Who supports Trump here

Yeah but only because Putin has a direct line to the full scope of everything every voting American does online and knows exactly where they are at with the sophisticated trolling that they are doing to our citizens. It is not like Putin is worried about American laws like our citizens need to consider outside of the sanctions he is going to have one the world shakes off the Russian militaries attack.

We can thank Trump for giving Putin our voting data in 2016 he got from the RNC. That combined with the date they got from the Facebook accounts and I have no question that Putin is able to have the best window into our elections.

That still doesn't mean he can do too much about the information coming out to get to American citizens news feeds. And every time Trump speaks he makes it that much harder for Putin to steal him another election.

That is where that other thread title goes wrong. If it was Trump is going to steal the election, it would be accurate.

If you are able to scam people online without consequence to try to get the candidate of your choice elected it really stops being a 'win'.

I think it has been pretty decent lately.

It is just many of the accounts, that claim to be Trump supporters, after a couple posts tend to get indistinguishable from trolls and can't seem to actually discuss anything they don't agree with reasonably. And don't seem to want to understand that if the information is not on the AP news it really is not worth believing until it is.

And too many accounts won't use the ignore button when they get trolled. Or they cry about being banned/silenced. This is not 2016 when we did not know what was going on in every forum across the internet by the Trump trolls (foreign and domestic).

Is it actually real or just something you 'heard'?

Both sides? Both sides of what?
Maybe I misinterpreted it ? What does that law actually say ?
California just passed that law essentially allowing a 14yr old to have sex with a 24 year old...in 10 years they’ll bump it to 20 year gap, anyone els see a problem with this law ?

Tool number one from Carl Sagan's baloney detection toolkit:
  1. Wherever possible there must be independent confirmation of the “facts.”

Citation? An independent confirmation of your "fact" is necessary.

Your post appears to fit several different kinds of baloney (20 different kinds of baloney are listed in Carl's toolkit):

ad hominem — Latin for “to the man,” attacking the arguer and not the argument. As in: "California legalized child rape". Did they really? Proof is required.

begging the question, also called assuming the answer . As in: "Do you have a problem with California legalizing child rape?" Please go back to the top of this post. Did they really? Proof is required.

straw man — caricaturing a position to make it easier to attack

suppressed evidence, or half-truths

So, prove it or shut the fuck up.

Tool number one from Carl Sagan's baloney detection toolkit:
  1. Wherever possible there must be independent confirmation of the “facts.”

Citation? An independent confirmation of your "fact" is necessary.

Your post appears to fit several different kinds of baloney (20 different kinds of baloney are listed in Carl's toolkit):

ad hominem — Latin for “to the man,” attacking the arguer and not the argument. As in: "California legalized child rape". Did they really? Proof is required.

begging the question, also called assuming the answer . As in: "Do you have a problem with California legalizing child rape?" Please go back to the top of this post. Did they really? Proof is required.

straw man — caricaturing a position to make it easier to attack

suppressed evidence, or half-truths

So, prove it or shut the fuck up.
That’s what I mean. You just can’t have a real conversation with them.
And here we have people with no skin in the game trolling Americans.
Why are you Canadians supporting drump on this website? Do you think you’ll change our minds? Are you being paid? Or do you just get off causing a stir?
That’s what I mean. You just can’t have a real conversation with them.
And here we have people with no skin in the game trolling Americans.
Why are you Canadians supporting drump on this website? Do you think you’ll change our minds? Are you being paid? Or do you just get off causing a stir?
I pick door number 3, "Or do you just get off causing a stir?"

Maybe vilepussy got the clap or maybe AIDS when he visited a US gloryhole. Whatever the reason, he's bitter about some perceived harm done to his vile pussy self.
Probably for the better.

But for realz, I think at least 30-40% of the people on this site do support Trump. They just don't want to get ganged up on for posting their thoughts. This is kind of a shame because it might actually bring good and open a real conversation.
When the core beliefs of a political party include denying science, voter suppression, conspiracy theories (like QAnon), damaging health care (ie pre existing conditions and $1 million cap) during a global pandemic, only mention the deficit when they are not in power and think (or refuse to condemn) that Charlottesville 'had very fine people on both sides'...

