Well-Known Member
I realize this is off topic. I've already asked the wife to beat me with a rubber hose this afternoon as my penance
However, I'm very interested to know what other people do for their daily energy fix. Getting through the day is harder the older I get, and getting through the garden work on a really hard day isn't easy. Since the pandemic began in April I've been abusing expresso drinks routinely. I started with starbucks doubleshot. They're expensive and don't have enough kick. Lately I've been jamming on the $1 monster triple expressos and a big mug of strong dark roast coffee. My routine is 32 oz mug filled 3/4 up with 1/8C coffee in a pour over filter right into my mug. Then I smash 2 triple expresso monsters. 3 hours later I smash another monster. On a really bad no good terrible day I will have a 4th monster around 3. I'm actually shopping around for a nespresso to give it a try. I'm tired of sending the wife on missions to the local dollar trees cleaning them out on all their $1 monster expressos, and need a something more convenient moving forward. Hopefully somebody will have a great idea that I can implement in my own daily routine. I think I'm getting immune to the effects of monster expresso