What has Trump done to this country?

Why is Donald on a suicide mission over covid?
Pride, he can't be wrong and he knows he's gonna lose and is entering the destructive phase of the game, burn down the house, revenge for extreme social rejection. Make recovery for Joe so difficult, Donald doesn't look as bad, if Joe gets things back to an even keel quickly, it will look particularly bad for Trump and republicans, people are gonna talk!

If he loses on election night or the day after in the media (they call the elections) look out, social rejection is painful for everybody, we use the same neural networks in our brains to experience it that are used for physical pain. That's one reason opioids are so destructive in economically depressed areas, they suppress the pain of social rejection. Donald is gonna be feeling the pain bigly after election day, that and the stress will make him strike out and because he's a moron, it should be quite the shit show and somewhat predictable as his options dwindle with his real power.
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Watch this, it's pretty good.

Tony Schwartz makes a valid point in describing Trump being a "super spreader" of Man's worst qualities
There's a catchy little tune that fits this, might make a nice sound track for a short Donald clip, something for the Lincoln project, sing along with the bouncing ball stuff, for his base ya understand:

He's a moron, he's a moron,
yes he is,
he's a moron, he's a moron,
yes he is... :dunce:
I thought he was a minor, not sure about law with that, he'll probably walk, they were beating on him with skateboards, high kicks and a gun, he still took two lives though and will live with that his entire life,, he should have stayed away and let Antifa & BLM melt that parking lot, where were his parents, who let's their kid go out as a defender at that age ffs.
i agree that Kyle will probably walk on the defense that he was protecting his life. I agree that Dolloff will walk by claiming of self defense.

I agree with you that the laws allowing self defense are too lax.

They both should hang but they won't. Right now, all anybody needs to do is say they were scared and if they are carrying, people die. We can fix that if we work together to raise the bar for using self defense as a reason for not guilty when using a firearm to kill people.

Our gunfighter nation doesn't value human life very much and we need to change that too.
totally disagree. if he really was there as security for a news person, he was doing his job. early reports say 2 guns and can of mace were recovered from scene. if gun 2 is the Navy vet, what say you?
I'm OK with your disagreeing. Actually, I'm the one who is disagreeing with everyone except the right wingers who think that only right wingers can use the excuse of self defense.

If the only requirement for legal murder is to hire somebody and let that person do the killing, then that's a loophole that should be closed. I haven't seen a report that showed a second gun was present, only an early reports that said it. I don't see a second gun in the video of the event. The guy that got killed clearly used mace. But he's an asshole too and is in part responsible for his death. Bad judgement all around. There is legal precedent for accounting for poor decisions when charging people.

I realize that the law probably will let Dolloff go. I want to change the laws so that self defense is only allowed when there is no chance of retreating and the person who does the deed didn't deliberately put himself in harms way beforehand. I just think that people should stop seeking out confrontations knowing they have a gun to kill people when things go wrong. Lock them all up, I say. Make room by releasing drug offenders.
I'm OK with your disagreeing. Actually, I'm the one who is disagreeing with everyone except the right wingers who think that only right wingers can use the excuse of self defense.

If the only requirement for legal murder is to hire somebody and let that person do the killing, then that's a loophole that should be closed. I haven't seen a report that showed a second gun was present, only an early reports that said it. I don't see a second gun in the video of the event. The guy that got killed clearly used mace. But he's an asshole too and is in part responsible for his death. Bad judgement all around. There is legal precedent for accounting for poor decisions when charging people.

I realize that the law probably will let Dolloff go. I want to change the laws so that self defense is only allowed when there is no chance of retreating and the person who does the deed didn't deliberately put himself in harms way beforehand. I just think that people should stop seeking out confrontations knowing they have a gun to kill people when things go wrong. Lock them all up, I say. Make room by releasing drug offenders.
Too many nutbags running around legally carrying guns is crazy. And then add illegally, no wonder I feel the need to carry one.
Fuck NBC, those self-serving cunts.
Fine, let all the fucking retarded Trump voters left in America tune in and watch Trump's shitshow, no one else will, everyone else with a fucking brain will be watching Biden.
I say great, if they have a real townhall and NBC invites real citizens and not some dog and pony show. Donald will be a disaster in such a format, it might be worse than the first debate for him. What are the townhall rules? Nothing wrong with broadcasting it, if Donald self destructs, the contrast will be interesting if the general public is asking the questions. We mostly catch the high points the next day, even if 2/3tuned out the last debate after a half hour of Donald. He interrupted the moderator 143 times in 90 minutes, way to go champ.
Fuck NBC, those self-serving cunts.
Fine, let all the fucking retarded Trump voters left in America tune in and watch Trump's shitshow, no one else will, everyone else with a fucking brain will be watching Biden.
Nah, they will be watching something else, because they already know they are voting/have voted for Biden and are just going to stay sane until Jan 2021.
Nah, they will be watching something else, because they already know they are voting/have voted for Biden and are just going to stay sane until Jan 2021.
Donald is extremely desperate, if they let regular folks in and they ask Donald question with follow up, it could get ugly and make some more headlines the next day. Donald will attack and talk over voters who question him and his competence. If it's regular folks in the townhall they will start booing Donald when he starts bullying voters and bullshitting about covid.
Like I said, they wanna bury Trump in ballots, not just win, even in CA, nobody is staying home, the popular vote is a mandate for change.

