1000 Things to do while stoned

472. Go to the grocery store.
473. Eat Starburst.
474. Eat Anything.
475. Damn, I'm stoned.
477. Wait, that wasn't even something to do...
478. SHIT! I skipped 476!
479. So, should I make this one like 476 since I missed it? Damn! Thing to do while stoned...
494. Treat a MASSIVE holloween hangover with a couple bong hits and a raw egg.
495. Try to remember what happened to you boxers.
496. Miss your first automotive class.
497. Remember what happened to your boxers=].
498. Watch cartoons.
502. drive stoned
503. pull up next to the officer Oink Oink
504. try not to look high
505. remember im white and not care about the cops
506. remember I hate the police
507. sit at the light when its green because im to busy thinking
508. Go to taco bell!
509. Roll more J's
510. Day dream about growing pounds of dro
511. Watch Harold and Kumar escape from Guantanamo bay
512. Order a bbq chicken pizza...so fucking good.
513. smoke more weed
I'm probably the most retarded person when I'm high, so I like to have everything I need in order before I smoke. 516 I guess.
517. wonder why i ever stopped smoking in the first place.
518. remember it's because i was dead broke and needed a job and now i'm in that same predicament.
519. listen to lauryn hill/the fugees.
520. try to relate animated movies to the current economic state and government. (i decided madagascar was a satirical film about george bush's term in the white house and foreign policy. don't ask, it made sense at the time)

if anybody's got any ideas for jobs that don't test or could hook me up with a job in san francisco, hit me up.