Blew my breaker, plug grounded?

The lack of an update from @Moabfighter leads me to the conclusion that the issue is still unresolved. If he had it fixed I am sure he would have been in here all excited about it.
I saw the abbreviation MOAB and it reminded me of this lol... the guy disappeared the day after you tagged him :lol: Wtf... he’s still in the dark I bet.
Did you figure out your problem?
Curious as to what ultimately was the issue.
I know this post is old but I had the same issue. Finally figured out that my two grow lamps were touching each other and somehow causing a short. I put electrical tape between the edges and was able to turn the power back on without any further issues. So simple but it took me hours to troubleshoot.
I know this post is old but I had the same issue. Finally figured out that my two grow lamps were touching each other and somehow causing a short. I put electrical tape between the edges and was able to turn the power back on without any further issues. So simple but it took me hours to troubleshoot.
I would get a multimeter out, ground one lead and use the other lead to test the light reflectors for voltage. Could be that you have a real issue there waiting to electrocute someone. If the reflector is energized (it shouldn't be) then you have wiring issues that need to be addressed.
I would get a multimeter out, ground one lead and use the other lead to test the light reflectors for voltage. Could be that you have a real issue there waiting to electrocute someone. If the reflector is energized (it shouldn't be) then you have wiring issues that need to be addressed.
Yeah that's the kind of shocking experience I can do without in my grow room.
$750 and 3 electricians scratching their heads like idiots for the last 3 months here we are. Mouse chewed threw the black wire coating all the way to the actual wire and it hit the ground that was also chewed and arced.

fucking pissed. Look at my fucking grow room before and after. Fuck4493DC35-91CE-4EB9-BBBD-2D4C821A25F5.jpeg
Fucking nasty ass mice tunneling
$750 and 3 electricians scratching their heads like idiots for the last 3 months here we are. Mouse chewed threw the black wire coating all the way to the actual wire and it hit the ground that was also chewed and arced.

fucking pissed. Look at my fucking grow room before and after. FuckView attachment 4809072
View attachment 4809074
Fucking nasty ass mice tunneling
Wow dude, I've never actually seen that firsthand. No fault of yours. Glad to see you at least found the problem. Are you going to start back up once you get your room put back together?
You guys thought I died but man it’s fucking embarrassing to say yeah I had people try to fix and no resolution. That sounds like BS. The problem is, this final guy that came, said the last two probably figured after testing stuff that it was in the walls, and unfortunately the price they charge to do repairs like that are abit expensive. This guy charged me 450 and the other two that didn’t do shit charged me 120-150 each. That guy said he’s gonna come back and put up Sheetrock but I’ll believe it when I see it I guess. Can’t believe it man. Now someone recommended a pesticide in here to sure fire kill these bastards... what was that product called?
Dude Jerry rigged it until he could get to Lowe’s to buy a fresh roll of wire. I didn’t have any to offer him.... he pulled the bad bits and spliced it together and voila. Power fired right up. Unbelievable. I was so amazed. Yet angry my room is down for now. But yes I have a few started. Ordered a biscotti clone..... and started a trichopath (platinum x jelly breath) by inhouse genetics and a friend gave me a clone of tropsanto. GMO x tropic cookies or something. So be on the lookout in the future folks..... can’t wait. Dry as a bone and need some smoke.
$750 and 3 electricians scratching their heads like idiots for the last 3 months here we are. Mouse chewed threw the black wire coating all the way to the actual wire and it hit the ground that was also chewed and arced.

fucking pissed. Look at my fucking grow room before and after. FuckView attachment 4809072
View attachment 4809074
Fucking nasty ass mice tunneling
Damn. That's what I was worried it might be. At least you got it fixed. I can finally get a good nights sleep now, lol.