What really is there to talk about?

The weather?

George Will would be a good conservative guy to have an intellectual political discussion with as he accepts facts as facts.

The average Trump supporter is no George Will. The average Trump supporter isn't even a republican.

Ronald Reagan is spinning in his grave like a lathe.
I am not a Trump supporter, but I would throw out a few thoughts. If you are a "one issue" voter, with a strong opinion on one of these issues, then you will ignore everything else, and vote on that issue.

A strong anti-abortion voter. Trump will appoint judges to overturn Roe v Wade.

Worried about losing your guns? Trump will protect your right to carry better than the other guy.

Want federal aid for religious schools? Trump will encourage that, despite the obvious church and state issues.

Think environmental concerns destroy our economy? (Lumberjacks vs Spotted Owls, strip mines create jobs, global warming is a hoax to over-regulate industry.) Then Trump's your guy.

Hate the fact that taxes are collected by government, and then the money is given to the wrong people? Trump claims to be a tax-cutter (and for the wealthy, he is) and he won't be supporting programs for the benefit of black or brown people that you, Mr. White Guy, don't think are worth supporting.

Immigration. If you blame our ills on the high level of Hispanic and other immigrants, Trump is your anti-immigration, border wall

Psychologists speak of the appeal of the authoritarian to some people. A strong dictator is a good thing, if he's our dictator. Note how Trump cozies up to the worlds strongmen, Putin of Russia, Duarte of the Philippines, Bolsonaro of Brasil, and that bad ass in Saudi Arabia. So if you crave faith in a strong leader, Trump says he's your guy, and Joe looks a little frail. Trump will take care of you (like a Big Brother).

Finally, if you think the whole system is corrupt (and it may be!) and that a disrupter like Trump will tear it all down, and bring us to The Rapture, then once again, Trump's your guy.

I may be missing something, no doubt, and many voters are on the same side of more than one of these issues.

Problem is, the man is a con man carnival barker who will promise anyone whatever they want to hear. Remember "infrastructure?" he was going to rebuild America. Remember, he will replace Obamacare with his plan which will be better and cheaper. (Where is it? Almost three years now, and no plan.) Even The Wall (useless as it is) has been barely begun. I don't think Mexico has paid for it yet.

I give credit to Trump for one thing. He hasn't started any stupid wars like so many before him.
I am not a Trump supporter, but I would throw out a few thoughts. If you are a "one issue" voter, with a strong opinion on one of these issues, then you will ignore everything else, and vote on that issue.

Nice to meet you. I think the problem is more when people are tricked into believing what foreign dictator's online armies are spamming to them in all their feeds.

A strong anti-abortion voter. Trump will appoint judges to overturn Roe v Wade.

Trump will appoint judges that make it illegal for federal payments to be used to pay for any healthcare entity that provides abortions. They will not actually stop the ability of wealthy people to get them, just not people who can least afford to pay the out of pocket private doctor prices.

Worried about losing your guns? Trump will protect your right to carry better than the other guy.

Want federal aid for religious schools? Trump will encourage that, despite the obvious church and state issues.
'Encourage' but he can't actually pass anything so it is all just him spouting lies and trolling educators.

Think environmental concerns destroy our economy? (Lumberjacks vs Spotted Owls, strip mines create jobs, global warming is a hoax to over-regulate industry.) Then Trump's your guy.
'Think' something that is based on a false reality is about par for the course I guess.

Hate the fact that taxes are collected by government, and then the money is given to the wrong people? Trump claims to be a tax-cutter (and for the wealthy, he is) and he won't be supporting programs for the benefit of black or brown people that you, Mr. White Guy, don't think are worth supporting.
Which is why Trump's economy has failed.

Immigration. If you blame our ills on the high level of Hispanic and other immigrants, Trump is your anti-immigration, border wall
You forgot Muslims.

