Trump has Coronavirus

his doctor is doing what's best for the country
He's been injected with anti-bodies and has a fever and very tired according to his doctor.
Unfortunately he might have a fast recovery with antibody treatment, it's about to be widely deployed when the clinical trials are completed. Donald was given it early in the course of the illness so he might recover very quickly and also have a few months immunity. It will take awhile before it is deployed to the general public, so Donald will claim he's superman and kill another 100,000 people.

I know this will disappoint many, but monoclonal antibody treatment can be very effective if given early, Donald is a lab rat on this one though.
Pretty sure I've read about cases of death 1 week after exposure, if you get a heavy dose and are a bloated unhealthy pig it can kill you fast.

or they think you're getting better and just die the next day..they thought that about Herman Cain.

“As recently as, I want to say maybe the Friday or Saturday before he passed away, the report we had was that the doctors actually thought he would make a recovery,” Calabrese said. The rest of Cain’s systems were “actually pretty strong,” Calabrese said, considering Cain had survived a bout with stage 4 colon cancer years earlier.