Pandemic 2020

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The amount of pom pom waving with these vaccines is troubling considering there are so many unanswered questions about covid-19 and the vaccines, it's fine to be optimistic but they seem to be glossing over anything negative or unanswered. Here's another situation that should be followed, Japan is dealing with the worst bird flu pandemic on record, lets hope it doesn't jump to humans.

Screen Shot 2020-12-16 at 12.24.09 PM.pngPrint, video and audio from whatever source, social media algorithms most often drive people to these media sources or present them. Anybody with a cellphone can make videos and we all have a publishing house at our finger tips with a PC. Sources of information and narratives of events are more important than ever, so professional sources are the only ones to be trusted, journalistic or scientific, science has a lot of reputable reporting and a lot of trash published, just like politics.

In science though we follow the journey of discovery, the successes and failures until proper causation studies indicate the truth of the matter. In some areas of science like medicine there are competing interests in emergency situations and biases easily creep into emotionally charged situations, hence double blinded studies that try to determine causation, not correlation. Other areas of science use different approaches, double blind studies are not used in physics much, math and data confirmed by peers is the method used. Not too many people get emotional about particle physics and it is seldom mentioned in politics, except for funding grants.
The problem is how do people go about knowing enough about any situation to be able to tell a scam from something legitimate?

If people with the means to make something look very impressive (say a 'the Hill'/OANN video) and spam enough to give the tabloid 'credibility' by increasing its views, further amplifying false credibility, pay a bunch of online trolls through micro donations and click farms to generate HQ propaganda that makes their stuff 'seem' more credible (all the second tier (Joe Rogan's and the mass of lower level trolls posting clickbait) with the titles and a semi-legit post form 'the Hill' with a clickbait title makes it to being a 'source' on Fox and it is all just one big circle jerk of Trump's militarized trolling (foreign and domestic).

That ends with all of our views on those stories showing in real time just where we fall in an election and how best to troll that person if it mathematically makes sense.

I trying to use other terms, like professional media or respectable media, it takes conscious effort to avoid mainstream media, but there is nothin inherently wrong with the term.
I would say you should further refine it down to 'factual journalistic news media' or something because what you are saying is 'mainstream media' vs professional/respectable is just as fuzzy. It could just be the clickbait that seems legit but is fun to listen to and you end up brainwashed on the micro targetable level.

Just like liberal, nothing wrong with that either, when someone calls you a libertard, ask them what they have against liberty. Someone deliberately decontextualized the word it means "socialist" to many morons, or more often it is intended as an insult, fascist do that when they want to kill an idea.
I don't know what this has to do with anything. People are programmed to say stupid shit from years of hate radio and Fox talking heads. The Vince Vaughn quick talk bullshiting is fun and all, but it is bullshit. All those brandnames IMO is just more trigger words being planted.
I trying to use other terms, like professional media or respectable media, it takes conscious effort to avoid mainstream media, but there is nothin inherently wrong with the term. Just like liberal, nothing wrong with that either, when someone calls you a libertard, ask them what they have against liberty. Someone deliberately decontextualized the word it means "socialist" to many morons, or more often it is intended as an insult, fascist do that when they want to kill an idea.
Lol im an independent and i love when people call me a liberal. Like, yes, those values you hold so dear, freedom of speech/religion/voting (and many others) are literally called Western LIBERAL values.
What do you mean by 'media'?
Here is a typical spun news story from Foxnews and it will be carried a long time, other things that contradict the narrative will disappear real quick. It's not hard to see what the purpose of this story is and the promotion of a nobody to national prominence and linking her with Biden. This isn't news so much as Rupert Murdoch's dick and it is a propaganda narrative, not really news. Rupert blurs the line and sees what he can get away with on the edge of truth, Goebbels said all propaganda is based on the truth, then there is the big lie, repeated often, that was Donald's area of expertise.

Fox only gets a link from me and only to illustrate how they operate. Win the senate and new laws with FCC regulation of cable and broadcasters* on the internet can put fox in a box They can remove OAN and newsmax from the public spaces too using their covid coverage against them, ditto for putting fox in a box. Rural highspeed internet should be coupled with free basic cable that have the major private and public broadcasters only and no opinion channels. It will give the companies a chance to sell their other packages and channels, no free content from right wing billionaires on basic cable.

Don't worry about the first amendment and the SCOTUS most of the conservative judges are actually conservatives and not fascists. They watch the regular news and are hearing and seeing the same kind of liberal "radicalization" that are labeling republicans traitors, seditious and disloyal to the constitution. They intrepid the meaning of constitution and their thinking and perceptions are altered in the same way as yours, their republican party no longer exists, but fascism and national division does and they don't like it. The last couple of Trump SCOTUS cases and the signing on of high government officials to near sedition made an impression on them too.

