Phosphorus issues


Well-Known Member
So im having a problem with my plant and phosphorus. The progression of the deficiency seems to be pretty crazy. This all happened within under a week. Probably only 2-3 days!!! I flushed her last week do to concerns with to nutrient lockout and burn since I was not watering until run off. I gave her 8 gallons for 2.5 gallon pot. I bumped up nutes yesterday to a half dose instead of there usual quarter dose. I tested the soil pH and it was reading at a 6.9-7.0 which should be fine. Im once again testing by filling a shotglass halfway with soil and the then add water and let it sit for an hour or a little longer. My water ph is ok as well. I really dont know what to do and tired of just buying this and buying that and buy buy buy buy buy. Today I noticed the one leaf that was affected is getting a little worst so I assume the plant is still having deficiencies. Idk I'm less than 3 weeks away from the breeders chop down time. So I still got a little ways to go if I want to chop down at the soonest point. I cant see anything wrong with soil ph, water ph, just flushed last week so how could it be nutrient lockout. I only gave her nutes twice since last Tuesday. What could be the fucking issue!!!!



Well-Known Member
Oh goodness

I'll just say this

You do realize any bad leaf won't heal, and it will take more than 3 days to recover or show benefits from most any changes you make

Good luck. Relax and be patient
I know that the leaf won't get better. I remember that from your last post. The question is should it keep progressing. I dont necessarily see it spreading as quickly anymore, but I notice a leaf that had a little blackish purplish mark on it that wasn't that bad yesterday or this morning, and now it look like it got worst. Infact, I know it got a little worst on that already affected leaf. Is that normal?


Well-Known Member
And start a grow journal , that way u always have peeps watching your thread to answer questions
This pic was from yesterday, if you look at the very top cola, on the very first set of sugar leaves, you will a very small gain color of purple on that leaf, infact you may not be able to see it at all on the pic. Fast forward today and you can definitely see the progression.



Well-Known Member
I'll be straight forward here

Odiously you have OCD or ADHD

Focus on advice we give you, not what you perceive to be true.
You ask for advice, we give it, many say the same things, yet you continue to do your own thing

Your soil ph is fine,unless you have a $200 tester, it's not a true test of the soil, so stop beating yourself up on it
Correct pH in and yer fine

Keep feeding

Again...good luck


Well-Known Member
I'll be straight forward here

Odiously you have OCD or ADHD

Focus on advice we give you, not what you perceive to be true.
You ask for advice, we give it, many say the same things, yet you continue to do your own thing

Your soil ph is fine,unless you have a $200 tester, it's not a true test of the soil, so stop beating yourself up on it
Correct pH in and yer fine

Keep feeding

Again...good luck
Ok, I will just keep pushing along then. I just watched a video which said soil can take some time to correct itself, so mabe thats the issue. Mabe I need to give it more time to suck up that phosphorous or to find a way to balance itself out. I will just I guess wait to see what happens, I just hope this doesn't all end for nothing and she eats herself alive.


Well-Known Member
I'll be straight forward here

Odiously you have OCD or ADHD

Focus on advice we give you, not what you perceive to be true.
You ask for advice, we give it, many say the same things, yet you continue to do your own thing

Your soil ph is fine,unless you have a $200 tester, it's not a true test of the soil, so stop beating yourself up on it
Correct pH in and yer fine

Keep feeding

Again...good luck
Do you think next time I should give her just plain water, or give her another dose of nutes? This won't be for mabe another day or two. Just to let you know, your one of the only people on here that I trust there judgement. You have helped me in the past compared to others, so I do value your feedback. Im just worried I will kill them if let to just keep going.
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Well-Known Member
Stop flushing the damn plant. Feed it and water it when it needs it. Don't feed too much and don't feed too little.

Stop chasing the pH. A shot glass is not a l;arge enough sample to do a slurry test anyway.

Plant seed in soil - give just plain water for a month - introduce mild strength nutrients and adjust up as the plant grows - let plant grow - harvest plant. It's that simple.

The issue you're having is your doing too much. Let the plant grow. It will. It doesn't need you doing what you're doing to be healthy and grow.


Well-Known Member
So im having a problem with my plant and phosphorus. The progression of the deficiency seems to be pretty crazy. This all happened within under a week. Probably only 2-3 days!!! I flushed her last week do to concerns with to nutrient lockout and burn since I was not watering until run off. I gave her 8 gallons for 2.5 gallon pot. I bumped up nutes yesterday to a half dose instead of there usual quarter dose. I tested the soil pH and it was reading at a 6.9-7.0 which should be fine. Im once again testing by filling a shotglass halfway with soil and the then add water and let it sit for an hour or a little longer. My water ph is ok as well. I really dont know what to do and tired of just buying this and buying that and buy buy buy buy buy. Today I noticed the one leaf that was affected is getting a little worst so I assume the plant is still having deficiencies. Idk I'm less than 3 weeks away from the breeders chop down time. So I still got a little ways to go if I want to chop down at the soonest point. I cant see anything wrong with soil ph, water ph, just flushed last week so how could it be nutrient lockout. I only gave her nutes twice since last Tuesday. What could be the fucking issue!!!!
I want to be clear about something here. Because there's so much misinformation about soil pH.

Soil pH absolutely DOES matter and suggesting soil pH doesn't matter, is completely false. They're mislead. Sorry but it's the truth.
Soil pH matters much MORE than what your input does.

There is so much hydroponics vs soil psuedo science bs to do with cannabis.

I'll challenge people's idea about soil pH and say your input pH, is mostly meaningless in soil. It tells you nothing about your soil. Only your water input...

