Rollitup Endorsements - Biden For President

911 happened for a lot of reasons but IMHO the biggest was the intelligence agencies appointed to keep America safe were not sharing intelligence findings. They were operating as 3 different organizations guarding everything they found from everyone. Especially the other agencies. They never shared intelligence and each were basically acting completely separately from the others. If they had been working together sharing intelligence. I have no doubts that it would not have happened
Trump hasn't passed or proposed one piece of legislation to help veterans or create jobs. Hes simply riding the wave of prosperity from the last guy. Hes riding it into the ground but still riding. This country may never recover from the debt he's rung up
Its hilarious to hear people talk about all this debt thag America is in . The world owes
I was Naval intelligence for over 20 years. Cryptography and i can assure you that 911 happened for many reasons and could most likely been prevented. But inside job is absolutely pure fantasy. Im sorry. But it is
Building 7?
Ya, I guess we will be real happy paying those high taxes. They will still take our stash but we will get rehabilitated. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad?
Nah, I'm cool with paying more. I make about $600k per year but I am cool with it if it helps close the yawning deficit Trump created to allow my fellow rich-fucks to buy yachts. Besides, what good is a ten figure bank account if the environment is totally fucked and my grandchildren will have a shitty life because of it?
Keep your money bud. Go research building 7 then get back to me clown
What would you like him to research?

How much money did it cost to build?

There is so much about that question that makes it bullshit. Does talking like this make you think that you 'win' a conversation in real life?

Just because someone walks away doesn't mean you scored some hypothetical point, it just means they think it is pointless to talk to you when you are in troll mode.
What would you like him to research?

How much money did it cost to build?

There is so much about that question that makes it bullshit. Does talking like this make you think that you 'win' a conversation in real life?

Just because someone walks away doesn't mean you scored some hypothetical point, it just means they think it is pointless to talk to you when you are in troll mode.
He said prove that it was an inside job... any peson that knows his ass from the whole in the ground knows that was a control demolition from the firemen to engineers. Im not trolling i simply said go look into building 7, then see if that changes your mind. I don't care how you think. What you eat don't make me shit pal
He said prove that it was an inside job... any peson that knows his ass from the whole in the ground knows that was a control demolition from the firemen to engineers. Im not trolling i simply said go look into building 7, then see if that changes your mind. I don't care how you think. What you eat don't make me shit pal
How many people do you think have the actual understanding of engineering to just 'know' something as complex as a building coming down on 9/11?

Or, instead of how many, what level of education in engineering do you think it would take?
I'd like to know if the trumpers will still suck him off after he loses.......and if they do, how long will they do it?
Can one of you trumpers please tell us how long he'll remain your savior and king after he becomes irrelevant?
He said prove that it was an inside job... any peson that knows his ass from the whole in the ground knows that was a control demolition from the firemen to engineers. Im not trolling i simply said go look into building 7, then see if that changes your mind. I don't care how you think. What you eat don't make me shit pal
So you're an expert at controlled demolition?: or just parroting what u saw on you tube. This is what i meant when I said people no longer have their way of thinking challenged. They see something they agree with, the parrot it as fact
So you're an expert at controlled demolition?: or just parroting what u saw on you tube. This is what i meant when I said people no longer have their way of thinking challenged. They see something they agree with, the parrot it as fact
There you go assuming shit. Why is it when Democrats feel they're ideas being challenged they start attacking people for having their own ideas . They use words like conspiracy, nutjob ,troll. When that doesn't work theh try to discredit them saying they saw it on YouTube lol. Im pretty sure youtube thinks like you and blocks all content that promotes free thinking . Typical sheep. Drawing government checks sitting in theyre pajamas all day. Dude Obama was trash, trump is trash, and so is biden this society as a whole can not last another 300 years. Is that why you get so triggered?
There you go assuming shit. Why is it when Democrats feel they're ideas being challenged they start attacking people for having their own ideas .
How do you know that they are a Democrat? I actually saw earlier they wrote they were a Republican.

They use words like conspiracy, nutjob ,troll. When that doesn't work theh try to discredit them saying they saw it on YouTube lol.
Do those words trigger you? How does 'useful idiot' make you feel?

When that doesn't work theh try to discredit them saying they saw it on YouTube lol. Im pretty sure youtube thinks like you and blocks all content that promotes free thinking . Typical sheep.

Anyone can make a youtube video and say anything they like. It doesn't make it true. People get paid to make that click-bait, it's worth understanding this (if you are an Actual American and believe what you do and not another in the endless line of sock puppets attacking our democracy).

Drawing government checks sitting in theyre pajamas all day. Dude Obama was trash, trump is trash, and so is biden this society as a whole can not last another 300 years. Is that why you get so triggered?
What are you basing Obama and Biden being trash on? I think over a long career and when Obama had the same power that Trump does today he never acted like Trump is.

this society as a whole can not last another 300 years. Is that why you get so triggered?
Ive heard this profitizing all my life. And I am pretty sure any time in human history some asshole was out there preaching how they were all doomed and nothing mattered. We are still ticking.

Until some global life ending event occurs, humanity will find a way.