What has Trump done to this country?

so Notre Dame says of their own professor, Amy Coney Barrett to wait:

one trumpy thing from the other day on Barretts appointment is that trump said on Garland 'we had the election'..ummmm no you didn't. i can't believe no one has called this out because he has repeated this several times.
I live in a vastly republican area and all anyone gets to see and hear is the republican side. Its so easy to just believe what you hear and jump on board than to take time and question what everyone around you says and find valuable info on the democratic side. I am not a Trump supporter. I didnt even vote for the guy in 2016. To be completely honest, I didn't even get in to politics at all until 2015. I am not the tiniest bit racist and am a fairly smart person. So knowing what YOU know, that might be your opinion but I can promise you that most Republicans, Trump supporters, don't know what you know. Hell I'm looking for shit now and am learning something new every day.

dude you haven't been able to make the news on TV? cable? the internet? print? c'mon..can you only tune in to the Power Hour, FOX or Trump TV?
If people are attacking you, just assume they are a troll and put them on ignore for a while. It is impossible to know, and it becomes pretty obvious when if nothing else they think you are a troll and are treating you like one. We have threads dedicated to how crazy it gets in this little corner of the internet.

I watched the Biden Trump debate and don't know how you can expect people to react when they are getting ran over with the full (Mark) Levin shouting/interrupting. I agree Harris is far better, but I don't think it was even close to Biden acting childish in that debate outside of him just saying this president is acting like a child and if the debate moderators can't control him there is not any reason to continue and walk off stage with dignity.

People are being taught to discuss things like they read them online, and with the epic amount of trolling on every chat feed, when they are addicted like Trump is to Twitter, they forget how to have a non-troll conversation.

Biden was interrupted over a hundred times. I always would have loved to seen Harris destroy Trump on the debate stage. But Trump would have had a much easier time trolling a non-white educated woman than a nice old white guy, so Biden had the best chance to win the House and Senate too. Because he doesn't scare people and can't be painted with the ready made 'the Squad' nonsense.
I agree, Trump was definitely the bigger kid. I am really trying to set aside all preconceived notions and assumptions I had before and take a mind wide open approach to this. I am not a Trump supporter but with the way things have been portrayed to me it has led me to be more in favor of the republican side. Even though I agree with more democratic views I guess its been hard to look past she Sean Hannity's and the Ben Shapiro's and come up with a complete picture.
If people are attacking you, just assume they are a troll and put them on ignore for a while. It is impossible to know, and it becomes pretty obvious when if nothing else they think you are a troll and are treating you like one. We have threads dedicated to how crazy it gets in this little corner of the internet.

I watched the Biden Trump debate and don't know how you can expect people to react when they are getting ran over with the full (Mark) Levin shouting/interrupting. I agree Harris is far better, but I don't think it was even close to Biden acting childish in that debate outside of him just saying this president is acting like a child and if the debate moderators can't control him there is not any reason to continue and walk off stage with dignity.

People are being taught to discuss things like they read them online, and with the epic amount of trolling on every chat feed, when they are addicted like Trump is to Twitter, they forget how to have a non-troll conversation.

Biden was interrupted over a hundred times. I always would have loved to seen Harris destroy Trump on the debate stage. But Trump would have had a much easier time trolling a non-white educated woman than a nice old white guy, so Biden had the best chance to win the House and Senate too. Because he doesn't scare people and can't be painted with the ready made 'the Squad' nonsense.

dudes playing you.
dude you haven't been able to make the news on TV? cable? the internet? print? c'mon..can you only tune in to the Power Hour, FOX or Trump TV?
I work and come home. Only over the last month have I started watching the news at home. Before that it was talk radio, (republican) and youtube. I know I should stay in touch with the world better but I don't have much free time.
Yes morals mean a lot to me. I can only speak on the things that I have seen and heard. I live in a primarily republican area so I'm sure all of my feeds and the radio are biased. I just want the big picture before I cast any vote.

