Uses of Super Plant Tonic

whats mollassas effect when used with plant tonic, does it affect the smell or tastes of the bud since the micros are breaking the sugars and such down
whats mollassas effect when used with plant tonic, does it affect the smell or tastes of the bud since the micros are breaking the sugars and such down
Hayzy.... If you use Molasses mixed in with SPT, it will provide more energy to Mary, since it will rev up the micro-beasties. They will reproduce quicker (since they have more food) then will process the NPK in the grow medium at a faster rate (since there will be more of them). The will enhance bud development. Will it add more weight, yes, but on a very small scale - like 1 to 2 grams extra per plant. No more.
Using Molasses during the last two weeks of flowering, adds a boldness to the taste of your buds. Not a bad taste or strange one, just different. Kinda like the difference between regular coffee and dark columbian roast.
Personally, I just go with plain water the last two weeks of flowering - so that nothing interferes with the true taste of my buddage. I don't use the SPT the last weeks, only because a good poplulation of micro-beasties is already established in my soil - and using it the last two weeks, would be wasteful.
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real...Organic..... :weed:
Igolos..... Must have one of their older bottles. The old ones sure did look like hydrogen peroxide bottles. The new ones look like this :


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Igolos..... Must have one of their older bottles. The old ones sure did look like hydrogen peroxide bottles. The new ones look like this :