Psychologists speak of the appeal of the authoritarian to some people. A strong dictator is a good thing, if he's our dictator. Note how Trump cozies up to the worlds strongmen, Putin of Russia, Duarte of the Philippines, Bolsonaro of Brasil, and that bad ass in Saudi Arabia. So if you crave faith in a strong leader, Trump says he's your guy, and Joe looks a little frail. Trump will take care of you (like a Big Brother).
Ah your Dear Leader is the one that killed Khashoggi huh.

Finally, if you think the whole system is corrupt (and it may be!) and that a disrupter like Trump will tear it all down, and bring us to The Rapture, then once again, Trump's your guy.
Technically then it wouldn't matter because you are certain at that point we are in end times anyways.

I may be missing something, no doubt, and many voters are on the same side of more than one of these issues.

Problem is, the man is a con man carnival barker who will promise anyone whatever they want to hear. Remember "infrastructure?" he was going to rebuild America. Remember, he will replace Obamacare with his plan which will be better and cheaper. (Where is it? Almost three years now, and no plan.) Even The Wall (useless as it is) has been barely begun. I don't think Mexico has paid for it yet.

I give credit to Trump for one thing. He hasn't started any stupid wars like so many before him.
Actually Trump just let foreign militaries conduct warfare on our citizens without any response. Trump surrendered before the fight even started.
I am not a Trump supporter, but...

I give credit to Trump for one thing. He hasn't started any stupid wars like so many before him.

The only stupid war in the 21st century was invading Iraq.

The other 'wars' were against networks of terrorist bandits like those behind 9/11. Not against countries. Unless you think we should have let 9/11 slide and forget about it.
I am not a Trump supporter, but I would throw out a few thoughts. If you are a "one issue" voter, with a strong opinion on one of these issues, then you will ignore everything else, and vote on that issue.

A strong anti-abortion voter. Trump will appoint judges to overturn Roe v Wade.

Worried about losing your guns? Trump will protect your right to carry better than the other guy.

Want federal aid for religious schools? Trump will encourage that, despite the obvious church and state issues.

Think environmental concerns destroy our economy? (Lumberjacks vs Spotted Owls, strip mines create jobs, global warming is a hoax to over-regulate industry.) Then Trump's your guy.

Hate the fact that taxes are collected by government, and then the money is given to the wrong people? Trump claims to be a tax-cutter (and for the wealthy, he is) and he won't be supporting programs for the benefit of black or brown people that you, Mr. White Guy, don't think are worth supporting.

Immigration. If you blame our ills on the high level of Hispanic and other immigrants, Trump is your anti-immigration, border wall

Psychologists speak of the appeal of the authoritarian to some people. A strong dictator is a good thing, if he's our dictator. Note how Trump cozies up to the worlds strongmen, Putin of Russia, Duarte of the Philippines, Bolsonaro of Brasil, and that bad ass in Saudi Arabia. So if you crave faith in a strong leader, Trump says he's your guy, and Joe looks a little frail. Trump will take care of you (like a Big Brother).

Finally, if you think the whole system is corrupt (and it may be!) and that a disrupter like Trump will tear it all down, and bring us to The Rapture, then once again, Trump's your guy.

I may be missing something, no doubt, and many voters are on the same side of more than one of these issues.

Problem is, the man is a con man carnival barker who will promise anyone whatever they want to hear. Remember "infrastructure?" he was going to rebuild America. Remember, he will replace Obamacare with his plan which will be better and cheaper. (Where is it? Almost three years now, and no plan.) Even The Wall (useless as it is) has been barely begun. I don't think Mexico has paid for it yet.

I give credit to Trump for one thing. He hasn't started any stupid wars like so many before him.
You give credit to trump for lots of things.
I am not a Trump supporter, but I would throw out a few thoughts. If you are a "one issue" voter, with a strong opinion on one of these issues, then you will ignore everything else, and vote on that issue.

A strong anti-abortion voter. Trump will appoint judges to overturn Roe v Wade.

Worried about losing your guns? Trump will protect your right to carry better than the other guy.

Want federal aid for religious schools? Trump will encourage that, despite the obvious church and state issues.

