post your smoking utensil


Well-Known Member
I was throwing a party because a lot of people were mad at me, so I rolled all of my weed into J's so that I could hand them out at my party for free. it worked perfectly, and no one wants to kill me anymore lol.


Well-Known Member
I was throwing a party because a lot of people were mad at me, so I rolled all of my weed into J's so that I could hand them out at my party for free. it worked perfectly, and no one wants to kill me anymore lol.

damn lol if you gave one to me i wouldn't want to either lol


Well-Known Member
everyone in this thread is allowed to come to my next party. that is if I don't get killededed before then :3


Well-Known Member
i didn't even get to watch it, but it took an hour and a half for the super blunt, i took a picture, i got to hold the dro and when i cupped my hands, they were FILLED to the top of my hands and the blunt wrap was huge! it was me and one other girl and like 5 guys but it was the shit, and then i lost my keys and somehow ended up in my guy friends car when he took us for a ride but i was so high i forgot that we had gone somewhere and yeah lol it was a fucked up night, but was sooooo fun!

it looks small in the picture, but it was actually really big
LUCKY!!! sucks you were all excited to watch the movie and it was a no go:sad: maybe next time:-P


Well-Known Member
it felt good man. i had a half bottle of this one big ass hard liquor i can't remember now... lol, and also this girly drink but it fucked me up cuz i had 6 things of like strawberry acai AND like 3 beers. shit i fucked myself up. lol oh oh and this other malibu shit but i can't remember really anything i drank last night.


Well-Known Member
it felt good man. i had a half bottle of this one big ass hard liquor i can't remember now... lol, and also this girly drink but it fucked me up cuz i had 6 things of like strawberry acai AND like 3 beers. shit i fucked myself up. lol oh oh and this other malibu shit but i can't remember really anything i drank last night.
very nice, i wish i could tell you a secret... but im paranoid about this site:-|