Well-Known Member
Bush went after Saddam because and I quote "he tried to kill my father". He stood in front of the press and even said that. It was a family vendetta, like the Hatfields and McCoys. The rest of us just get to go along with the ride, how fun.
Actually, I think the quote is, 'he tried to kill my diddy.'
And how much fun, I can't bear to see another mother cry, another girl have her husband come home in peices, either mentally or physcially, and for what? Oil. Money. Greed. Nor do I want to see my country that I LOVE, reguardless of what is leveled at me, beggared by a war that makes our oil baron president and his vice, who owns Haliburton and gets another contract every time another building is blown up (by us OR them), turned into some third world country, owned by only the VERY wealthy- oh shit, isn't that what is happening now?

Fuck that.