Is my seedling over watered?? HELP!!

I would start over with another seed. at 2 weeks like this I'd wager she is stunted. Autos really need everything to go fairly smoothly or they stunt. Drop the seed into a glass of water and wait til you see a tap root, which should be around 36 to 48 hours. Then put in a solo and cover it with cling film. When it breaks soil put her under a CFL and keep it humid. In a few days you'll be ahead of where you are now. Chalk it up to a learning experience..
Until it breaks soil I just leave it in a cool dark place right?
The seedlings take a while to get it feel easy . Getting the moisture level in coco coir can probably made scientific by standardizing the process with a very small cup , and then transplant later , Once you have a standardized very small cup , maybe 2 inches across and 1.25 inches deep , you can put some dry coco coir in the cup almost to the top . Mix in either a small amount of dry prefertilized coco coir , or some diluted fertilizer . However you mix it up , you want a very specific weight of the cup plus fertilizer , including any water you mix in before planting seed . You could weigh the preplant container on a digital scale , or you can learn to plant seedling with wild flower seeds ( which come in boxes for a few dollars and you get about 100,000 seeds for a few dollars . Either way , you can also use a hydrometer or some scientific method of measuring the moiture level of the medium to be planted in , The smaller the container you use , the easier it is to maintain the perfect moisture level for a seed or seeds to germinate in . If your medium is too wet , the seed will rot and you get nadda . If the soil is too dry , it won't germinate , and who knows , you might be able to try a second time to get that seed to germinate .

You can get a feel for the correct moisture level by lining up 4 cups with different moisture levels , ranging from mostly dry to very moist , You can examine the color of the medium filled cups and see that the dryer the medium is , the lighter the color , and the moister the medium is , the darker the color .

The best way to add water to these very small containers is with a set of very small measuring spoons , which vary from 1/64 teaspoon all the way up to 1/8 teaspoon , They range from 1 Nip ( 1/64 teaspoon ) , 1 smidgin , 1 pinch and 1 dash ( 1/8 teaspoon ) . Now , if everything goes good and the seed germinates and pops through the growing medium , if has a little nutrient in the growing medium , and it might shoot up and start to lean over from being what they call " too leggy " . To correct this problem , I use something with calcium in it as a foliar spay onto the seedling , allowing some to run into the medium to the tap root . There are alot of products and theories as to what the best form of Calcium to use for leggy seedlings that are starting to fall over ; some people don't apply calcium and just make the light more intense so the seedling won't shoot up too quick to avoid becoming leggy " , Personally if prefer to apply liquid calcium and just use a 40 watt fluorescent light for seedlings . The calcium makes all of the cells in the seedling to be stronger , just like strong bones in people , If this goes right , then the seedling should respond in a few hours and the seedling will stand straight up , and no longer called " Leggy " .

Now the decision to make is how do I water this new seedling just right so that the medium doesn't get too wet or not wet enough . It took me a while to get the hang of it but at first I just put on Smidgin at a time ( 1/32 of a teaspoon ) at a time . Using a clear plastic container to start seed germination and initial sprouting you can see the color of the growing medium and where the water moisture travels in the growing medium . You can weigh it on a scale , or just get very good at lifting the container and feel how heavy it is , At this point the seedling will prefer to get slightly further away from the light source ( if using a fluorescent light .

From the looks of your pictures , although this is O.K. to use such a big pot to sprout a seedling in , from my perspective , it is much easier to establish a perfect moisture level for germinating in a very small container , and for keeping a perfect moisture level after germinating and sprouting and grow up out of the soil , As with plants , the seedlings like some gentle air flow from a fan , but not all the time . As with plants , seedlings and plants require air movement most of the time , they prefer rest periods to allow the terpines to build up . With large plants , if you give your plants a break from air movement for a day or two , the plant will give off a pleasant smell ( all plants smell different ) . Of course , this might not be possible in many grow areas due to heat building up , or concerns about midew or fungi . Although many people disagree whether powdery mildew is systemic of not , either way the fungi can feed on liquids inside the plant leaves and stay alive and then multiply on the surface of the leave and take over a plant . So it behaves like a systemic disease , even if it isn't , because it can kill a plant . The only way I know to prevent powder mildew to make sure the plant gets plenty of calcium in the structure of the plant and leaves so that the cell walls become strong and thick , preventing the fungi from inserting their feeding probes into the leaf to get nutrition , to live . There is a lot of debate about how to get calcium into the structure of the plant , but almost everyone agrees calcium is the key to making the plant disease resistant , Once a plant flowers , you can only apply foliar calcium for a couple of weeks , After the plant flowers more than two weeks , I am not sure , but I guess one has to get calcium into the flowers through the roots ,

I have a simple method of growing plants after the seedling stage , and there a millions of ways to skin a cat . For example if there were no plant limits , you could grow hundreds of small plants in 8 ounce cups and put fluorescent lights all around the house and turn them into small house plants . But since the laws do not favor this idea , most people try to get as much flower top production in 4 or 6 flowering plants as far as medical growing just for themselves ,

I have a picture I will attach showing you the small set of measuring spoons . Some people water with a diabetic syringe ,

Good luck and you can experiement all by yourself , or you can follow an exact method developed by one of the many people here or you can combine several methods an compare the results ,

Here is a picture of the spoons I use , that are available in hundreds of places on the internet for sale .

I sound like that Commander on Police Academy Commandant Eric Lassard

P.S. Keeping the growing medium at a perfect moisture and nutrient content perfect , in my opinion , is just as important throughout the entire life of the plant , is just as important as having moisture and nutrient medium at a perfect level for the germinating of a seed . It just becomes more difficult after the seedling stage and in dealing with the plant being larger , In my opinion after either following someone else's method , or devising your own method , I believe that whichever method one is using , it can be fine tuned and seem as simple as getting good at germinating seeds and growing seedlings to several inches in height . After transplanting the seedling into a bigger pot , moisture levels and nutrient choices and levels and light wattage and distance from the plant are still the same challenges whether with a seedling or a full grown plant ; In my humble opinion .

I reserve the right to change my mind about everything I just said in this post , ( I don't believe you can break up Tums and get immediate calcium to the plant . I still believe that microbes have to break down the Tums to get a form of calcium that the roots of the plant can take up , and that it is not an instant process) . I still think that (Tums) , calcium carbonate , has to be broken down over time by good microbes .

Sorry to say something off topic , but Vote Trump in 2024 .
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