What has Trump done to this country?

Trump pardon, she has the money and he is for sale.

well for $400M you can have a day at the WH complete with dinner courtesy McD.

First of it's kind! Nothing like this has been done before! the complete Trump*Day Spa package..you get to unsee Jackie Kennedy's crab apple trees in the Rose Garden too and walk the limestone concrete instead..a scavenger hunt to look for portraits of past presidents in a store room closet.

How does that video prove your case?

Im listening to it now, but am not sure what it is you are saying it shows. Are you saying him being on TV as a talking head talking about how dangerous Trump is acting right now with voting. I think he actually said the thing that matters most. It is not until something is in front of the Supreme Court that we have a check on Trump. So far they have held up against Trump.

Trump and Mitch are racing their cult-princess into office, but that is inevitable and nothing the Democrats can do about that. But it doesn't mean that the rest of the SCOTUS is not lifelong judges that should not really have any ties to Trump or else they have to recuse themselves. So we just have to hope that they are not going to become Trump cultists just because they were appointed by Republican presidents. Even Kavanaugh, I don't know what it is that the FBI found on him, and is another over-privelaged white rich male, when added to Trump's other 2 appointments is not enough to out-vote the other legitimately appointed ones, and don't think they would pull a Bush/Gore for Trump. But who knows, we will likely find out in December.

So if Biden can win and win huge there is nothing Trump can do about it. That we will find out around Nov. 14th I would guess. If that is the case, I am hoping the Republicans have squeezed everything they can from Trump and painted him bad enough that they can all clutch their pearls and pretend they had no idea because they believed Trump, and can't believe they lied to him. They bring in the actual people into their scam FISA abuse hearings, they turn on Trump, and poof, down goes Trump.

If Trump and the Russian military pulls off another win for Trump and the Republicans, who knows what comes next. I would hate to be in the old soviet block countries. Because I am not sure what laws would force America to support NATO if Putin takes that as a green light.

IDK, it is crazy, sorry I got off track there.

it has nothing to do with the video. he wrote a book and had information he could've shared that was LIFE AND DEATH (in case we forgot). was asked why he didn't share way back when he could've and his answer was money..here he is now staying relevant..to keep the money coming..his book has been out and he's still on the front page with a new 'revelation', comment or thought process- you choose.

fvcking greedy bastard.
it has nothing to do with the video. he wrote a book and had information he could've shared that was LIFE AND DEATH (in case we forgot). was asked why he didn't share way back when he could've and his answer was money..here he is now staying relevant..to keep the money coming..his book has been out and he's still on the front page with a new 'revelation', comment or thought process- you choose.

fvcking greedy bastard.
How do you know he didn't leak it to journalists, who then attributed it to 'anonymous, well placed sources'?
this could be interesting.
By November 2nd is awesome. What do you think it get's dumped in with some off the wall racist propaganda stunt from Trump, and a bunch of data dump of 'the left' with all the BS propaganda website (OANN, the Hill, the Nation, etc)?
By November 2nd is awesome. What do you think it get's dumped in with some off the wall racist propaganda stunt from Trump, and a bunch of data dump of 'the left' with all the BS propaganda website (OANN, the Hill, the Nation, etc)?
i think Barr stalls somehow. or he releases his Durham report Nov 1.
i'm curious about the charges. more so if they are state charges along with federal.
i'm almost at the point where i want barr to do more time than trump. he's younger.
Got to love Trump keeping to the ABC's


No wonder it must kill him to see who played him on SNL.
i think Barr stalls somehow. or he releases his Durham report Nov 1.
i'm curious about the charges. more so if they are state charges along with federal.
i'm almost at the point where i want barr to do more time than trump. he's younger.
Good call, I bet you are right about the Durham report dropping at the same time. It makes sense too with how he is rushing to get it wrapped up as any kind of distraction for propaganda focused media.
i think Barr stalls somehow. or he releases his Durham report Nov 1.
i'm curious about the charges. more so if they are state charges along with federal.
i'm almost at the point where i want barr to do more time than trump. he's younger.
There are a couple of thousand DOJ alumni, many of whom will hold key positions in Biden's DOJ that want his fucking head on a pike. Barr publicly shit on the altar in the temple of justice and they want his ass very badly, speaking of assholes, Billy better hope he is as clean as a cat's.
There are a couple of thousand DOJ alumni, many of whom will hold key positions in Biden's DOJ that want his fucking head on a pike. Barr publicly shit on the altar in the temple of justice and they want his ass very badly, speaking of assholes, Billy better hope he is as clean as a cat's.
Anyone who thought that their mega rich orgy wasn't engaged in what is essentially a bunch of child sex trafficking better be shaking in their boots. The Durham report said they had a sex offender as a source that they questioned. I am guessing that is mentioned because it was Epstein.

BTW, just watched this clip again. Pretty meta.

Is the (Trump-Baldwin SNL Trump-Trump-Alex Balwin in Glengarry Ross) Life imitating art imitating life, or art imitating life imitating art? And at what point does that tie back into how our nation is being ran, is he just play acting his favorite scenes from movies in the WH?
i'd love to see Mueller as Biden's AG.
Someone more aggressive I should think, there are lot's to chose from including former republicans. Joe has to go with experienced hands initially at least, people who know the job and levers of power, he needs to act quickly and this is how it's done, hit the ground running. I wonder if he will announce his AG pick before the election? Donald will be intensely interested...