weight lifting who here does

nah im 57 and no im reallly am quite big im a 180 pounds of straight muscle :hump: my arms are big tho plus thats was 2 months ago anyway man ive gotten bigger sence then vains starting to pop out everywhere :mrgreen: and im way more tone then in that pic it was off a shit camra phone with bad lighting thats why i fucked with it but i curle 55 pounds one armed 15 times so i aint doing bad man:mrgreen: and do that to each arm for about 30 minutes

55x15 db curl is not bad at all..if you really can do that properly, grats. i do 40x8 db curls, 3 sets. want a good arm day here you go:

Dumbell Curls:

3sets x your desired weight x 8reps

Preacher Curls:

3sets x your desired weight x 8reps

Reverse Grip Barbell Curls:

3sets x your desired weight x 8reps

Dumbell Tricep Extensions:

3sets x your desired weight x 8reps

Dumbell Tricep Kickbacks:

3sets x your desired weight x 8reps

Tricep Pulldowns:

3sets x your desired weight x 8reps

rest for 60-90 sec/each set, takes me bout an hour. good for bi and tri day.

dwr, sick bicep peak..your biceps look like calves, wtf
55x15 db curl is not bad at all..if you really can do that properly, grats. i do 40x8 db curls, 3 sets. want a good arm day here you go:

Dumbell Curls:

3sets x your desired weight x 8reps

Preacher Curls:

3sets x your desired weight x 8reps

Reverse Grip Barbell Curls:

3sets x your desired weight x 8reps

Dumbell Tricep Extensions:

3sets x your desired weight x 8reps

Dumbell Tricep Kickbacks:

3sets x your desired weight x 8reps

Tricep Pulldowns:

3sets x your desired weight x 8reps

rest for 60-90 sec/each set, takes me bout an hour. good for bi and tri day.

dwr, sick bicep peak..your biceps look like calves, wtf
yeah that does sound like it will do well im try it and yeah i curl 55 15 time each set and i do about 10 sets each arm i do it porperly i dont use none of my back and i god really slow with it the slower the better and more control u got and the less ull throw ur joints out:mrgreen:
dwr, sick bicep peak..your biceps look like calves, wtf

^^ rofl...... looks like an ass.... if u ask me.. the middle has a dent in it ^^ but that is actually a vane
yeah that does sound like it will do well im try it and yeah i curl 55 15 time each set and i do about 10 sets each arm i do it porperly i dont use none of my back and i god really slow with it the slower the better and more control u got and the less ull throw ur joints out:mrgreen:

10 sets?? damn dude, thats wayyyy to many..if you're doing a full body split, 2 sets every workout day is perfect. if ur doing 1 muscle group a day like i do than 6-9 sets(this encompasses all exercises)/week is perfect..10 sets every workout day for 1 exercise is nuts D:
ur shoulder right above ur bicepu know where ur arm starts up there idk what the muscle call tho

its called the deltoid. its one of my fav muscles, i like how it connects to your upper pecs in the front, makes me look like im wearing armor on my chest because of the way it jaggies over my armpit, ill post a pic soon of mine
10 sets?? damn dude, thats wayyyy to many..if you're doing a full body split, 2 sets every workout day is perfect. if ur doing 1 muscle group a day like i do than 6-9 sets(this encompasses all exercises)/week is perfect..10 sets every workout day for 1 exercise is nuts D:
dude thats not all i do in a day all i do is work out smoke weed and chill with my girl everytime i smoke weed i make myself earn it by working out weither i be push ups pull ups what ever i can do ill do it before i smoke i say i do about 300 curls thats both arms togther 100 push ups and about maybe 70 crunchs / sit ups a day and i do this every day
its called the deltoid. its one of my fav muscles, i like how it connects to your upper pecs in the front, makes me look like im wearing armor on my chest because of the way it jaggies over my armpit, ill post a pic soon of mine
yeah thats the one mines hudge lol same size as my bicep ill have to get some up here aswell if im not shy anyway :mrgreen: cause im a hairy fucker :twisted:
yeah thats the one mines hudge lol same size as my bicep ill have to get some up here aswell if im not shy anyway :mrgreen: cause im a hairy fucker :twisted:

yeah i got a pretty big delt too, which is weird cuz shoulders is one of my least exercised muscle groups until a couple weeks ago. makes wearing white shirts great though, big shoulders in white shirts = you look strong as fuck
hahah yeah but all the dues i chill with lift so ppl that are work out i dont think are big unless there bigger than me then im like damn mother fucker

same with me. you can tell im strong but last 2 months ive been smoking a shit load and eating nothing but fast food and soda, so ive put on a shit load of fat in comparison to muscle..good thing about it though is that weed has helped me break plateaus in my weight lifting, i shit u not. ive increased my dead lift by over 60 pounds and same with my squat :D
nice i dont do dead lifting or squats my legs are big enough from skating and snow boarding fuck ham thighs lmfao atlest im not fatt im not what u would say pure muscle i think i got lik 7 percent body fat or some shit i got into my first fight sence i really started working out yesterday fuckinh toar his shit up leaking everywhere he did manage to scuff my head
nice i dont do dead lifting or squats my legs are big enough from skating and snow boarding fuck ham thighs lmfao atlest im not fatt im not what u would say pure muscle i think i got lik 7 percent body fat or some shit i got into my first fight sence i really started working out yesterday fuckinh toar his shit up leaking everywhere he did manage to scuff my head

squatting and deadlifting actually made my dick bigger(no homo). my legs are solid as fuck now too. the only thing that some ppl find unattractive is that big quads make you look like a chicken. i think they look fuckin sick..i like looking like foghorn leghorn lol. i actually am about to go to the gym, leg day today.

squats 3x225x8
leg press 3x650x8
front squat 3x135x10-12
prone leg extension 3x110x8
stiff legged deadlift 1x225x6

still need to figure out a good glute exercise, i gotta nice ass(no homo)
hahahaha that funny
i dont work my lower body and how it would make ur dick bigger ill never know but id be proud of that to lmfao but im fine just where i am lmfao and they say no homo near u to huh????
hahahaha that funny
i dont work my lower body and how it would make ur dick bigger ill never know but id be proud of that to lmfao but im fine just where i am lmfao and they say no homo near u to huh????

lol no homo brah, been sayin that since mid school LOL. u should work ur lower body though. the 2 best compound exercises(squat and deadlift) work the greatest number of muscle groups (abs, posterior chain, legs, back) which means a greater amount of growth hormone is released. gH is the building block of muscle development pretty much. i already was well off with my size, but im not gonna shun a half inch extra, more to play with (no homo) rofl
lol no homo brah, been sayin that since mid school LOL. u should work ur lower body though. the 2 best compound exercises(squat and deadlift) work the greatest number of muscle groups (abs, posterior chain, legs, back) which means a greater amount of growth hormone is released. gH is the building block of muscle development pretty much. i already was well off with my size, but im not gonna shun a half inch extra, more to play with (no homo) rofl

:blsmoke: :mrgreen: no homo...... no homo...... no homo ^^
i like working out the shoulders in general, i especially like shoulder shrugs,

the shoulders are the ultimate "don't fuck with me muscle" because it gives u that ideal upside dwn triangle muscle, it's fun 2 work out and 4 some reason it's just so much easier 2 work out and u get great results!
shoulder shrugs work your traps, not shoulders..
what other shoulder exersizes do u do? i just do dumbell over head presses and laterals