You should've pruned before you flipped, I wouldn't add any PK boosters right now. Count the days the moment you start seeing bud. From that day 2 weeks exactly start using your pk. Don't over prune fan leaves. Just enough for light to reach down. Any lower branches not at main canopy line cut them off. Prune again at week 2. Just to clear for light. I think someone above mentioned bugs. If you have bugs right now get some horticulture oil blast them 2 times a day everyday for 7 days. Also if you spraying the plants spray the pot the ground the walls the entrance everything. Obviously not the light. Hope all works well for you!
I started adding some bud booster a week before flipping years ago and at the start tried side-by-side comparisons that showed me it worked better that way. Extra P is more important then K in early flower thru the stretch but after that a higher K to P ratio is best. Most P/K stuff is too high in P to use after the stretch is over and the most common reason for that 'chem' taste overfed pot can have.
Trimming out the lower stuff is a good idea tho. Most of the time I've just left it and end up with too much little popcorn to fuss with but not this time. I don't defoliate at all either. One big fan leaf can make more food for the plant than the tiny bud leaves on a dozen lower buds. Any lower buds will grow fine with shade over them but they will need light to ripen up. To that end I crop in stages by taking the big colas off and removing any upper fan leaves then letting the lower, smaller colas green up good and the trichomes get at least 50% milky before taking them off.
I just flipped my two Monkey Banana Kush plants last Friday. Yesterday I found a thrip on one of the tiny lower leaves so lollipopped both of them and took a lot of the little sucker shoots off the remaining branches. Will make it a lot easier to hunt for any remaining thrips with all that little crap gone too.
The plant on the left has been fed nothing but Greenleaf nutrients. MegaCrop 1-part for the base nutes, Big Up - 0-52-34 for it's P/K boost and have Rock Steady - 0-0-62 for a K boost later.
The one on the right is eating AN nutes. 3-part for base nutes and Big Bud - 0-15-35 with 10%S 20 aminos and citric/ascorbic acids. Had a little Bud Factor X left over so am giving it a bit of that too.
Both as close to being identical clones from the same mother as I could select from 7 and get some things in common like the medium. Both in the same mix of ProMix HP with some added biochar, lobster/crab shell and the DynoMyco for beneficial fungi and bacteria. Each will get the Carbo to support the myco and also Epsom Salts plus a vit/supplement mix of my own with Zn, Se, Fe, Vit.B1, Ascorbic acid, (Vit.C) and some citric acid. Equal amounts of all that stuff to keep the experiment on the level. So far the AN plant has done a bit better and got a bit bigger but the proof is in the final product and yield.