Off topic - let's live dangerously today. What do you prefer for your coffee/ caffeine fix?


Well-Known Member
I realize this is off topic. I've already asked the wife to beat me with a rubber hose this afternoon as my penance :) However, I'm very interested to know what other people do for their daily energy fix. Getting through the day is harder the older I get, and getting through the garden work on a really hard day isn't easy. Since the pandemic began in April I've been abusing expresso drinks routinely. I started with starbucks doubleshot. They're expensive and don't have enough kick. Lately I've been jamming on the $1 monster triple expressos and a big mug of strong dark roast coffee. My routine is 32 oz mug filled 3/4 up with 1/8C coffee in a pour over filter right into my mug. Then I smash 2 triple expresso monsters. 3 hours later I smash another monster. On a really bad no good terrible day I will have a 4th monster around 3. I'm actually shopping around for a nespresso to give it a try. I'm tired of sending the wife on missions to the local dollar trees cleaning them out on all their $1 monster expressos, and need a something more convenient moving forward. Hopefully somebody will have a great idea that I can implement in my own daily routine. I think I'm getting immune to the effects of monster expresso :)
I used to be like you. I have since weened myself down to 1/2 a glass of plain black coffee. You are in for a world of pain if the store runs out and one day you have none. Did you ever get a big headache from not drinking coffee? Grind your own beans?
I used to be like you. I have since weened myself down to 1/2 a glass of plain black coffee. You are in for a world of pain if the store runs out and one day you have none. Did you ever get a big headache from not drinking coffee? Grind your own beans?
No, I just get really depressed and lose the will to function. That's no shit. I go through about $120/month in expresso. My buddy I grew up with was spending $100/week at starbucks between him and his wife. He bought some $500 expresso maker off amazon. That's too rich for my blood :) I don't grind my own anymore though I use to. I like the sumatra coffee because it's low in acid and I can brew it strong without wrecking my stomach.
I ran out this morning by the way. It was a planned depletion type of deal. I immediately decided after my 2nd cup of coffee that quitting today wasn't gonna happen :)
cold brew. im too lazy to make it myself so I buy the concentrate from TJs. i just don't drink it too late in afternoon or I get crazy anxiety trying to fall asleep.

sometimes find i get too dependent so I take a break for a few days and my nerves tend to return to normal.
Oh , there is also such thing as putting grinded up weed in ur esspresso machine. And using it to extract a shot. I am going to try it. A double shot. Might be like 4g grinded up. In the portafilter. Il get my friend to drink it first. Maybe mix some coffee grounds in with it, the coffee oils might help with the extraction.
Just get some pure anhydrous caffeine powder and mix it in with whatever you want. Way better for you and your teeth compared to whatever the hell they put in monster and you'll save a good chunk of money. You will need a good scale to weigh it out.
I'm sure monster triple expresso comes with a prostate cancer guarantee :) I know there's nothing but gut rot and poison in those things. I'm moving to something else very soon. Like before Monday. I've never heard of anydrous caffeine powder. Sounds about what I need. Need a little pick me up? Bust out a nice anhydrous caffeine powder rail and go to town baby :) I think I heard of morons ordering kilos of the stuff off the web and wind up having a heart attack going into cardiac arrest because they over consume. I could just see the look on the cop's face, "What do we have here Johnson? Coke? Meth? Bath salts? No sarge. None of those. Looks like caffeine powder. Johnson, you're telling me this guy OD'd on caffeine? Jesus, what a stupid motherfucker. Pickup the body, leave the kilo of caffeine, and slap his mom and dad across the face on your way out the fucking door. Come on Johnson."
fresh ground sumatra, cold brewed for 8 hours or so. i make it by the gallon in a giant jar with a spigot on it
I tried the cold brew overnight. 2 C coffee. The rest of my 32oz mug with water. Filtered about 14 hours later. Smooth. Strong. Made me a little shaky. Oddly I can consume 3-4 monster expressos per day or starbucks doubleshots and I don't get shaky. Definitely jacked up. But not shaky. Coffee makes me shake if I drink too much. Strange paradox.
coffee gives me mad anxiety, yet I love it and have an addiction to it. Damn you coffee :(
I'm technically not supposed to drink it or anything with stimulants in it due to my severe bi-polar disorder. The funny thing about us bi-polar people is we love to get amped up. We just don't like putting up with other people's bullshit while we are amped up :)
I realize this is off topic. I've already asked the wife to beat me with a rubber hose this afternoon as my penance :) However, I'm very interested to know what other people do for their daily energy fix. Getting through the day is harder the older I get, and getting through the garden work on a really hard day isn't easy. Since the pandemic began in April I've been abusing expresso drinks routinely. I started with starbucks doubleshot. They're expensive and don't have enough kick. Lately I've been jamming on the $1 monster triple expressos and a big mug of strong dark roast coffee. My routine is 32 oz mug filled 3/4 up with 1/8C coffee in a pour over filter right into my mug. Then I smash 2 triple expresso monsters. 3 hours later I smash another monster. On a really bad no good terrible day I will have a 4th monster around 3. I'm actually shopping around for a nespresso to give it a try. I'm tired of sending the wife on missions to the local dollar trees cleaning them out on all their $1 monster expressos, and need a something more convenient moving forward. Hopefully somebody will have a great idea that I can implement in my own daily routine. I think I'm getting immune to the effects of monster expresso :)
The darker the roast the less caffeine content.
I drink a 20ish oz pot of black single origin (usually Ethiopian Sidamo or Yirgachef) made in a Chemex (a pour over coffee pot) I grind it in a Baratza Virtuoso. It’s my morning ritual and helps me get ready for my day. At work we have Fetco brewers brewing a decent La Columbe blend. I also do the rockstar 300mg sour apple drinks.
Oh , there is also such thing as putting grinded up weed in ur esspresso machine. And using it to extract a shot. I am going to try it. A double shot. Might be like 4g grinded up. In the portafilter. Il get my friend to drink it first. Maybe mix some coffee grounds in with it, the coffee oils might help with the extraction.
Now that's interesting.