Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's blurry on the trichomes. Got a 30x magnification lens to get a close up?
Funnily, the image was taken with a Sony compact & 30x zoom lens. I tend not to zoom out fully as being a photographic type, I learned early on that zoom lenses are often at their best at half way. By cropping the image you often get better clarity than you would have had with the zoom extended to 900mm.
I have a 30x jewellers loupe but to be frank, it's worse than the camera - the depth of field is very shallow and the trichomes don't even look as if they're on stems. I have a 40x in the mail which has been advertised as being useful to view trichomes, so let's see what that sees

Anyhow here's another cropped shot and then one of the plant itself.

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