Countdown to Apocolypse

Bush went after Saddam because and I quote "he tried to kill my father". He stood in front of the press and even said that. It was a family vendetta, like the Hatfields and McCoys. The rest of us just get to go along with the ride, how fun.

Actually, I think the quote is, 'he tried to kill my diddy.'

And how much fun, I can't bear to see another mother cry, another girl have her husband come home in peices, either mentally or physcially, and for what? Oil. Money. Greed. Nor do I want to see my country that I LOVE, reguardless of what is leveled at me, beggared by a war that makes our oil baron president and his vice, who owns Haliburton and gets another contract every time another building is blown up (by us OR them), turned into some third world country, owned by only the VERY wealthy- oh shit, isn't that what is happening now?:cry:

Fuck that.:evil:
I still havent got a credible source on this ZEN?.........How many other things do you guys just makeup to scare the rest of the Xenophobic Americans. If any of your arguments had any credibility, you wouldn't have to make shit up.

Notice how such credible sources, DESPITE questions, querries, and my bitchin, have yet to appear? I even made a whole thread on it.

No answers.

Oh, oh, I know! Perhaps our illustrious Vi has the link! Yes, he is not a
'useful idiot,' perhaps HE has a link?

Oh please, Vi, provide, I am just ORGASMIC to get it.
The constitution forbids those actions? Could you define where?

I did not say I want to be in there, but we are so we have to deal with it. We did not go to Iraq to free the Iraqies, we went to remove Hussein from power and now that is done, we are helping the people have a better country. You may think thats worthless, but thats your opinion.

Why did you lump Greece in that list? I been there, and there are a bunch of palestinians there but the government is not oppressing.

We are not going to stop them at all costs unless they prove they are a threat. Smart idea, ever heard of it? :-P

Greece is the closes to the middle east out of europe.:hump:
The rest of your post..............
we will just disagree and that's that:peace::joint:
Bush went after Saddam because and I quote "he tried to kill my father". He stood in front of the press and even said that. It was a family vendetta, like the Hatfields and McCoys. The rest of us just get to go along with the ride, how fun.

Reasons for War: Things you might have forgotten about Iraq.

I know you won't read it because you like to dwell in your little reality, but I posted it so others don't have to read the crap you say with it being unchallenged.

I know in your little world, (its ok, they know you there) I don't exist, :-( :roll:but I mite point out that you should really post links TO SITES AND SOURCES, NOT to other forums!!!! If, that is, you are tryin to gain credibility.

How can such an ENORMOUS ego fit in such a narrow mind? It defies the laws of Physics, I tell you. Fascinating.
And, in discussing the threat posed by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, Bush said: "After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad." - Bush calls Saddam 'the guy who tried to kill my dad' - Sep. 27, 2002

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

First off, he did try to get Bush Sr. assassinated. So I suppose we should just ignore attempted murder on the presidents.

Second, that is totally taken out of context. Great job there, if I remember right he said it in a jokingly manner. Bush is a funny guy and he called to congress to go to Iraq for a multiple of reasons and guess what, it was voted on and approved.

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Saddam tried to assassinate Bush Sr, then why didn't Bush senior deal with it? How about BIll Clinton? It had to wait for Bush Jr. to get into office for the family vendetta. If it was that big of deal, someone in the 10 years prior to W someone somewhere would have dealt with it.

It's not a good enough reason to drag this country into war. If Bush had a problem he should have hauled his ass over to Iraq and slapped Saddam in the face with a glove.

You don't drag an entire country and it's allies into a bullshit war over revenge.

Lets not forget the Bush family is in the oil business. :o

First off, he did try to get Bush Sr. assassinated. So I suppose we should just ignore attempted murder on the presidents.

Second, that is totally taken out of context. Great job there, if I remember right he said it in a jokingly manner. Bush is a funny guy and he called to congress to go to Iraq for a multiple of reasons and guess what, it was voted on and approved.

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Saddam tried to assassinate Bush Sr, then why didn't Bush senior deal with it? How about BIll Clinton? It had to wait for Bush Jr. to get into office for the family vendetta. If it was that big of deal, someone in the 10 years prior to W someone somewhere would have dealt with it.

It's not a good enough reason to drag this country into war. If Bush had a problem he should have hauled his ass over to Iraq and slapped Saddam in the face with a glove.

You don't drag an entire country and it's allies into a bullshit war over revenge.

Lets not forget the Bush family is in the oil business. :o

Well, of course you didn't read the link
Reasons for War: Things you might have forgotten about Iraq.

because it gives you the reasons for war, also the Iraq Resolution link which Congress felt was just cause.

However the plot to assassinate Bush Sr. was actually 3 months after Clinton took office.

Did you forget that Clinton bombed Iraq military installations?
MissH - Roflmao. But I REALLY thought you were gonna go somewhere else with the last one..... Excellent.

I am still the pariah on the thread (with the OP, anyhow - its ok, I am used to being the outsider, freak, what have you) but I thought I MITE point out a good finisher for Zen's sentence.

because it gives you the reasons for war, also the Iraq Resolution link which Congress felt was just cause. However, these reasons were NOT the reasons given to the American public. Weapon deals with Iraq, Weapons of Mass Destruction, or even any link to 9/11.

Oh, but KUDOS on some decent links.

My apologies to RIU's staff, I just can't help myself (part of an addict's nature, ya know.):sad:
Well how much retaliation do we need for one phoney war? Where were those pesky WMD's?

Moved into Syria of course. CIA has footage of it too. Hell Saddam had 3 month warning that the storm was coming.

3 Months. Thats a long time for this "surprise" attack. It was due to lack of urgency in Congress and all the red flags were thrown up to Saddam so he moved that shit out. Hell I would too.