Big enough view?
How low you want go? We were at 4th place when trump started his term.
Screenshot_2020-10-15 Quality of Life Index by Country 2020 Mid-Year.png

I work and come home. Only over the last month have I started watching the news at home. Before that it was talk radio, (republican) and youtube. I know I should stay in touch with the world better but I don't have much free time.
What is it they say? Ignorance of the law is no excuse?
Make time. It’s the most important election in our lifetime.
Trump pays no taxes, he will not condemn white supremacy, he treats women as objects and thinks he can grab any pussy anytime (his own words), he is a hypocrite (ie Hunter Biden), he LOVES Putin ( see letter he wrote to him), he loves Kim jung un, he pushes qanon...
I agree, Trump was definitely the bigger kid. I am really trying to set aside all preconceived notions and assumptions I had before and take a mind wide open approach to this. I am not a Trump supporter but with the way things have been portrayed to me it has led me to be more in favor of the republican side. Even though I agree with more democratic views I guess its been hard to look past she Sean Hannity's and the Ben Shapiro's and come up with a complete picture.
I would just start with understanding the Russian attack on our nation.

Do you think it is ok that Trump has allowed the Russian military to continue to attack our citizens?

For me that is step one. Until that get's understood it is hard to even know where to start.

dudes playing you.
That is always a possibility, hell even a very high probability, but I will always try to let people prove themselves to be another in the endless line of trolls before I give up. I have met too many people in real life that I know are good people snowballed into believing the lies to assume I can tell the difference online.
you said we needed change..when did you wish to start? with Trayvon or with Columbine?

note to Trumpers: if i were you, i'd be very careful what i do in those crowds going forward.

our oligarch..Big Corporate, will defend itself from you because they know who's starting fires and looting (causing loss of revenue in various ways)- righties carrying or wearing left paraphernalia..it's been brought to the foreground with Umbrella Man.

don't be stupid- your life is less valuable to them than the destruction of their property..you'll be taken out like that guy in Denver was.

message received.
We aren't on the same wavelength and I'm certain I don't want to be on yours, so don't expect us to come to an understanding.

That said, Trayvon was a change-maker. We still remember him and along with other notable victims in racist murders, we reached a tipping point in Ferguson, then tipped over with the murder of Floyd. Things have changed but we are still in flux. A large number of people still don't get it. Black lives matter. One can't just kill a black man because he scared them. Black Lives Matter has become a movement because the angry black man is a trope that is so deeply embedded in our society that even Black people are affected by it. White people are hysterical over it. Black Lives Matters movement is about getting people to recognize that they have a deeply held misconception that is harmful and we need a change in our behavior.

As far as valuing human life, our society doesn't. Not much. As you say, the "Big Corporate" or as I call them, fascists, value life less than they do their money and posessions. This is the nub of my argument with the fascist I was talking to. Also an argument with you. We have this low bar for allowing a defendant to invoke self defense when they kill somebody with their gun. All anybody needs to do nowadays is say they got scared and they walk from murder. You and others say Dolloff killed the fat fascist in self defense. I think Dolloff made some really bad decisions that ended up with him getting scared and he killed the fat guy over a slap and a dose of bear spray. He's guilty because he made bad decisions. Fat guy shares some of the guilt but he's dead, so I guess he paid the price already. The nub of the issue here is our judicial system that has the principle that there is no obligation to retreat.

At the heart of both BLM and the Denver shooting is our low value for human life. I think we are seeing some change. It's not going to happen easily or overnight, so Jaw, Jaw. But not War.
I work and come home. Only over the last month have I started watching the news at home. Before that it was talk radio, (republican) and youtube. I know I should stay in touch with the world better but I don't have much free time.

i was forced to listen to the Power Hour when working in Dallas by the owner of the company i was contracting for when taking me out to lunch- Rush was so disgusting that the owner changed the channel out of embarrassment.
Thank you! Republicans won't show shit like this...
Here is another bit of info that you might not hear about on right wing radio.


We aren't on the same wavelength and I'm certain I don't want to be on yours, so don't expect us to come to an understanding.

That said, Trayvon was a change-maker. We still remember him and along with other notable victims in racist murders, we reached a tipping point in Ferguson, then tipped over with the murder of Floyd. Things have changed but we are still in flux. A large number of people still don't get it. Black lives matter. One can't just kill a black man because he scared them. Black Lives Matter has become a movement because the angry black man is a trope that is so deeply embedded in our society that even Black people are affected by it. White people are hysterical over it. Black Lives Matters movement is about getting people to recognize that they have a deeply held misconception that is harmful and we need a change in our behavior.

