Hunter-Gazi: Giuliani and Russian propaganda scam to help Trump get re-eelcted.

Boy I posted one picture and this is how you act, how old are you
Oh by the way Bidden lost.
Whose Bidden? And what did he lose?

Also I don't know if you saw my question to you. Are you an American and if so are you ok with the Russian military attacking American citizens?

The reason I posted the picture I did for you, is to explain that you are a new account here, and this website like every other forum online is being attacked by trolls saying the exact thing you did.

So it should be no offense towards you if you are not another in the endless line of paid trolls attacking our democracy. Nice to meet you, if you act exactly like a paid troll you likely will get trolled by people. If you feel you are being attacked you always have an ignore button.

If you actually want to have a conversation of substance and not just ejaculate Trump trolls all over the site I look forward to it.
Whose Bidden? And what did he lose?

Also I don't know if you saw my question to you. Are you an American and if so are you ok with the Russian military attacking American citizens?

The reason I posted the picture I did for you, is to explain that you are a new account here, and this website like every other forum online is being attacked by trolls saying the exact thing you did.

So it should be no offense towards you if you are not another in the endless line of paid trolls attacking our democracy. Nice to meet you, if you act exactly like a paid troll you likely will get trolled by people. If you feel you are being attacked you always have an ignore button.

If you actually want to have a conversation of substance and not just ejaculate Trump trolls all over the site I look forward to it.
I was refering towards the other fellow. Lets post all his posts . Come on Baby shit.
I have no problems with anyone here.
I was refering towards the other fellow. Lets post all his posts . Come on Baby shit.
I have no problems with anyone here.
You have a ignore button if you find someone offensive, unless you are just here to troll others on the forum?

How do you know that they are not a troll and that you are falling into their con? Unless you know someone online just assume they are a paid troll or at least a high probability of being one (you can never know (unless you know)) and being so new I was giving you a heads up.
100 rubles you have a borscht stain on the front of your t-shirt right now, Komrade.
What's a Borscht stain, some new strain of ganghi?
Once again an attempt at being funny, not to be taken the wrong way.
Some here are just looking for a bitch match, slow down and we might all get along and learn.
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You have a ignore button if you find someone offensive, unless you are just here to troll others on the forum?

How do you know that they are not a troll and that you are falling into their con? Unless you know someone online just assume they are a paid troll or at least a high probability of being one (you can never know (unless you know)) and being so new I was giving you a heads up.
Thanks Much, I like to read the politics threads to see where the mind set of the members is.
Darn Shame that we as Americans can not be united as one again.
Country is in shit poor shape, but I blame the Media also and not just who we chose to lead us at the time.
Thanks Much, I like to read the politics threads to see where the mind set of the members is.
Do you understand how the trolling attack that the Russian military is conducting on our citizens?

Because I laugh at your thinking you can see where the mindset of the 'members' are based on posts in the political threads of a random forum.
Do you understand how the trolling attack that the Russian military is conducting on our citizens?

Because I laugh at your thinking you can see where the mindset of the 'members' are based on posts in the political threads of a random forum.
Well if The Russians are behind the way we are treating each other , I would say that they have indeed succeeded.
Sad to say.
Darn Shame that we as Americans can not be united as one again.
Country is in shit poor shape, but I blame the Media also and not just who we chose to lead us at the time.
Russia and any other country that is screwing with our citizens better hope they are not caught with no chair when the music ends and America turns its collective heads to the country or countries caught attacking us when we do unite again. I also hope that we have a rational leader in charge when we do for the sake of the world.

What do you mean by 'media' again?

Well if The Russians are behind the way we are treating each other , I would say that they have indeed succeeded.
Sad to say.

It sucks and is very effective. Snowden is a dick for taking them the weapon they needed to conduct this attack.

Humanity was not ready for the internet. We are still adapting to it, and like everything else the criminals figured out ways to hurt their fellow humans first.
Russia and any other country that is screwing with our citizens better hope they are not caught with no chair when the music ends and America turns its collective heads to the country or countries caught attacking us when we do unite again. I also hope that we have a rational leader in charge when we do for the sake of the world.

What do you mean by 'media' again?

It sucks and is very effective. Snowden is a dick for taking them the weapon they needed to conduct this attack.

Humanity was not ready for the internet. We are still adapting to it, and like everything else the criminals figured out ways to hurt their fellow humans first.
Started with him imho