Pandemic 2020

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Have been avoiding this thread as there is too much to catch up on. But since you are on lockdowns we have our own going in Manitoba. They have shown a graph of infections. We were as high a count per 100,000 as any of the worst states. As you can see the direction we are heading in has changed. And this is with a government dead set (sorry) against taking drastic measures.


I talked to a buddy of mine that works in our largest hospital. He had a list of wards that have been changed to covid wards, it shocked me. I have been keeping up with what was happening in the US and our area and knew our ICU's wer close to maximum but the amount of not quite that sick but in hospital made an impression.

As I have said I try to educate some of your NewsMax brethren in the hope of a few will get it. There was an article about the security manager at the White House getting the virus and losing a toe and part of the leg. Of course there was the unbelievers saying he had previous conditions and just happened to have the virus at the same time. I told them that the virus destabilizes the body and messes up with any precondition.

I said he probably lost it because of blood clots (the virus does that also) and diabetics are susceptible to problems in their extremities. Of course they blamed it on being diabetic, no way it could be blood clots. Anyway found a good medical paper and afterward a couple sort of layman's version of it.

An image of what the virus can do. Not all there is to it but where these researchers were heading with it.


Thought some here would find it informative.
Here is how the two mRNA vaccines rolling out work and why the medical community is so exited about the technology. Less than 2 minutes to find out how they work and why they are different than other traditional vaccines, with potentially fewer side effects or adverse reactions than most other vaccine approaches. It's just an mRNA strand that makes the required spike proteins using your cell's machinery, nothing else and it is packaged and stabilized inside of a fat bubble. If you are unsure about this new vaccine and reluctant, have a peek.
Covid-19: understanding mRNA vaccines | AFP

Hopes for massive vaccination campaigns against Covid-19, which should begin before the end of the year, were reinforced by the announcement of a third vaccine. Two of these vaccines are based on "messenger RNA" technology. How do these vaccines work?
I read something about 85% of people that get covid report wearing masks all the time.

Would you like a tissue and a minute to compose yourself ?
"I read something" lmao!

You realize that my mask protects you and your mask protects me? I can wear a mask all day but if the fucker next to me isnt, my chance of getting it is still really high. Now if both of us wear them the chances of that are cut considerably. Not to mention, yeah masks are nice, but wearing the correct type is just as important. So your "logic" is flawed as always. Troll
"I read something" lmao!

You realize that my mask protects you and your mask protects me? I can wear a mask all day but if the fucker next to me isnt, my chance of getting it is still really high. Now if both of us wear them the chances of that are cut considerably. Not to mention, yeah masks are nice, but wearing the correct type is just as important. So your "logic" is flawed as always. Troll
You’re wasting your breath and time with Bob. He doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but himself.
Right wing fucks always projecting on and accusing those people they hate, while doing the exact shit they are accusing others of doing. Gives cover to themselves and serves to inoculate the public if they are accused. General strategy of Limbaugh, Beck and that little fucker, Tucker for decades.
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Don't want rain on anyones parade about the vaccines but you should read this and temper expectations. They may be a band-aid and not a cure, too little is known about covid-19 and the length of natural or vaccine immunity and whether these vaccines stop infection.

Although I think of it as a block for people to point out actual fake news with 'fake news'.

I think of it like the propagandists wanted to take the words power away.
I trying to use other terms, like professional media or respectable media, it takes conscious effort to avoid mainstream media, but there is nothin inherently wrong with the term. Just like liberal, nothing wrong with that either, when someone calls you a libertard, ask them what they have against liberty. Someone deliberately decontextualized the word it means "socialist" to many morons, or more often it is intended as an insult, fascist do that when they want to kill an idea.
I trying to use other terms, like professional media or respectable media, it takes conscious effort to avoid mainstream media, but there is nothin inherently wrong with the term. Just like liberal, nothing wrong with that either, when someone calls you a libertard, ask them what they have against liberty. Someone deliberately decontextualized the word it means "socialist" to many morons, or more often it is intended as an insult, fascist do that when they want to kill an idea.
What do you mean by 'media'?
Don't want rain on anyones parade about the vaccines but you should read this and temper expectations. They may be a band-aid and not a cure, too little is known about covid-19 and the length of natural or vaccine immunity and whether these vaccines stop infection.

