Honestly I should have skipped the dentist. It wasn't the normal heavy duty cleaning where I come out with teeth feeling all sparkly clean. I'd call it a very conservative cleaning...Like she was afraid to get any plaque flinging around the room, lol. The dentist wasn't even there to review the ex-rays or examine me like normal. $124 later I'm good to go!
I did some work in the flower room last night, cleaning, and moving some in from the veg room. Need to do some more trimming....maybe later.
Sooo glad, I was supposed to go to Connecticut on Monday and it was going to involve getting up at like 4 am and spending 10 hours in a car. Thankfully cancelled. I hate driving the Mass Turnpike. Like I'd rather stick pins in my eye!!
Cold weather is back...OK, lets see what project I can find to get into next, after some lunch.