Yeah, I saw on their auction. I wonder if that had anything to do with them changing it.
haha. no i dont think so. i heard it had something to do with a lot of leaks (mostly during shipping). i think they said the person who they got their bottle caps from started sending them cheap china caps and so they changed bottles.
haha. no i dont think so. i heard it had something to do with a lot of leaks (mostly during shipping). i think they said the person who they got their bottle caps from started sending them cheap china caps and so they changed bottles.
Yes, they had about a dozen bottles leak back in June/July. Bill told me the supplier of their bottles had pulled a quicky on them and started giving them bottles with cheap caps (made in China).
They refunded the cost of every bottle that leaked and ended their dealing with that supplier.
Bill told me, that supplier was making a whole 2 cents more, by substituting the cheap caps. He made a whole extra dollar and lost their business. That little SNAFU cost BMO over $ 100 dollars in refunds for bottles & shipping cost. Greedy people suck.....
Buy American - Don't support Communist.......
OK, I'm stepping off the soap box now. I just hated to see such nice people, lose money because of some greedy a*shole.
Keep it Real..... American....
What would you say about using SPT with hygrozyme and subculture? along with the basic nutes and humics acids? Does SPT work well with everything out there?
you should def. wait for OhSo to pop in and give you the whole scoop, but from what iv experience is...yes, SPT will enhance any and all nutes you use. its also helpful because it makes your plants root ball so effiecient that you need much less of what ever it is your adding, saving you countless bones in the long run, especially if your plan guzzle the expensive stuff.
What would you say about using SPT with hygrozyme and subculture? along with the basic nutes and humics acids? Does SPT work well with everything out there?
Hydrokronics.... SPT will work with both of them.
Sub-culture is basically a group of beneifical bacteria that assist in breaking down insoluble NPK in the root zone, it also provides some protection for roots.
Hygrozyme is basically a enzymatic formula, it's enzymes break down dead roots, partially decomposed organic materials like stems, clumps of spaghum peat moss and many other things. Hygrozyme is good stuff.
SPT would compliment these, as long as it was used within reason. I consider 1/4 of the recommended dose, within reason with adding or starting something new. Since, you can have too much of a good thing.
If you used them all, at standard full strenght doses - Mary would get flooded with NPK, that had been converted from insoluble to soluble form - by the micro-beaties. The end result would be nute burn.
I have personally used SPT with Sub-culture. I thought the SPT, worked as well, just by itself. My best bud, loves Hygrozyme and has used it with SPT. He was very pleased with the results. But we both, used the SPT at lower doses (1/4 to 1/2) - to ensure no nute burn. Neither of us have used all three together at once.
If anyone has used all three together..... please chime in and share.....
Keep it Real...Organic....
Thank you Ohso. I am excited to give it a shot. I pretty much use the 1/4 - 1/2 strength method all the time. Since i am already using the sub with the hygro i feel like i am already going to "over do it" I am hoping that the SPT with be a good replacment for the superthrive because i am being constantly turned off by it day after day :) I am using the GH Recirculating Expert Program. With everything except florolious plus. I replace that with Liquid Karma. So, like i said i already feel like i am going to OD. But i am having ubelievable root growth. It is amazing. Do u have any knowledge on pruning roots? i am using a waterfarm and it is just about rootbound only one week into flowering. I am worried that there will not be enough space for the roots to grow any further and it will stress my girl. Sorry for inda changing topics on you but i would love to harvest some of your good knowledge while i cankiss-ass Thanks again for all your help and info on SPT :) :) My bottle is one the way. It was brewed on OCT 10th 2008. Its nice knowing that i am getting somthing organic and clean! :mrgreen: Pe@ce
Hydrokronics.... Unless you absolutely have too, I would not trim up the roots on your plants. You can do it, but it will set you back about 3 to 5 days (recovering from the shock). If you need to, trim the last 2 inches of new growth - cut straight across the roots using a pair of very sharp scissors. Do not feed, or introduce anything new into your medium for two days following the trimming - to prevent further shock.
Hope this helps....
yea. it def makes sence. I trimmed a small amount of roots just due to the fact that my lower res of my waterarm unit is completly packed with roots :) this is a great thing but i am only 2 weeks into flower!! do you think that even though there is no more room for roots the plant will be ok? I Have to inmagine that the plant will still thrive. I figured the the roots would become more compacked, and the amount of space in a waterfarm is enough. I hope im right
yea. it def makes sence. I trimmed a small amount of roots just due to the fact that my lower res of my waterarm unit is completly packed with roots :) this is a great thing but i am only 2 weeks into flower!! do you think that even though there is no more room for roots the plant will be ok? I Have to inmagine that the plant will still thrive. I figured the the roots would become more compacked, and the amount of space in a waterfarm is enough. I hope im right
Hydrokronics.... Yes, the small trim job did not provide much shock. Your plants will thrive and should finish well, now that they have a little breathing room.
Keep it Real...Organic....
How about let's recycle this thread..... in case someone missed it, or did not tag it.
Hope this helps someone.....
Keep it Real...Organic....
hey ohso, i just recently ordered SPT and am new to the organic world, i just mixed up a batch of soil for my lil ones and have a question. i added some mycorise to my soil, along with some greensand, and worm castings. im am wondering because ive added that mycorise will it be too much micro beasties for my plants to give them SPT or am i trippin??
hey ohso, i just recently ordered SPT and am new to the organic world, i just mixed up a batch of soil for my lil ones and have a question. i added some mycorise to my soil, along with some greensand, and worm castings. im am wondering because ive added that mycorise will it be too much micro beasties for my plants to give them SPT or am i trippin??
McLovin4:20... You are not trippin... it's a good question.
The anwser is : Since you have introduced myco fungi into your soil mix - it would be best to wait a week before using the SPT. Then when you do use the SPT, mix it at half strength and use it according to the guidelines on the label. One quart per gallon of soil, not to exceed 1 gallon (4 quarts) per plant (max).
It's good to have myco fungi and good bacteria in the soil - it's not good to over do anything in growing. Low, Slow & Steady - makes Mary a happy girl. :)
Keep it Real...Organic....
Ohso - +rep. Thank you very much for introducing me(and others) to BMO. I ordered their last batch. I will be using all four of their products. This is my first grow, and I figured since I'm big on taste, why not go soil&organic! I hope this stuff works as well as you say! my only worry is that I will over fertilize. I got my girls from an older gent I know. They are Blue Rhino. He said they don't take well to too many ferts!
Anyway thank you very much for taking the time to answer all these people's questions and being so helpful to all of us.
Good luck and stay safe!