Trump is going to lose in November

I'm all for the people of Texas choosing the government they want. Texas is not Oregon. I don't want Texas to have a say in my state and I have no interest in meddling with Texas's election. Let the majority rule, within the constraints of our constitution. Radicals on both sides don't seem to understand this.

I don't think Texas will go blue this election. Maybe a few district seats will flip. I do object to how the Biden's campaign bus was menaced and the message that future violence would occur if they continued to campaign there. But I see that as the actions of a few. The main issue I have is that Texas's leaders didn't speak out against it. The days when men settled differences by fighting it out weren't all that great. Not even in Texas.
vote republicans
And those people's conversations can be downloaded and linked to their other data from around the internet (Foreign militaries don't have to follow our internet laws) to attack them with information that they care about on any platform that they are most vulnerable to falling for the con. Because it all gets worked into those people on that MMA forum's bubble.
This article contains 538's best halloween story, late but still frightening.

So let’s state a few basic facts: The reasons that President Trump’s chances in our forecast are about 10 percent and not zero:

  • As in 2016, Trump could potentially benefit from the Electoral College. Projected margins in the tipping-point states are considerably tighter than the margins in the national popular vote.
  • More specifically, Joe Biden’s lead in Pennsylvania — the most likely tipping-point state, according to our forecast — is solid but not spectacular: about 5 points in our polling average.
  • Without Pennsylvania, Biden does have some paths to victory, but there’s no one alternative state he can feel especially secure about.
  • While a lot of theories about why Trump can win (e.g., those about “shy” Trump voters) are probably wrong, systematic polling errors do occur, and it’s hard to predict them ahead of time or to anticipate the reasons in advance.
  • There is some chance that Trump could “win” illegitimately. To a large extent, these scenarios are beyond the scope of our forecast.
  • There’s also some chance of a recount (about 4 percent) or an Electoral College tie (around 0.5 percent), according to our forecast.

Basically, they say 10% chance is not the same as zero. Also, a lot hinges on what happens in PA, where their model projects Trump's chances of winning at better than 10%.

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Personally, I think 538's model, while probably the best available for free on the internet, simply cannot get any better than this. So, I'm not waffling. Trump is going to lose in November. I'm saying it with my chest out.

Much does hinge on PA. Their polls close at 8pm EST. Those prone to anxiety should load up on whatever they need to keep them safe. Come to think of it, I just might take a trip to the local dispensary and pick up some potent Indica.

Come to think of it, which strain would you recommend for an evening of poll-watching. Or maybe you recommend something else?

Might be a time to go get lost in the desert for a couple weeks.

There is a lot of scaring out the vote on the anti Trump side, it is appropriate and called for, take no chances with this snake, stomp him good.
Yep, they did.


I have some very dear friends from that state. Lot of fun to hang out with.
They are a lot like the rest of America a majority ruled by a bare minority in a rigged system designed to suppress the black vote, but now applied to white America in general. I don't think they will like being fucked over any more than black Americans and it will give them a common cause. When your only tool is a hammer, you tend to perceive your problems as a series of nails, this time most of the nails were white, Donald did that too.
Yep, they did.


I have some very dear friends from that state. Lot of fun to hang out with.
When the republicans inherited the south from the democrats they inherited their anti democratic dirty tricks too and it became part of them along with Trumpism. These are old habits now expanded to encompass other groups like women, youth and now even the elderly There has always been cheating in elections, the southern method is to attack voters and their rights directly by all means fair and fowl.
John Avlon calls Trump's strategy voter suppression

