I have 3 plants. Possible overcrowding. So if this plant is donezo I can accept that and pursue the other two more vigilantly. I'm not really sure what this could be, I have treated this plant the exact same as the other two. I realize its small plant in big pot but its too late for that so I would appreciate no comments on that, I'm not downpotting. I'm using 250w MH light at a little over 3 ft from the plants. I am watering in a small circle around the plants to prevent roots from starving early. Watering to run off which comes out to a little over 2 red solo cups for each and using half nutrients (liquid fert, Fox Farm+Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil). I have had some trouble with temps so I have a portable AC. Temps fluctuate between 81-84 during the day and sit around 75-77 for their nights. I realize different strains are different and require different attention. So I'm wondering what I might have to do differently to help my Gorilla Girl. This one is in the middle and probably has the most access to light, although not by much. Which makes me believe it isn't just without light reaching for the sun. It got the exact same amount of water/nutes as the other two, which leads me to believe it's not under/overwatered if the other two are doing fine. Again, if there is no saving her, I wouldn't mind just tossing her and focusing more on the other two that are lookin alright.
Northern Light's ooking fine
Jack 47 lookin fine
Gorilla Girl, looking frail
Gorilla Girl looking frail