get hygrometer or something that measures humidity, evidently you want to hit 55-63% humidity range depending on which dickhead you ask on here. it should take 3 to 7 days, and the faster it drys the more likely it will smell like hay or some shit. you can use brown bags but if the humidity is acceptable in the room then just hang string up and rest the buds on it. no right way to do it but there is certainly a few wrong ways. better luck next time homie
I'll definitely invest in one for next time :/ did you think the photos looked like mildew?? What would cause it to be crumbly?


Well-Known Member
I can only tell you what I have done so here it goes it goes 14 to 21 days drying on stem and that least the same in jar with the brup 3 time a day and then happy happy smoking as always thank you for your time


Well-Known Member
I would try getting some small hydrometer and putting them in the jars this takes some guess work out of the jars are over 65% humidity that’s too wet and need to come out and dry. You can also get a two way humidity pack and put them in the jar it helps keep it in the range you want the longer it’s in the 60-65% range the better it will smell over time once you get below like 55% in the jar it won’t really change in my experience.