CNN's John Avlon says President Donald Trump's campaign is employing a strategy to find an alternative way to win an election and looks back at the 'dark history' of these tactics.
I wonder, when you say Trump will lose, do you mean that you actually believe that Joe Biden will win?
Let's talk about Trump's election night plans....
I pulled the old Ruger Mini-14 out of the safe today. I don't usually keep more than 1 rifle magazine loaded with bullets however I think for the next couple of months I will keep them loaded.
P.S.A, always wear gloves when loading magazines with freah ammo...
I wonder, when you say Trump will lose, do you mean that you actually believe that Joe Biden will win?
America wins and you get to live, the body count will be kept close to a half million. Joe will inherit a bankrupt grave yard and it just took four short humiliating years, four more would finish you.
I pulled the old Ruger Mini-14 out of the safe today. I don't usually keep more than 1 rifle magazine loaded with bullets however I think for the next couple of months I will keep them loaded.
P.S.A, always wear gloves when loading magazines with freah ammo...
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Keeping prints off of spent shell casings is wise... Why, do you live in Nunes district? Other than the Valley they will be fighting a defensive war! Just cut off their water until they surrender...
I live in Sacramento, the california state capitol, and my farm is up in redhat country....
things could get ugly
Border lands, yer up next to the heathen, they will most likely be manning their foxholes and expecting hoards of liberals to descend upon them offering sensitivity training and such, the horror! The state would send grief counselors, but they would be shot on sight, the masks are a dead give away. Just don't approach them with a hand full of masks and good intentions, they will be in shock for a few days, frozen in their holes, sapped of the will to fight, heart broken...
I pulled the old Ruger Mini-14 out of the safe today. I don't usually keep more than 1 rifle magazine loaded with bullets however I think for the next couple of months I will keep them loaded.
P.S.A, always wear gloves when loading magazines with freah ammo...
View attachment 4732108
I am glad your staying safe ! Good thinking about the gloves. The bullets could have Covid on them. Vote Republican OUT!
I live in Sacramento, the california state capitol, and my farm is up in redhat country....
things could get ugly
If ya really wanna have some fun, put up a banner after election day, something like, Biden will be riding yer ass now Trumpers! or Trumpers are LOSERS! Wire it up with a high voltage taser circuit and make YouTube videos with a video game camera...
Around next summer someone should crowd fund a yard sign drive, YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT TRUMP or FORGET TRUMP etc. Not to rub it in, but to cause introspection among some, but it will cause anger among many, too bad, the facts are not on their side and their hurt feelings should concern no one with a brain. Social pressure is important for social change to happen, this should only be the beginning of the heat on these people, not their states or regions, but making individuals accountable to their fellow citizens. Taking ownership and recognizing their own short comings, taking personal and political responsibility and hopefully learning and growing from it.
Florida can't run an honest election, not even if their lives depended on it. A 2% advantage to Biden in opinion polls isn't enough. I concede Florida to Trump though I think Biden would win in an honest election where every valid voter could vote if they wanted to.

Texas? lulz. That goes to Trump too. You know nothing, Nova Scotia boy.

Same with Georgia, another "contested" state.

Pennsylvania is the linchpin that most strongly favors Biden. If it falls his way, Trump is toast and I like Biden's odds there. We might have to wait a day or so to know for certain, so get yourself stocked up with distractions or go somewhere where you can't access the news until Friday.
...But T-Ball spoke so highly of Florida’s electoral prowess....

As or Georgia, more than half the state’s registered voters have already voted...that’s a pretty motivated turnout. A thing so many forget (or never knew) about Republicans is they’ll give voice to their continued support for the *party*, but when their candidates are shamed or shameful, they STAY HOME and don’t vote...pretty much the only time GOP voters sit out.

It’s entirely likely that 20% of those who voted GOP in ‘16 will sit out or vote blue...on top of, as I said, a highly motivated anti-Trump electorate, that spells hard time for Tangerine Chump.

‘Course, none of that matters unless everyone who hasn’t voted yet votes TOMORROW: it’s not won until it’s won!
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The experts behind the polls with their take on the data

I swear some of you Americans have got your spirits broke, of fucking course they are as corrupt as Satan in Texas and Florida too, and they will cheat if they can, they always do, this is not new. The difference is Trump applied Jim Crow to white America and over played his hand. We will see if there is something new under the sun in Texas, Florida is close, but things on the ground have changed in Texas. Donald is down in Alabama FFS and that's right next door to the redneck Riviera!

Donald shattered the solid south! This is my prophecy! :lol:
Gulf Shores, Alabama *IS* the redneck riviera...

BTW Texas is more ornery independent than it is “red”. It’s more purple than most believe who .haven’t been there. I love Texas, and Texans