The Donald went down to Georgia

Trump Caught on Recorded Call w/Georgia Sec. of State Trying to Steal Votes from Georgia Voters

In a brazen, overt act of corruption, Donald Trump tells Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to "find" 11,780 votes - in other words, switch 11,780 votes from Biden to Trump - so Trump can (falsely) claim he won Georgia. Trump's phone call was not "perfect" but it was perfectly corrupt, perfectly undemocratic, perfectly impeachable and, after a full fair apolitical grand jury investigation it likely will be found perfectly indictable.
. . . . . . . . Trump's phone call was not "perfect" but it was perfectly corrupt, perfectly undemocratic, perfectly impeachable . . . . . . . . . . .
The leadership on both sides just want him gone. He will not get impeached for this. It will do more harm to the GOP to let him flap in the breeze these last two weeks. (but the crazy is just starting)
AP fact checks all of Trump's bullshit from the call where he illegally tried to force/threaten/cajole his way into overturning your tenuous "democracy".

But it won't matter. Instead of prison, once he's out of office he'll be further poisoning the planet with appearances on his new favorite, the Nazi News Channel (you know the one, I can't be bothered to look it up).

Anyone think this will drop his national approval rate below 45%? Me neither. Fucking pathetic.
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I guess those Dominion officials must have forgotten their machines can (and did) go online. Nothing to see here.
I guess those Dominion officials must have forgotten their machines can (and did) go online. Nothing to see here.
That's funny, because I saw the GA state election manager live on TV yesterday debunk that bullshit point by point. He said the voting machines didn't even have modems or any way to go online, the transfer votes was with memory sticks. You are a Qtard, an idiot who believes what comes out of Trump's pie hole.

So you believe the election was rigged by the "deep state"? What would the purpose of your moronic post be other than that? What about Trump's call to the GA secretary of state where he broke GA state law and federal law?
That's funny, because I saw the GA state election manager live on TV yesterday debunk that bullshit point by point. He said the voting machines didn't even have modems or any way to go online, the transfer votes was with memory sticks. You are a Qtard, an idiot who believes what comes out of Trump's pie hole.

So you believe the election was rigged by the "deep state"? What would the purpose of your moronic post be other than that? What about Trump's call to the GA secretary of state where he broke GA state law and federal law?
He’s not a trumper BUT he’ll play one here to raise your dander.
So you believe the election was rigged by the "deep state"?

I believe all elections in the political arena represent a fraudulent premise. Don't need a "deep state" to be behind that, all you have to know is that government purports to be by consent of the people, when it really isn't. That's self evident and right on the surface, Numbnutz.

This past Presidential election had massive fraud in the vote tabulation. Dead people voting etc, fake water main breaks, inexplicable suitcases, etc. but that's not all.

I think it's likely that votes were switched, using the Dominion voting machines or appendages of it etc.. To believe otherwise could be evidence of Trump derangement syndrome.

I don't give a fuck about Trump's call, that's a non sequitur to whether or not Dominion or something related to it, "switched votes". I also don't give a fuck about Trump. I wouldn't want to be Biden as President either, those daily injections he gets to keep him from lapsing back into total senility won't work forever. I'm thinking Kamala will be eating Biden's heart in some kind of devil worship ceremony by June 2021 at the latest.
I believe all elections in the political arena represent a fraudulent premise. Don't need a "deep state" to be behind that, all you have to know is that government purports to be by consent of the people, when it really isn't. That's self evident and right on the surface, Numbnutz.

This past Presidential election had massive fraud in the vote tabulation. Dead people voting etc, fake water main breaks, inexplicable suitcases, etc. but that's not all.

I think it's likely that votes were switched, using the Dominion voting machines or appendages of it etc.. To believe otherwise could be evidence of Trump derangement syndrome.

I don't give a fuck about Trump's call, that's a non sequitur to whether or not Dominion or something related to it, "switched votes". I also don't give a fuck about Trump. I wouldn't want to be Biden as President either, those daily injections he gets to keep him from lapsing back into total senility won't work forever. I'm thinking Kamala will be eating Biden's heart in some kind of devil worship ceremony by June 2021 at the latest.
Bullshit you commie pinko. We’re by the people for the people here.
Bullshit you commie pinko. We’re by the people for the people here.

What you are saying is sometimes you don't think consent of the individual is necessary for consent to have occurred and that those who proceed against the consent of an individual are doing it right. Sounds gang rapey and democratic, but I repeat myself.
I believe all elections in the political arena represent a fraudulent premise. Don't need a "deep state" to be behind that, all you have to know is that government purports to be by consent of the people, when it really isn't. That's self evident and right on the surface, Numbnutz.

This past Presidential election had massive fraud in the vote tabulation. Dead people voting etc, fake water main breaks, inexplicable suitcases, etc. but that's not all.

I think it's likely that votes were switched, using the Dominion voting machines or appendages of it etc.. To believe otherwise could be evidence of Trump derangement syndrome.

I don't give a fuck about Trump's call, that's a non sequitur to whether or not Dominion or something related to it, "switched votes". I also don't give a fuck about Trump. I wouldn't want to be Biden as President either, those daily injections he gets to keep him from lapsing back into total senility won't work forever. I'm thinking Kamala will be eating Biden's heart in some kind of devil worship ceremony by June 2021 at the latest.
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I believe all elections in the political arena represent a fraudulent premise. Don't need a "deep state" to be behind that, all you have to know is that government purports to be by consent of the people, when it really isn't. That's self evident and right on the surface, Numbnutz.

This past Presidential election had massive fraud in the vote tabulation. Dead people voting etc, fake water main breaks, inexplicable suitcases, etc. but that's not all.

I think it's likely that votes were switched, using the Dominion voting machines or appendages of it etc.. To believe otherwise could be evidence of Trump derangement syndrome.

I don't give a fuck about Trump's call, that's a non sequitur to whether or not Dominion or something related to it, "switched votes". I also don't give a fuck about Trump. I wouldn't want to be Biden as President either, those daily injections he gets to keep him from lapsing back into total senility won't work forever. I'm thinking Kamala will be eating Biden's heart in some kind of devil worship ceremony by June 2021 at the latest.
Why do you guys keep responding to that asshole?
What is the point in not?

His bullshit gets to go without being called out on being the propaganda it is. I don't want it on my conscious to think some mentally challenged person logs in reads his posts and thinks he is really onto something without seeing the pushback.

And it is not like he is not going to post more of the manufactured propaganda talking points if nobody talks to him.