it. Box what you can.. unless you wanna go with the whole "Rented out space" thing and say you don't keep a spare. WTF they gonna do? lol they wanna get their day over with too. Even have a wingman on standby to take a call from you while they are there if it's that serious and he can say he's out of town for the week. Nothing they can really press you for.
I received a letter from my towns Tax Assessor yesterday informing me that the State of Connecticut (be warned) mandates a review every 10 years,(and this is the 1st), of all residents property for an accurate evaluation of current value, which involves, in my town at least an TOTAL inspection, including the interior of the premises.
Needless to say, considering I have 28 plants (10 years/ forfeiture of property) running in 3 rooms in my basement, I puked.(not really, but close to it)
Then my mind went into self preservation mode, and I thought about it. You see, all 3 areas have one common entrance, which I blocked/locked when the oil man came, the cable guy came, once DCF came because my 7 year son told his teacher that I gave him a knife to play with (little pen knife/ was true) and I had guns around the house. (also true, but locked), and she called DCF. Man, that was scary because they literally check everything in your house. Anyway, She goes to the basement, looks around and says what's in that room. I told her that's just a store room, and she said ,ok, and walked away. So point being, I have gotten away with it before, but only when I have expected it, not like the ambush that is coming up, because this inspection time is going to run until next fall, so any day this person could possibly show up

Then I said fuck it, I have rights as an American citizen, fuck you, your not entering my house without a search warrant. Period.

So, this is my question. How bad a situation do you think I am

Last point is that the inspection of the interior is not mandatory, but I think that the town will wonder why if I tell them to go get a warrant before you walk into my house, that will raise eyebrows for sure, no doubt about that. The way I look at is that I damned if I do, and damned if I don't.
Oh, fucking well, what ever will be, shall be.

borrow someones pitbull. and have them in the basement with it so they can get it all wound up.. barking and shit.. but be held back. You can open the door... but the barking should make them back up after you politely say "After you" lol
Just to give an update on this old OP, I told the town that I was involved in a messy divorce (total BS) and neither my wife or myself were available for an inspection.
The accessor said sorry for your predicament, and don't worry about it.
They never entered my house.
Ha ha ha!
awesome turnout
Biden rofl? Hes another globalist anti american terrorist. LOL GOOD ONE

Oh boy. You got the good Kool-Aid then!

Ever heard the expression, Small things amuse small minds but smaller minds look on?

You're the 'smaller minds' kind of guy. sorry.gif
A search warrant has to be VERY SPECIFIC as to what they are looking for. Anything else stumbled upon when executing a search warrant is inadmissible in court.
They don't treat our vets any better up here in Canaduh. Billion dollar US military? Think trillion dollar and you'll still come up short. Over half of the US GDP goes to the military. Could cut that by 50% and give top of the line health care including dental and drugs to everyone in the US.

Not voting is not the answer tho. That's how Trump got in because too many people have that same attitude.

I don't equate god with politics tho a lot of politicians do and are some of the most hypocritical people on the planet. But then most bible thumpers I've ever met are too.

I was never interested in politics when I was younger but still voted and haven't missed a chance to vote since and I'm almost 66 now.

Pray for Biden!

I’ll pray for Biden’s health. Have you ever heard him speak? Probably not, because he can’t even form a coherent thought anymore. And if he can have a coherent thought, it’s probably about what perverted act he’d do to some young girl.

If you think the man the dems put up as their puppet is the answer, you need to think real hard about who has the small mind. Thinking as 90% of the media tells you to think, who by the way, is owned by the Uber rich elitists, who by the way, don’t have our interest in mind, that apparently you despise, tells me exactly who has the small mind.

Anyone who has wanted to become president, at least in my lifetime, has wanted to do so for personal reasons. There’s no exception. The difference with Trump is that his personal reasons also benefit all people, because his personal reasons are not to get rich by large corporations giving him kick-backs. He wants policy that’s going to benefit the corporations he already owns. That policy in turn creates many opportunities for us average joes.

Have a dream. Create a goal. Work hard to achieve that goal. Be polite and respectful to others. Reap the benefits. Lazy people want free shit for nothing. The dems promise free shit for nothing. Economics 101 will teach you, “there is no such thing as a free lunch”