Is a Green CFL Light ok to use during lights out?

They can use green light is my understanding but it does not effect that hormone that builds up in the dark.
I've used a green led heaglamp during lights out for years without any problems, I've wondered if they are totally oblivious to it idk for sure, what I am sure of is that green doesn't have any negative effects on flowering.
There's no right or wrong it's up to the individual but let's not start pretending that green is anything other than safe to use during lights out.

Sometimes I go into my grow space 2/3 times a day, dialing in fans, heaters, feed timers etc are jobs that sometimes need done or checked on in the dark period.
Yeah, fuck doing some actual research. Just believe what you believe and carry on with life.

Zippedy doo dah . . .

Green Spectrum
This spectrum of light plays a role (albeit minor) in the growth of marijuana plants at various stages. Its wavelength ranges from 495nm to 570nm.

Cannabis plants absorb very little green light energy, but there are reports that small amounts can affect growth.

For most growers, green light isn’t necessary for a successful grow. But, If you feel like growing cannabis with lights that have a more complete spectrum of color then a little bit of green energy is a big yes.

One thing that’s great about green light and cannabis is that it doesn’t trigger flowering. Cannabis is very sensitive to light and dark cycles. A small amount of light during the night period could trick your plants in thinking it’s time to flower. Cannabis doesn’t “see” green light making it the perfect color of light to use if you want to work on your plants during the night period.


Just because not everybody wants to go google about something they recall reading at some point in their growing life doesn't mean that they are wrong. So are you saying that the research is wrong and you have research that says otherwise or are you just being a zeippedy doo dah hypocrite?