What has Trump done to this country?

I'm figuring out that there are a great many ppl that know a lot more about the political situation than I. It wasn't till a few months ago that I have been LOOKING at democrats side instead of just putting stock in what I hear. I cant help how biased the sources are in my area. Hence why I'm now partaking in this thread.
i used this analogy for trump's business "acumen":
a guy that is worth 10 billion (his claim) that can't pay a 421 million loan is like a guy with $100,000 that can't pay a $4000 loan.
apparently participants going to denver's Patriot Rally were given instructions on how to avoid trouble when conceal carrying without a permit.

when we go on hikes into bear country, wifey carries the spray while i carry the .41 magnum.

so they are cheating in some way so they can cheat further?

for a non-trumper, you know a lot about them:lol:
i used this analogy for trump's business "acumen":
a guy that is worth 10 billion (his claim) that can't pay a 421 million loan is like a guy with $100,000 that can't pay a $4000 loan.

and didn't make any money during the Kushy Obama years..what a loser and sucker- even Schuylaar made money:lol:
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The “Both Sides” thing is bullshit, really.
The only actual 'both sides' is the people in the middle are surrounded by the unfortunate side effect of releasing all of our mentally ill and decades of 'suck it up' culture stopping people from being able to get the help they need.

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The California Republican Party said Wednesday it will not comply with the state's cease-and-desist order over unofficial ballot drop boxes placed in at least four counties, escalating a brewing political showdown ahead of the November election.
That made no sense.

you said we needed change..when did you wish to start? with Trayvon or with Columbine?

note to Trumpers: if i were you, i'd be very careful what i do in those crowds going forward.

our oligarch..Big Corporate, will defend itself from you because they know who's starting fires and looting (causing loss of revenue in various ways)- righties carrying or wearing left paraphernalia..it's been brought to the foreground with Umbrella Man.

don't be stupid- your life is less valuable to them than the destruction of their property..you'll be taken out like that guy in Denver was.

message received.
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Glad you found this site then! And have a good day at work, stay safe.

The stuff you said above is exactly why I recommend AP news to check anything you care about. They don't screw around and just report the known facts. And it is free, so there is no 'pay wall' on actual fact checked, legally bound to be truthful, information.

I would question where you have seen 'both sides acting like children'. Because it is way to easy to have some talking head on the radio (who is essentially a left-troll push a idiotic narrative), along with some slickly edited clips of some Democrat politician that is out of context, to paint 'the left' as whatever the hate-radio personality wants to paint them as.

Couple that with trolls online pretending to be 'left' attacking you while the 'right troll' points to actual flaws in what their other account is spewing, and the bubble is complete making 'the left' look like fools.

I don't know man, it is about the time people might start to tune into the elections in a normal year. It would be very easy to stay in a bubble with how hard it is to talk to one another about anything since 2014.
Thank you for such a helpful response. I'll definitely check out those links when I have a min. I clicked on this thread and started reading because the more time goes on the more I want to know more about the democratic side. When I seen Wolf Blitzer letting Polosi have it, and they're on the same team, I wanted to know more. I relate to so many democratic points and see that both sides have some very valid points. I did not come here to stir shit up and defend or attack either side. I came for more perspective. I don't like boxes so here I am stepping out. My childish comment was mostly referring to the presidential debate. Neither one acted their age nor were they professional in my small personal opinion. I enjoyed the VP debate and have gained respect for Harris. She is a very intelligent woman. I feel like this election is even more important than the last one so I want to make it count.

To anyone reading this please do not attack or insult me for anything I've said. This is all my personal opinion only derived from the info I see and hear. I would not have come to a weed forum (best one I've found) to start political shit if that was my goal.
Thank you for such a helpful response. I'll definitely check out those links when I have a min. I clicked on this thread and started reading because the more time goes on the more I want to know more about the democratic side. When I seen Wolf Blitzer letting Polosi have it, and they're on the same team, I wanted to know more. I relate to so many democratic points and see that both sides have some very valid points. I did not come here to stir shit up and defend or attack either side. I came for more perspective. I don't like boxes so here I am stepping out. My childish comment was mostly referring to the presidential debate. Neither one acted their age nor were they professional in my small personal opinion. I enjoyed the VP debate and have gained respect for Harris. She is a very intelligent woman. I feel like this election is even more important than the last one so I want to make it count.

To anyone reading this please do not attack or insult me for anything I've said. This is all my personal opinion only derived from the info I see and hear. I would not have come to a weed forum (best one I've found) to start political shit if that was my goal.
If people are attacking you, just assume they are a troll and put them on ignore for a while. It is impossible to know, and it becomes pretty obvious when if nothing else they think you are a troll and are treating you like one. We have threads dedicated to how crazy it gets in this little corner of the internet.

I watched the Biden Trump debate and don't know how you can expect people to react when they are getting ran over with the full (Mark) Levin shouting/interrupting. I agree Harris is far better, but I don't think it was even close to Biden acting childish in that debate outside of him just saying this president is acting like a child and if the debate moderators can't control him there is not any reason to continue and walk off stage with dignity.

People are being taught to discuss things like they read them online, and with the epic amount of trolling on every chat feed, when they are addicted like Trump is to Twitter, they forget how to have a non-troll conversation.

Biden was interrupted over a hundred times. I always would have loved to seen Harris destroy Trump on the debate stage. But Trump would have had a much easier time trolling a non-white educated woman than a nice old white guy, so Biden had the best chance to win the House and Senate too. Because he doesn't scare people and can't be painted with the ready made 'the Squad' nonsense.
If people are attacking you, just assume they are a troll and put them on ignore for a while. It is impossible to know, and it becomes pretty obvious when if nothing else they think you are a troll and are treating you like one. We have threads dedicated to how crazy it gets in this little corner of the internet.

I watched the Biden Trump debate and don't know how you can expect people to react when they are getting ran over with the full (Mark) Levin shouting/interrupting. I agree Harris is far better, but I don't think it was even close to Biden acting childish in that debate outside of him just saying this president is acting like a child and if the debate moderators can't control him there is not any reason to continue and walk off stage with dignity.

People are being taught to discuss things like they read them online, and with the epic amount of trolling on every chat feed, when they are addicted like Trump is to Twitter, they forget how to have a non-troll conversation.

Biden was interrupted over a hundred times. I always would have loved to seen Harris destroy Trump on the debate stage. But Trump would have had a much easier time trolling a non-white educated woman than a nice old white guy, so Biden had the best chance to win the House and Senate too. Because he doesn't scare people and can't be painted with the ready made 'the Squad' nonsense.
Biden showed more cool than I would’ve.
i gave them a pass in 2016 as Hillary wasn't exactly a stellar candidate either IMO. but knowing what we know now, trump supporters are stupid and racist, plain and simple
I live in a vastly republican area and all anyone gets to see and hear is the republican side. Its so easy to just believe what you hear and jump on board than to take time and question what everyone around you says and find valuable info on the democratic side. I am not a Trump supporter. I didnt even vote for the guy in 2016. To be completely honest, I didn't even get in to politics at all until 2015. I am not the tiniest bit racist and am a fairly smart person. So knowing what YOU know, that might be your opinion but I can promise you that most Republicans, Trump supporters, don't know what you know. Hell I'm looking for shit now and am learning something new every day.