How can I handle caterpillars during flower ?


Not looking good. I grow indoors but found this online...

"Another possible source of infection are caterpillars, a true classic in many gardens during autumn. Apart from the damages caused by their eating action (twisted leaves, drilled buds, etc) they literally drill our buds, so that rains or dew fill the orifices left by the caterpillars and enable the development of botrytis. The typical symptoms of an infection of botrytis are bud rot, which acquires a brown/grey colour and completely changes its texture, which becomes cottony and brittle. A typical early symptom are whitered bud leaves: if we remove the bud, we’ll probably see botrytis between the main stem and the flower. In this case, we should remove all infected buds and immediately treat the plant with some fungicide product, provided that we’re still on time (we don’t recommend any treatment if plants are about to be harvested).

Thus, our best option to avoid these situations is always using a preventive against caterpillars during summer (for example, with Bacillus Thuringiensis) and until our plants end the pre-flowering stage. It is important to remember that this is a preventive action (directly against caterpillars and indirectly against botrytis) so we must use the product even if we don’t see any caterpillar on our plants (BT is especially efficient against larvae, not to eradicate adults)."

Dang. I hope I’m not in big trouble


Well-Known Member
Let’s be realistic here and say that, yes, you’re in trouble and the outcome is not good. But how tenacious are you? If you’re willing to go the extra mile you just might save some of it. But is it worth it? When you find a lot of worms on your plant in your buds the loss will be high. As for myself I’d learn from this and move along and be ready for next year. I know it sucks but it’s a hard learning experience.


Let’s be realistic here and say that, yes, you’re in trouble and the outcome is not good. But how tenacious are you? If you’re willing to go the extra mile you just might save some of it. But is it worth it? When you find a lot of worms on your plant in your buds the loss will be high. As for myself I’d learn from this and move along and be ready for next year. I know it sucks but it’s a hard learning experience.
Damn that’s not what I want to hear


Well-Known Member
Damn that’s not what I want to hear
Also remember botrytis is a systemic infection. It is literally inside your plant now and why it consumes your buds from the stem outward. Here in the PNW it is such a crapshoot to grow outdoors. You might get lucky or you might get a cold and wet late September and early October. Watched my best friend try tents and umbrellas to ward it off but in the end a lost battle.

See green

Well-Known Member
In your future grows you need to start spraying the spinosad and BT in veg and continue into flower. Even if you dont see the worms they will be there believe me. Once I started doing it this way I have very small amount if any worm dammage.


Also remember botrytis is a systemic infection. It is literally inside your plant now and why it consumes your buds from the stem outward. Here in the PNW it is such a crapshoot to grow outdoors. You might get lucky or you might get a cold and wet late September and early October. Watched my best friend try tents and umbrellas to ward it off but in the end a lost battle.
Do you think my current grow is worthless at this point ? Or should I try and fight them off


Well-Known Member
From the picture you posted earlier, looks like you have a ways to go. My feelings are what have you got to lose letting it run its course. Perhaps some will be spared and you can always make edibles with it. I know exactly how you feel, two years ago I had an indoor Juan Herer going with huge ass buds but after I chopped her and was drying I started noticing funky spots. Which upon opening the buds up I found the dreaded grey fur, just tossed the whole plant in the yard waste bin. She is on the right, 707 Truthband to the left. Lesson from that was run my lights at night and water/feed at lights on. 7-gal Airpots for size reference.



From the picture you posted earlier, looks like you have a ways to go. My feelings are what have you got to lose letting it run its course. Perhaps some will be spared and you can always make edibles with it. I know exactly how you feel, two years ago I had an indoor Juan Herer going with huge ass buds but after I chopped her and was drying I started noticing funky spots. Which upon opening the buds up I found the dreaded grey fur, just tossed the whole plant in the yard waste bin. She is on the right, 707 Truthband to the left. Lesson from that was run my lights at night and water/feed at lights on. 7-gal Airpots for size reference.

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Damn. My plants are huge too. They would have yielded so much. I am so saddened by this. Hopefully spraying the BT helps tonight

SCM 831

Well-Known Member
You might be able to prolong it a week max but they will keep destroying your nugs and will spread, I’d wait till you feel like you’ve lost enough to not be worth waiting any longer then chop