1000 Things to do while stoned


Well-Known Member
522: Think up new inventions, like this morning I woke up and thought of a toothbrush glove, it would be so meta to brush your teeth with your fingers! maybe a little messy but it's ok because all the best things in life are messy, pussy, bbq ribs, guacamole burgers...ect

haha i sound like im all sellin the idea now

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Active Member
526. Find shapes in the clouds
527. Start a coloring book
528. Look up famous Picaso and Rembrant paintings (they're trippy as hell stoned)
529. Eat something sour
530. Stare into a mirror (I've done it for 20 minutes straight before 0.0 )


Well-Known Member
534.go on myspace poker and lose 400000 chips cause your to stoned to play

535. keep playin on myspace and find someone that knows your best nor cal dealer and can get you hooked up "Hella Fat"

536.smoke a cigar..vegas gold


Well-Known Member
537. Go gamble your life savings away.
538. Go to the supermarket and push over some stacks of cereal.
539. Go get a shopping trolley and ride it down a hill.


Well-Known Member
yes harvest some seeds, I pollinated my blue berry and purple kush with some ak-47 pollen and some of the SEEDS are done

556. Imagine how these crosses will turn out................
557. watch my plants turn purple