Remember soil has a very high water holding capacity (WHC) and cation exchange capacity. (CEC)
Both pH and EC are affected by both WHC and CEC.
Often the most neglected factor in a soil is ample aeration and drainage.

Now with that said about soil, compare soil to DTW Hydro, using an inert substrate and daily or multiple waterings / feeds per day.
Input pH is extremely important, correct? And waste / runoff is useful to measure, because it tells you about the root zone. Especially when EC is concerned.
And the difference here is lack of WHC, because it's inert media. Because you are aiming for your inert substrate to be consistent with your input vs output.
If your inert media's waste is different than your input, you have lack of aeration or salt buildup, or both.

The difference between pH in hydroponics and soil is simple as that. It's a matter of aeration, H2O and EC which mainly affects pH. Whether soil or hydroponics. DWC hydroponics is no different...

If I may offer some advice, there are two things which you mention in your post. Which I believe are really important as to what your trouble might be,

1. Not watering until runoff. (they often call it "chronic overwatering")
2. What you described happened, only took 2-3 days. (no deficiency ever comes on that fast)
3. Lockout.

9.9/10 times problems in soil is due to overwatering, overfeeding, or both. And both affect pH + both cause lockouts.
Suggesting otherwise is frankly completely false.

How often are you watering, how did you test soil pH, how good is your aeration and drainage, what is your input EC + pH?
Is your soil heavy and does the bottom soil stay too damp between waterings?

I'd be concerned something is rotting your roots, if it isn't overfeeding. Probably at the bottom of your pot. EC might be higher down there too, plus low pH.
If you were overwatering in the first place, besides overfeeding like you say. Flushing isn't helping your lockout if it's root rot too.
Your best defense in rot's case is drying your soil.

As a hunch I'd say next grow add more aeration and fluff up the soil a little more. This'll help prevent overwatering and rot.
Also water until a little runoff every time. Especially using fertilizer or nutrients. Otherwise you'll get salt buildup.
This "might" be your current problem and why there's lockout.

Hope some of what I said is helpful.
Good luck and hope things turn around.
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Well-Known Member
Once again I got conflicting statements. Either leave it alone or to flush once again like I did a week ago. Idk just gave her nute water once again today. Still see a little progression with the already affected leaves. Its hard to tell about the others. After this watering of nutes if this doesn't fix it, idk what to do. I got ph buffered soil, so can't imagine its a ph issue, and the tests I did came back that ots not the issue. Idk half debating of I want to give her a flush again.


Well-Known Member
Don't just did that

Feed her and be patient.

Plants in flower do eat themselves, that's normal

If u have a PK booster add that too with the base nutes and calmag
Ok will do. I will just keep jugging along then. I will keep you got posted if it starts looking really bad, but I will take your word for it that it will fix itself. I just dont want to get nothing out of the whole labor put into this as well as time and money. You didn't fail me yet, so I will take your advice. Next time I think I'm going to give her plain water. I gave her nutes now back to back once she dried out. Do you think more nutes or plain water next time would be good. Im thinking plain water, but thats me.


Well-Known Member
I haven't done a soil grow in awhile

But I think you feed, then water

How many days in-between watering do u do
I usually feed twice a week with nutes. I use a half dose of fox farm trio with a full 3ml dose of cal mag. Past the flush feeding has been kind of wonky, but here it goes, flush of 8 gallons, waited until dry and gave a quarter dose of nutes, thats what I used at first, proceeded to wait until dry and then gave water, waited until dry and gave water again, around this time started seeing the issue, waited until dry and fed nutes at half strength, today it was dry so water again with nutes and cal mag. I give cal mag every watering no matter if its nutes or plain water. I put the lowest recommended dose of 3ml.


Well-Known Member
I usually feed twice a week with nutes. I use a half dose of fox farm trio with a full 3ml dose of cal mag. Past the flush feeding has been kind of wonky, but here it goes, flush of 8 gallons, waited until dry and gave a quarter dose of nutes, thats what I used at first, proceeded to wait until dry and then gave water, waited until dry and gave water again, around this time started seeing the issue, waited until dry and fed nutes at half strength, today it was dry so water again with nutes and cal mag. I give cal mag every watering no matter if its nutes or plain water. I put the lowest recommended dose of 3ml.
So if you're going by FF feed chart you're effectively giving 100% recommended EC, split into 2x waterings per week?
When are they getting water in-between!?
(plus you weren't watering until runoff)

I think salt build-up was your first worry 100%, I think you were correct.

But then you flushed endless amounts of water through it and it's kept the roots damp for too long...
You might be dealing with root rot too. Or low pH. Or a combination.

Something very serious at the root zone has happened, for die off like that in 2-3 days.

If you're confident you flushed that build-up out, the best thing to do is let it dry.
It's literally all you can do. Damage is already done.

They need time.
Plain water. No nutrient for now.
Be really honest with yourself about whether they "need" a watering / feed and when. It's something we can't call. You need to judge when.

Don't ever measure your waste to determine soil pH. And don't ever think what you're putting in is what your soil pH is too.
It's the simple truth.
You'll be chasing your tail forever...
Soil pH absolutely does matter.

Two things seem to standout here...

1. Watering 50% EC twice per week, no water in-between, no runoff.
2. Continuously wet soil.

When you potted the soil, did you add any extra aeration like perlite and how much?

When were you giving plain water between feeds, if feeding twice per week?

I apologize if I seem rude or blunt too. But I'm just trying to be straight forward with you as I can.
Had your same problem more than once...

P.S. you may have heard the general rule "overwatering + overfeeding is the fastest way to kill a plant". It's extremely true. And is always a difficult lesson to learn + put into practice.

99% of ALL problems in soil, is most often the result of overwatering + overfeeding.
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