If everybody is vaccinated or has been infected once, it could turn into something no more serious than other human cold coronaviruses. There are early indications that the mRNA vaccines reduce contagion and symptoms of those who do become sick and protection starts as soon as 10 days after inoculation, but the older you are the longer immunity takes. We simply don't know how long immunity lasts for this vaccine the data thus far indicates it will be for awhile. It could become part of the annual flu vaccine in the future and future influenza vaccines will probably be mRNA based too. They can package more than one kind of mRNA strand inside those fat bubbles. 95% effective vaccines are rare and this is an indication of a robust immune response and good "training" of the immune system. We will see, science will have some breathing room once this vaccine gets rolled out and there will be no shortage of bucks for future work.
I've seen too many videos posted by doctors and nurses working the covid wards to believe much coming out of the large media outlets. One thing that disturbed me was they talked like it was common knowledge that many are becoming infected a second time and that the second infection usually was worse than the first.
What do you mean by 'media'?
Print, video and audio from whatever source, social media algorithms most often drive people to these media sources or present them. Anybody with a cellphone can make videos and we all have a publishing house at our finger tips with a PC. Sources of information and narratives of events are more important than ever, so professional sources are the only ones to be trusted, journalistic or scientific, science has a lot of reputable reporting and a lot of trash published, just like politics.

In science though we follow the journey of discovery, the successes and failures until proper causation studies indicate the truth of the matter. In some areas of science like medicine there are competing interests in emergency situations and biases easily creep into emotionally charged situations, hence double blinded studies that try to determine causation, not correlation. Other areas of science use different approaches, double blind studies are not used in physics much, math and data confirmed by peers is the method used. Not too many people get emotional about particle physics and it is seldom mentioned in politics, except for funding grants.
I've seen too many videos posted by doctors and nurses working the covid wards to believe much coming out of the large media outlets. One thing that disturbed me was they talked like it was common knowledge that many are becoming infected a second time and that the second infection usually was worse than the first.
I'll wait for the data, if there is an issue there are plenty of people studying it right now. The data we do have appears to indicate immunity will last long enough for science to get a better grip on it. I figure immunity will last for a year minimum, but that is just my own opinion based on my reading of the data and expert opinion. Right now we are in the middle of the crises and these folks are under a lot of stress, in the middle of a firestorm. We can afford to wait for the data on this one, we have a solution in hand now and it should do until we come up with something better, if required.

The 1918 pandemic went away after a few years without a vaccine, though it killed many before it did, with global vaccination, this one could too.
Don't want rain on anyones parade about the vaccines but you should read this and temper expectations. They may be a band-aid and not a cure, too little is known about covid-19 and the length of natural or vaccine immunity and whether these vaccines stop infection.

I'm curious how they came up with the 95% effective rate. If the 95% number comes from the percentage of people that were given the vaccine but never developed covid that can be misleading. That number merely comes from people that were given the vaccine that have not contracted covid. That may or may not be due to the vaccine. It could also be because they were never exposed to the virus and would be covid free even without the vaccine.

This entire process has been politicized and rushed through just to get something out there to inject people with. Already they are finding different strains of covid. They have no idea if any of the current vaccines will work for the new variants out there. Just like with a flu shot. They say things like "It doesn't work for the new strain but take one anyway".

Will I get COVID-19 if I participate in a trial?
No. None of the vaccines will infect you with COVID-19. We also won’t expose you to or give you COVID-19 after the vaccinations. However, some people in the trial may test positive for COVID-19 just from being out in the community, not from the vaccine itself.

If they didn't expose people to covid after vaccination then how the hell do they know that it's 95% effective?
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