I was watching our Fuckface in Chief last night on OAN (Onanism ad nauseum) network. He was in the last ten minutes of his performance and he clearly knew nothing about RBG's death. The thing that really got me was how he said he would appoint SCOTUS justices that would rule on the Constitution
as written. His thrall of thick-headed retards responded in an orgy of applause.
Who is stupid enough to read the Constitution and come away thinking that there is some absolute meaning to most of it? (A: Only Trump supporters are this fucking stupid) The founding fathers left the thing kind of nebulous so that future generations could use it as a guide, not a road map.
For example, what exactly does
"shall advise and consent" mean from a procedural standpoint? Most people would agree that there are no procedural instructions in this phrase even though it clearly points out what the basic procedure is. How that little bitch McConnell can pretend to be following the literal meaning of the Constitution while clearly violating it's spirit is beyond me. There are two types of Republicans: those corrupt enough to strangle the Constitution by using this simplistic wordplay ("it doesn't say we have to vote on them"), and people too fucking stupid (
@Bugeye) to realize the actions of the first group as the mendacious obfuscations that they clearly are. Fuck both of those groups.