Super newb at this can someone help diagnose?

Okay what you need to do is flush a good amount of water out of the soil leach it, get a good amount of run off water , it will most likely be dark colored , but wait until the soil is dry of course
Best way is to flush a cool amount out of soil, then let it dry again and do the same thing, also if your feeding with nutes in that soil even twice a week is probably too much lol
Yup it’s not a critter problem I’m sure of it, if it was your plants leafs would have visible critters and if their not and their in soil only the plants leafs and branches would start wilting one by one
Yea I only see them in the soil nothing on the plant that’s exactly what’s going on gets slightly worse day by day
I see his plant with my own eyes I watched him use the bag he’s ahead of me on plant cycle and has no issues his stuff looks 100% healthy I think it’s a root issue along with the nitrogen because the fungus nats are bad I just don’t see the spider mites
Yea I only see them in the soil nothing on the plant that’s exactly what’s going on gets slightly worse day by day
I see his plant with my own eyes I watched him use the bag he’s ahead of me on plant cycle and has no issues his stuff looks 100% healthy I think it’s a root issue along with the nitrogen because the fungus nats are bad I just don’t see the spider mites
Except the fungus gnats part, trust me you would know, move over the top layer of your soil if you see gnats flying out that’s them especially if you water too often without drying
Okay if you move the soil and their flying out of fungus gnats, you wi have to flush like how I said but with some neem oil, Castile soap is perfect to dilute with
Don’t worry all plants are bound to get some kind of insect on em outdoors they will be just fine
Okay if you move the soil and their flying out of fungus gnats, you wi have to flush like how I said but with some neem oil, Castile soap is perfect to dilute with
So should I flush while wet or dry The soil is wet right now should I wait for it to dry for some more days before I flush or flush now?
Just practice watering every 3 days maybe 2 dig your finger and drill it in going left and right don’t dig out the soil try to use less disturbance, go down with your finger to the first knuckle on your finger , right above the nail not the middle of the finger knuckle, if it is cool to the touch but not wet and it’s almost lights off wait til the morning if you feel like it’s gonna be too dry to wait until the morning then get a sprayer and spray the sides of the pot not away from the plant that way it can find the edge of the pot then go down
If you have IG just barely created mine, then add teem_green , I’m growing 3 bag seeds in my tent for now while I wait for a friends seedbag cause I lost about 70 or more seeds from my self seeded gelato plant which was nice so I’m real bummed about that
Alright so I found the spider mites and I got flys real bad my soil ph seems to be ok around 6.5
You found spider mites are you sure they are spider mites and not other types of mites that may be beneficial to the soil, if you have fungus gnats and soil has been staying wet, I don’t think you’d have spider mites, unless it was just introduced to your plants but that’s not likely
Alright so I found the spider mites and I got flys real bad my soil ph seems to be ok around 6.5
And don’t worry about soil ph, if your tap water or whichever what your using is higher ph than 7 maybe 8 or 9 the soil organics like peat moss for example should buffer the ph to where it should be, just as long as your not over fertilizing and overwatering
You found spider mites are you sure they are spider mites and not other types of mites that may be beneficial to the soil, if you have fungus gnats and soil has been staying wet, I don’t think you’d have spider mites, unless it was just introduced to your plants but that’s not likely
I’m pretty sure it’s spider mites white spots all over the leaves and getting dead spots then I used the magnifying glass and saw them moving and shit on the bottom side Of the leaves I don’t have adult nats real bad but I think the larvae is real bad whenever I water I see thousands of these little blast dots jumping everywhere
I’m pretty sure it’s spider mites white spots all over the leaves and getting dead spots then I used the magnifying glass and saw them moving and shit on the bottom side Of the leaves I don’t have adult nats real bad but I think the larvae is real bad whenever I water I see thousands of these little blast dots jumping everywhere
Sounds like a real problem did you try using neem oil to flush the soil out real good or Castile soap , it will kill and prevent the gnat larvae and adult gnats as for the spider mites you need neem oil or Castile soap as well lol Castile soap is really good for killing and prevention of multiple critters.
I’m pretty sure it’s spider mites white spots all over the leaves and getting dead spots then I used the magnifying glass and saw them moving and shit on the bottom side Of the leaves I don’t have adult nats real bad but I think the larvae is real bad whenever I water I see thousands of these little blast dots jumping everywhere
Honestly in your case I would give a nice spray down on leaves with it, and a nice root soil French get a good amount of run off water so you can flush everything out, I would just pour from the bottle and let the water pour down over the surface, but make sure your going around the container don’t just drench in one area , try to simulate sort of a mini flood that way the water seeps all the way down with the soap.