More than 1 million California ballots already cast, shattering records

Election day is more than two weeks away, but already more than 1 million Californians have returned their mail-in ballots, according to the state, an amount that dwarfs the number submitted at this point four years ago. This marks the most ballots collected by mail at this point in any California election.

Nearly half of the mail-in ballots come from Los Angeles County, where about 435,00 voters have already sent in their ballots, according to the L.A. County registrar-recorder’s office.

The flood of ballots announced by Secretary of State Alex Padilla still represents only a fraction of the 21 million sent to California voters under a new state mandate prompted by pandemic safety efforts. But the immediate response suggests voters are especially engaged amid a contentious presidential election and the disruption to work and education caused by the pandemic, experts say.

“Many families are at a breaking point and are likely taking their frustrations out at the ballot box,” said Shannon Murphy Castellani, principal at M Strategic Communications, a Los Angeles-based public affairs firm. “It’s clear voters are paying attention this election cycle.”

The statewide focus on voting by mail this year came in May when Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an order mandating ballots be sent to all the state’s registered voters. But the state had been moving in the direction in recent years following passage of the Voter’s Choice Act, which created a new model similar to other Western states that have tried to make casting ballots more convenient for voters.

Fourteen counties, including Los Angeles, began using the model, which focused on sending ballots to all registered voters, expanding early voting and using vote centers, allowing residents more flexibility in where they participate.

Orange County has also seen a flood of early mail-in returns, with more than 100,000 ballots received so far, according to Paul Mitchell, vice president of Political Data Inc., a firm that tracks voter information in detail.

The information collected by Mitchell’s firm, which is known in the industry as a trusted data source, is sliced by demographics, geography, political party and age.

It appears that roughly 10% of voters who are 65 or older, for example, have already returned their mail-in ballots. Democrats have returned them at a slightly higher rate than Republicans, according to the data.
So today a co-worker accosted me because he had heard that somebody early voting was asked to remove their MAGA hat in the polling place. I said, "yeah, that's the law."

He was incensed that "how come it's ok for somebody to wear a 'Black Lives Matter' shirt.

I just shook my head and walked away.
what is an appropriate response for getting maced in the face when he was doing his job protecting a News 9 reporter?
After he was assaulted.

It's amazing. A 17 year old puke-muffin illegally carrying an assault rifle and protecting a gas station that he has no connection to shoots people and the right floods his go-fund-me-because-i-am-a-right-wing-cunt with millions. Meanwhile a legally armed guy who shoots his assaulter while protecting the LIFE of another is under attack because his security license wasn't proper.

Just fuck these redneck bitches. Fuck them right in the ear.
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Better NBC host a townhall than Fox, if it's regular folks asking questions and a good NBC moderator, Donald will self destruct with ego defense and trying to get that big ego through the moment and off the stage. Donald has a lot to defend and if he starts interrupting moderators and voters, it will not go well for Trump. News shows will be comparing and contrasting clips and highlights (lowlights too) the next day and the pundits will weigh in.

NBC schedules Trump town hall at the same time as Biden's on ABC, sparking outrage

New York (CNN Business)When NBC set out to schedule a television town hall with President Trump, the top priorities were safety and parity with Trump's challenger Joe Biden.

The network's Biden town hall went off without a hitch in Miami, Florida on October 5. NBC's plans for Trump are almost identical: The same outdoor venue in Miami, the same 8 p.m. time slot, the same 60-minute allotment of time.
But there is one big difference: ABC already announced it will be holding a town hall with Biden at the same time on the same night.

So now NBC is "giving Trump exactly what he wants," in the words of one exasperated senior staffer: a made-by-TV rivalry between the president and Biden.

NBC is hearing a chorus of criticism for its scheduling decision -- from liberal activists, working journalists, professors, former NBC executives, and even some current NBC Entertainment stars.

Some staffers inside NBC News and MSNBC are also perturbed by the decision, with some likening it to collusion between the Trump campaign and the network, sources said. No one from the news division has publicly criticized the move.

The dueling town halls will air Thursday at 8 p.m. Eastern time, on the same night that the Commission on Presidential Debates was originally scheduled to hold a town hall-style debate between Trump and Biden.
Now, instead, the two men will talk past each other on competing networks.

"Having dueling town halls is bad for democracy," former NBC "Today" show star Katie Couric tweeted Wednesday. "Voters should be able to watch both and I don't think many will. This will be good for Trump because people like to watch his unpredictability. This is a bad decision."

Let's take a step way back and see how this conflict erupted.