You know what amazes me? We all know that Republicans have waged a crushing war on marijuana and have kept our freedom in this regard locked down and we know that Democrats are more lenient and accepting of a policy to soften the laws on pot. But I am REALLY amazed by how many pot smokers can still maintain support for a Republican led Democracy and not be ashamed to voice their opinions on forums like this one.
I will admit that my views on most foreign and domestic policy are of a conservative nature, but I find myself quarreling with my conscience when I go to vote because I do want to uphold traditional American values and I do want my country to turn back to a time where people could communicate face-to-face and mingle with a sincere desire to just hang out and enjoy company rather than wasting a friendship on instant messaging and pointless emails. Don't get me wrong, I love having an opportunity to read, research, post and play on the internet in my spare time, but I just feel like a loser spending so much time online when I could be interacting in a much more personable way.
Traditional values do not mean turning back the clocks on achievements we've made to make the USA the greatest country in the world, and most certainly, I wish marijuana never became a political party branded issue because I would not hate myself for voting a conservative ticket. But unfortunately, marijuana is a politically branded issue and the Democrats have my vote for the stance they take on it. Isn't that a shame? I love my country, but I love my pot too. I won't forsake my country because of pot, but I don't feel like I should have to forsake my freedoms because of pot either.
I'm not a liberal in the sense that I feel it is okay for people to do whatever they want with certain freedom. I feel that criminals deserve the punishments they get and much more. But I am NOT a criminal because I enjoy smoking weed in the privacy of MY home. I am not a criminal because I like the smell and taste of the finest green. I am not a criminal because I take joy in seeing a perfectly cultivated plant stand tall and bear fruit.
What is your definition of "criminal" and does your voting conscience bother you? If pot weren't a politically branded issue, do you ever see yourself voting on a conservative ticket?