Linda Sarsour, too radical for Joe Biden, to campaign for Ossoff and Warnock in Georgia Senate race | Fox News
I don't know what this has to do with anything. People are programmed to say stupid shit from years of hate radio and Fox talking heads. The Vince Vaughn quick talk bullshiting is fun and all, but it is bullshit. All those brandnames IMO is just more trigger words being planted.
Words are the currency of propaganda and deliberately recontextualizing their meaning is common. Take the term socialism, it's more of a dog whistle, if it was for whites only they would be all for it. It's all about not forming a sharing caring community with others, sure there have always been the greedy, but most who profess to hate socialism depend on it and would like to depend more. So much about America is about the avoidance of forming a community, like the myth of the rugged "individual", an emphases on individual rights and an abhorrence of individual responsibility, much less a collective one. Words are used to promote ideas and to kill them and are the first line of battle in a war on propaganda.
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I'm curious how they came up with the 95% effective rate. If the 95% number comes from the percentage of people that were given the vaccine but never developed covid that can be misleading. That number merely comes from people that were given the vaccine that have not contracted covid. That may or may not be due to the vaccine. It could also be because they were never exposed to the virus and would be covid free even without the vaccine.

This entire process has been politicized and rushed through just to get something out there to inject people with. Already they are finding different strains of covid. They have no idea if any of the current vaccines will work for the new variants out there. Just like with a flu shot. They say things like "It doesn't work for the new strain but take one anyway".

Will I get COVID-19 if I participate in a trial?
No. None of the vaccines will infect you with COVID-19. We also won’t expose you to or give you COVID-19 after the vaccinations. However, some people in the trial may test positive for COVID-19 just from being out in the community, not from the vaccine itself.

If they didn't expose people to covid after vaccination then how the hell do they know that it's 95% effective?
95% is usually based on the data saying that unless something crazy happened it is very unlikely that it is not the case that it is effective. Basically we can't ever be 100% certain based on observations that nothing will happen.

It has been politiczed for sure, everything Trump has touched has been politicized, that doesn't mean that the scientists are out there just guessing at what they are doing. Ill put my faith in those people who dedicated their lives, working their asses off, to trying to save us from ourselves. They got us this far.
95% is usually based on the data saying that unless something crazy happened it is very unlikely that it is not the case that it is effective. Basically we can't ever be 100% certain based on observations that nothing will happen.

It has been politiczed for sure, everything Trump has touched has been politicized, that doesn't mean that the scientists are out there just guessing at what they are doing. Ill put my faith in those people who dedicated their lives, working their asses off, to trying to save us from ourselves. They got us this far.
Them being first in line to take it helps build confidence too, put yer ass where your mouth is impresses many. 71% of Americans now say they will become immunized, the holds outs in the African American community will come around, the Trumpers not so much. 80% plus those who refuse the vaccine, but have "natural" immunity, is more than enough for everybody to go mooow by next fall.
Them being first in line to take it helps build confidence too, put yer ass where your mouth is impresses many. 71% of Americans now say they will become immunized, the holds outs in the African American community will come around, the Trumpers not so much. 80% plus those who refuse the vaccine, but have "natural" immunity, is more than enough for everybody to go mooow by next fall.
We'll see.
We'll see.
In deed we shall, but if I had to bet, I'd say a 80%+ uptake of the vaccines by fall. Kids are not covered yet though, but the vulnerable among them might be later. Antibody therapies will be available in quantity next year too and as serious cases diminish because of vaccination, they should have a pretty big impact on those who will become seriously ill, provided they are given early enough. The main thing is when mortality rates drop this spring, they should also drop among those remaining to be immunized as well, antibodies confer temporary immunity too. In the meantime we know what to do, masks and social distancing etc.
How effective is the vaccine? They looked at the placebo group. When a certain amount of people got infected they then looked at the vaccinated group. So if they (for an easy number crunching) said when 100 of the placebo group got infected they look at the vaccinated group and found only 5 people infected. That says the vaccine is 95% effective in the same population.

As far as the vaccine reducing infections, hmm...

At the moment we need people not ending up in hospitals. We will figure out what is next when thousands are not dying.
Masks, social distancing, hygiene like washing your hands frequently, are individually not complete solutions to the problem, but all contribute to bringing down the R-rate. Keeping the reproduction rate lower than 0.9 or better relatively quickly reduces the number of infections. A vaccine with just 50% effectiveness would make a huge difference already IF everyone would take it. With 90% or better you need just 60-70% of the people to get vaccinated. There’s little debate whether that does the trick to bring down the R-rate enough to at least reduce the number of patients to a point where it’s not such a major issue and comparisons with the regular flu might actually become more realistic. And testing would no longer be overloaded, and outbreaks small enough to be mananged. While vaccines are getting developed and applied, so are the treatments of infected people getting better and better. Instead of yearly vaccination, it’s quite possible there will be a cure or treatment in a few years.
This article says al lot about republicans vs democrats and covid.
Rep. Joe Wilson tests positive for Covid-19 - CNNPolitics