Think environmental concerns destroy our economy? (Lumberjacks vs Spotted Owls, strip mines create jobs, global warming is a hoax to over-regulate industry.) Then Trump's your guy.

Hate the fact that taxes are collected by government, and then the money is given to the wrong people? Trump claims to be a tax-cutter (and for the wealthy, he is) and he won't be supporting programs for the benefit of black or brown people that you, Mr. White Guy, don't think are worth supporting.

Immigration. If you blame our ills on the high level of Hispanic and other immigrants, Trump is your anti-immigration, border wall

Psychologists speak of the appeal of the authoritarian to some people. A strong dictator is a good thing, if he's our dictator. Note how Trump cozies up to the worlds strongmen, Putin of Russia, Duarte of the Philippines, Bolsonaro of Brasil, and that bad ass in Saudi Arabia. So if you crave faith in a strong leader, Trump says he's your guy, and Joe looks a little frail. Trump will take care of you (like a Big Brother).

Finally, if you think the whole system is corrupt (and it may be!) and that a disrupter like Trump will tear it all down, and bring us to The Rapture, then once again, Trump's your guy.

I may be missing something, no doubt, and many voters are on the same side of more than one of these issues.

Problem is, the man is a con man carnival barker who will promise anyone whatever they want to hear. Remember "infrastructure?" he was going to rebuild America. Remember, he will replace Obamacare with his plan which will be better and cheaper. (Where is it? Almost three years now, and no plan.) Even The Wall (useless as it is) has been barely begun. I don't think Mexico has paid for it yet.

I give credit to Trump for one thing. He hasn't started any stupid wars like so many before him.
Sounds like a term paper btw.
Why I Would Vote for Trumpf (If I were old enough)
I am not a Trump supporter, but I would throw out a few thoughts. If you are a "one issue" voter, with a strong opinion on one of these issues, then you will ignore everything else, and vote on that issue.

A strong anti-abortion voter. Trump will appoint judges to overturn Roe v Wade.

Worried about losing your guns? Trump will protect your right to carry better than the other guy.

Want federal aid for religious schools? Trump will encourage that, despite the obvious church and state issues.

Think environmental concerns destroy our economy? (Lumberjacks vs Spotted Owls, strip mines create jobs, global warming is a hoax to over-regulate industry.) Then Trump's your guy.

Hate the fact that taxes are collected by government, and then the money is given to the wrong people? Trump claims to be a tax-cutter (and for the wealthy, he is) and he won't be supporting programs for the benefit of black or brown people that you, Mr. White Guy, don't think are worth supporting.

Immigration. If you blame our ills on the high level of Hispanic and other immigrants, Trump is your anti-immigration, border wall

Psychologists speak of the appeal of the authoritarian to some people. A strong dictator is a good thing, if he's our dictator. Note how Trump cozies up to the worlds strongmen, Putin of Russia, Duarte of the Philippines, Bolsonaro of Brasil, and that bad ass in Saudi Arabia. So if you crave faith in a strong leader, Trump says he's your guy, and Joe looks a little frail. Trump will take care of you (like a Big Brother).

Finally, if you think the whole system is corrupt (and it may be!) and that a disrupter like Trump will tear it all down, and bring us to The Rapture, then once again, Trump's your guy.

I may be missing something, no doubt, and many voters are on the same side of more than one of these issues.

Problem is, the man is a con man carnival barker who will promise anyone whatever they want to hear. Remember "infrastructure?" he was going to rebuild America. Remember, he will replace Obamacare with his plan which will be better and cheaper. (Where is it? Almost three years now, and no plan.) Even The Wall (useless as it is) has been barely begun. I don't think Mexico has paid for it yet.

I give credit to Trump for one thing. He hasn't started any stupid wars like so many before him.
I have a question that comes from homework given in my kid's high school US History class, which he attends remotely because of the Trump virus. He's been assigned to list Trump's 2016 campaign promises and how Trump fulfilled them.

The first on the list is a toughy:

When did Trump complete his border wall and how much did Mexico pay for it?

Thank you so much for helping us out.