As far as valuing human life, our society doesn't. Not much. As you say, the "Big Corporate" or as I call them, fascists, value life less than they do their money and posessions. This is the nub of my argument with the fascist I was talking to. Also an argument with you. We have this low bar for allowing a defendant to invoke self defense when they kill somebody with their gun. All anybody needs to do nowadays is say they got scared and they walk from murder. You and others say Dolloff killed the fat fascist in self defense. I think Dolloff made some really bad decisions that ended up with him getting scared and he killed the fat guy over a slap and a dose of bear spray. He's guilty because he made bad decisions. Fat guy shares some of the guilt but he's dead, so I guess he paid the price already. The nub of the issue here is our judicial system that has the principle that there is no obligation to retreat.

At the heart of both BLM and the Denver shooting is our low value for human life. I think we are seeing some change. It's not going to happen easily or overnight, so Jaw, Jaw. But not War.

i agree with the above reference highlighted statement.

what if Dolloff were black? you're missing the fact that it was thought Keltner (fat fascist) had a gun tucked away and was going for it..so two assaults who's going to stick around to see what the third might be? you?

good luck with that.

I would just start with understanding the Russian attack on our nation.

Do you think it is ok that Trump has allowed the Russian military to continue to attack our citizens?

For me that is step one. Until that get's understood it is hard to even know where to start.

That is always a possibility, hell even a very high probability, but I will always try to let people prove themselves to be another in the endless line of trolls before I give up. I have met too many people in real life that I know are good people snowballed into believing the lies to assume I can tell the difference online.
All I know about Russia anything is just what I heard. Mostly from Sean Hannity. I have not looked in to it in the past because all I hear is that its a hoax. I'm tired of just taking what I hear as fact and just want a full perspective. Thank you for giving me the time of day as I am only hear to learn and see what everyone has to say.

I am not playing anyone, I don't have time for that. I'm not attacking or defending anyone, I just want perspective and love my pothead brethren lol
All I know about Russia anything is just what I heard. Mostly from Sean Hannity. I have not looked in to it in the past because all I hear is that its a hoax. I'm tired of just taking what I hear as fact and just want a full perspective. Thank you for giving me the time of day as I am only hear to learn and see what everyone has to say.

I am not playing anyone, I don't have time for that. I'm not attacking or defending anyone, I just want perspective and love my pothead brethren lol
I don't believe you.......you claim to only have right wing news outlets available to you.......that's bullshit. Anyone who listens to Hannity is nothing but a deplorable sheep. There are other channels pal, yet you choose to listen to the biggest pile of shit on cable news.

You claim to not have time, yet you've been on this site for 2 solid days.
I don't believe you.......you claim to only have right wing news outlets available to you.......that's bullshit. Anyone who listens to Hannity is nothing but a deplorable sheep. There are other channels pal, yet you choose to listen to the biggest pile of shit on cable news.

You claim to not have time, yet you've been on this site for 2 solid days.
Your right for the most part. I have heard about details but they have had a republican twist put on them. Like I said, the more time goes on the more I'm seeing lies on rep side and want the truth. I want the big picture. Yeah I've been on here for 2 days cause now my curiosity is peaked. Almost none of this political stuff will ever affect me where I live so I've had a "its not my problem" mindset and just figured the ppl I love have some kinda clue as to why they support Trump.
What is it they say? Ignorance of the law is no excuse?
Make time. It’s the most important election in our lifetime.
Trump pays no taxes, he will not condemn white supremacy, he treats women as objects and thinks he can grab any pussy anytime (his own words), he is a hypocrite (ie Hunter Biden), he LOVES Putin ( see letter he wrote to him), he loves Kim jung un, he pushes qanon...
I'm making time now. Better late than never, right?
Former JAG and retired federal prosecutor from 6 days ago.
Glenn Kirschner: Nothing is going to save Trump.

MSNBC Legal Analyst, Glenn Kirschner, talks about whether Trump is actually laying down his exit strategy.