"Wilson, 73, joins a considerable number of lawmakers from both parties and chambers of Congress who have announced they've tested positive for Covid-19 in recent weeks. According to CNN's tally, 48 lawmakers -- 37 House members (26 Republicans, 11 Democrats) and 11 senators (nine Republicans and two Democrats) -- have tested positive for coronavirus or for its antibodies. Included in that total are two members who were diagnosed in March as "presumed positive" before tests were widely available".
This article says al lot about republicans vs democrats and covid.
Rep. Joe Wilson tests positive for Covid-19 - CNNPolitics

"Wilson, 73, joins a considerable number of lawmakers from both parties and chambers of Congress who have announced they've tested positive for Covid-19 in recent weeks. According to CNN's tally, 48 lawmakers -- 37 House members (26 Republicans, 11 Democrats) and 11 senators (nine Republicans and two Democrats) -- have tested positive for coronavirus or for its antibodies. Included in that total are two members who were diagnosed in March as "presumed positive" before tests were widely available".

we should probably be calling it the republican virus
The amount of pom pom waving with these vaccines is troubling considering there are so many unanswered questions about covid-19 and the vaccines, it's fine to be optimistic but they seem to be glossing over anything negative or unanswered. Here's another situation that should be followed, Japan is dealing with the worst bird flu pandemic on record, lets hope it doesn't jump to humans.

Average chicken farmer here will raise 160,000 birds here and they will be caught by a factory crew for slaughter in 6 weeks. Houses are then cleaned and ready for the next 160,000 chicks. There are hundreds of chicken houses in the surrounding counties and across several states.
Masks, social distancing, hygiene like washing your hands frequently, are individually not complete solutions to the problem, but all contribute to bringing down the R-rate. Keeping the reproduction rate lower than 0.9 or better relatively quickly reduces the number of infections. A vaccine with just 50% effectiveness would make a huge difference already IF everyone would take it. With 90% or better you need just 60-70% of the people to get vaccinated. There’s little debate whether that does the trick to bring down the R-rate enough to at least reduce the number of patients to a point where it’s not such a major issue and comparisons with the regular flu might actually become more realistic. And testing would no longer be overloaded, and outbreaks small enough to be mananged. While vaccines are getting developed and applied, so are the treatments of infected people getting better and better. Instead of yearly vaccination, it’s quite possible there will be a cure or treatment in a few years.
What if I can get the first dose of the vaccine but move to another state far away and I am not able to get the second dose?
What if I can get the first dose of the vaccine but move to another state far away and I am not able to get the second dose?
You might have an issue, when are you planning on moving? You should be covered by the end of February. Since things are state by state with little coordination and no federal help, expect issues. If ya gotta go though, I figure someone thought about it or will soon be confronted by the problem, hundreds of thousands of people move around the country every month. Stay in healthcare until you are covered or move to the back of the line, even in healthcare they are triaging those at most risk like ICU staff and those in contact with patients, admitting too.
I'm curious how they came up with the 95% effective rate. If the 95% number comes from the percentage of people that were given the vaccine but never developed covid that can be misleading. That number merely comes from people that were given the vaccine that have not contracted covid. That may or may not be due to the vaccine. It could also be because they were never exposed to the virus and would be covid free even without the vaccine. . . . . . . .
I think it's the difference in the folks who got the placebo and got the vaccine. Looks like two lines were the same through day 10-11.

You might have an issue, when are you planning on moving? You should be covered by the end of February. Since things are state by state with little coordination and no federal help, expect issues. If ya gotta go though, I figure someone thought about it or will soon be confronted by the problem, hundreds of thousands of people move around the country every month. Stay in healthcare until you are covered or move to the back of the line, even in healthcare they are triaging those at most risk like ICU staff and those in contact with patients, admitting too.
I will be starting a new job in healthcare and expect they will be offering the vaccine as well but it probably won’t be until late Jan or Feb. and I don’t know which one they will have. I need to get my ass to the new job by the first week in Jan. It’s a very weird timing thing.
Average chicken farmer here will raise 160,000 birds here and they will be caught by a factory crew for slaughter in 6 weeks. Houses are then cleaned and ready for the next 160,000 chicks. There are hundreds of chicken houses in the surrounding counties and across several states.
When I used to post on tractor by net, there was a farmer on there who had a few chicken houses. Since most users of that forum are suburb drealers with a SCUT and a 1/4 acre, he was asked to detail his operation. It is just like you stated. 6 weeks of rapid growth, a day to slaughter, a day to clean, then do it again. The one thing I did learn was that antibiotics are no longer used for growth. They can only be used when needed for sickness.
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